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Team Goal Progess Display In Dynasty Mode


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Only started playing this game a month ago , playing in Dynasty Mode with the Washington Nationals. I used to live in Montreal and using the game to resurrect the Expos :)

Is it normal that not all team goal progress is displayed ?

2 goals in particular .. " Lead AAA in SO's (individual) has nothing displayed next to it despite the fact one of my pitchers is the league leader.

Also " Allow least runs in MLB " which I'm doing by a large margin has nothing displayed next to it.

This completely normal ?

I'm only about 50 games into my 1st season.


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My AA team's slugging % is displayed for some reason .. even though it's not meeting the .400 1yr stretch goal.

My team's winning % and home game wins are displayed in the 3yr contract goals , but nothing else displayed in 1 yr stretch goals despite the fact I'm a lock for one of them and competing closely for another.

And wow , played a AA game to try and help my team increase their slugging % and it seemed so much harder to get any hits at all compared to a MLB game.

Was i just off that day or do the AA players suck that much that hitting is so much harder ?

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They are yearly goals. Your team needs to be leading in a particular category at the end of the season for the goal to be completed.

It means nothing if you lead the league in something just 50 games in.

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