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File Name: Brandon Crawford

File Submitter: picklebrad

File Submitted: 16 May 2014

File Category: Faces

Hey guys and gals. Here is my Brandon Crawford cyberface. I think I'm starting to get the hang of making these now. The key is to not rush yourself and be super patient. Anyhow, make sure to back up your old file and make sure his face # is 3473 using Ty's Editor in case your roster file is different. I hope you enjoy and feel free to donate if you like my work. I am saving for a newer, faster computer. God bless.


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unfortunately correct it seems. im still plugging away at them. hope to see what you do with mine. you became adept with Blender pretty quickly.

The face shape makes all the difference in the world even if you have a perfect texture. The best thing to do is start out with someone who "resembles" the CF you are making. I can PM you a tutorial for Blender if that's what you need.

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