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I Am New To Everything: Problem Installing Mvp05 On Windows 8.1


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I am clueless. I am a moron. I am trying to install mvp2005 on windows 8.1 When I go to install the game my screen freaks out and then says "mvp2005.exe has stopped working". My only option is to then close the program.

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Thanks for your response. I tried several different compatibility modes (windows 7, vista, and xp). All did the same thing. Screen goes crazy followed by "mvp2005.exe has stopped working". Any other thoughts? I appreciate the help

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y tried the troubleshoot it?

y sure y have all the files in the right places. it kind sounds like there a missing file.

y could try running as admin. sometimes that helps.

it should have run in xp. that the osat the time of release. I think,

try these and get back to us if you still have issues.

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What I would suggest you do is search the forums because people have had this problem with Windows 8 and they have found ways through it. Searching these forums can provide a wealth of information.

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I installed from a disc. Got it sorted out. Thank you. Now I just need to figure out how to install mods! Slowly but surely I will learn how to do all of this :)

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I have downloaded the mvp13 complete mod. I saved everything into a file. I am supposed to now double click the "explodeme" file that has be extracted. However, when I do this it says the file is unreadable or corrupted. Thoughts? I think I need to do this step in order to install the mod.

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I have downloaded the mvp13 complete mod. I saved everything into a file. I am supposed to now double click the "explodeme" file that has be extracted. However, when I do this it says the file is unreadable or corrupted. Thoughts? I think I need to do this step in order to install the mod.

You probably did not get the entire download.

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i agree with yank y prtoably dont have it it. the download may have donwloaded properly try redownloading it and be sure y have it all.

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  • 2 months later...

I can only get my original version of mvp 2005 to run under Windows 8.1 Update 1.. if i try the mvp12 or mvp13 mods it will tank..

Although interestingly, it seems if i first reboot the machine, then launch it, it works.. but if i later close it and reopen it will not.

The exact same MVP12/13 install will work fine under a Windows 7 x64 install.

The crash occurs after choosing the quick game then "GO" .. progress bar 50% then crash.. mvp2005.exe has stopped working.

At first I thought maybe it was the newer nvidia driver causing the issue, but then i installed the 11/2013 driver (which works under Windows 8.0 btw, reboot or not).. and this didnt help, so I believe it is specific to 8.1 or 8.1 with update 1.

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  • 1 month later...

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