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I was wondering if anyone is able to create and add the new managers (ie.. Bryan Price, Reds, Ryan Sandberg, Phillies, etc..) into the game with 2014 rosters. I did not know if that is possible or not. Would be awesome if that can be done along with the actual schedule. Either way, thanks for all of the great work you guys have already done to make this game even better.

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Wishful thinking here. Nobody's interested in keeping MLB2K12 viable. They're only interested in keeping MVP 04 and 05 alive.

I don't know if that is accurate LouisvilleLipp. Granted you know more about this game then I do but there's a guy named DaSteelerz who is updating the stadiums for that game one by one and another guy (raidersbball20) who is doing a lot of portraits. I think there's still a lot of interest in this game but again I don't have my eye on the game as closely as you do.

Wishful thinking here. Nobody's interested in keeping MLB2K12 viable. They're only interested in keeping MVP 04 and 05 alive.

I consider this a bit insulting. Not to mention that your input wasn't even helpful. You just took a shot at the game and left the original poster with nothing. Duke, I'm not sure if that is possible or not... I think it is. You would have to ask Kccitystar or BSU-Fan. They are roster guys. I would hope so... I'm dying for a 2014 roster like the wudl roster or like BSU's roster.

I consider this a bit insulting. Not to mention that your input wasn't even helpful. You just took a shot at the game and left the original poster with nothing. Duke, I'm not sure if that is possible or not... I think it is. You would have to ask Kccitystar or BSU-Fan. They are roster guys. I would hope so... I'm dying for a 2014 roster like the wudl roster or like BSU's roster.

I don't think the guy's trying to be insulting. I think what he is really looking for is an updated, working roster and he sees that the Mvp game still gets that. You yourself just said you were looking for the same thing.

I dont think you are looking very hard. This isnt a one download update like mvp 13. Without mentioning modders I pretty much play 2k14 daily thanks to this site. And yes you can update managers and their portraits

And yes you can update managers and their portraits

Affirmative on this one "raidersbball20" In fact if one looks back through the threads here, Wudl did do a roster with new managers at the time. I remember reading about swapping Gibbons in to Toronto and good ole "whats his name" out to Boston. He was working on updating all, but I don't know if he ever finished or released it. It is a shame, I know he had a lot of great ideas and work in progress, but was cut short and had to leave the site for awhile, and he hasn't returned yet. Maybe someday.

Nobody is insulting anyone as Y4L pointed out. Don't get it twisted. I appreciate everything modders do in regards to stadium updates, jerseys, etc... I'm just looking for a playable updated roster, with correct players on their correct teams. I realize it's a lot of grunt work and is a time consuming project. Think and read before you speak.

I consider this a bit insulting. Not to mention that your input wasn't even helpful. You just took a shot at the game and left the original poster with nothing. Duke, I'm not sure if that is possible or not... I think it is. You would have to ask Kccitystar or BSU-Fan. They are roster guys. I would hope so... I'm dying for a 2014 roster like the wudl roster or like BSU's roster.

I consider this a bit insulting. Not to mention that your input wasn't even helpful. You just took a shot at the game and left the original poster with nothing. Duke, I'm not sure if that is possible or not... I think it is. You would have to ask Kccitystar or BSU-Fan. They are roster guys. I would hope so... I'm dying for a 2014 roster like the wudl roster or like BSU's roster.

Nobody is insulting anyone as Y4L pointed out. Don't get it twisted. I appreciate everything modders do in regards to stadium updates, jerseys, etc... I'm just looking for a playable updated roster, with correct players on their correct teams. I realize it's a lot of grunt work and is a time consuming project. Think and read before you speak.

Nobody is insulting anyone as Y4L pointed out. Don't get it twisted. I appreciate everything modders do in regards to stadium updates, jerseys, etc... I'm just looking for a playable updated roster, with correct players on their correct teams. I realize it's a lot of grunt work and is a time consuming project. Think and read before you speak.

I see what you're saying. I understand you're just as frustrated as me about rosters.. we gotta focus on the topic at hand and use it to support the original poster though that's all.

We all get frustrated with not having certain mods. That's just how this works. We all have families, jobs, and children that occupy our time. I work 58 hours a week, I am married, and have five children, but I still make myself a little time for mods because this is something I enjoy doing. We just need to be patient with one another. I appreciate the time everyone puts into this.

I wish I could do rosters but I wouldn't be able to do stadiums and rosters at the same time. I understand it's a lot of work to do rosters... didn't BSU say he had one in the making? (One that does not crash Franchise)

Also, I've been advocating new manager faces for quite a while but it's either hard to find manager portraits (which is funny because a lot of the new managers are former players), or nobody cares enough to do anything since you'd hardly notice.

But guys like me do.

I always look for little things. Subtlety matters.

I have a global.iff update in the works and I'm done.

I couldn't possibly be bothered to make more uniforms or stadium tweaks anymore unless Vlad from NBA-Live releases his .iff tool but even then, there isn't much possible to do other than 2X the jerseys and given that this is a DirectX 9 game, there isn't much I can do visually other than hex editing, which I have 0 experience in doing and I don't know what to look for.

I haven't modded MVP in a long time, and my only recent work on it was a PSD template pack that I had to find sources for.

yeah kc is right about unis,there isn't a whole lot left to do.It would be different if we had more space because then we could do old time unis that havnt been covered yet.Kinda like how mvp has probally almost all unis ever thought of.About the only thing that could be done are the ones this year with the memorial patches

yeah kc is right about unis,there isn't a whole lot left to do.It would be different if we had more space because then we could do old time unis that havnt been covered yet.Kinda like how mvp has probally almost all unis ever thought of.About the only thing that could be done are the ones this year with the memorial patches

I can, if I was really motivated enough, cover all of the uniforms made for a franchise. I made the 1998 Diamondbacks and 2001 road sets from scratch with custom fonts/shadows, for example. It's really just a matter of finding the right uniform that has the right number/logo positioning and modding the logos/fonts to fit that space. It's just not worth the effort to me to find literally high quality logos from 1920 or whatever since I try really hard to not settle for "good enough" or "eh it's pretty close".

I mean, I don't know man. It's an integrity issue with me. If I can't do it right, I just won't do it at all.

I just downloaded earlier today someone that updated BSU's 2013 rosters for the 2014 season including new managers. Thank you all for your feedback. It seems to be a great file but I have only played one game with it. BTW, it does have the Astros correctly in the AL West.

Greg82 has just provided what I was asking for: a recent roster with the new managers. I downloaded it earlier today and played a game with the Reds at Houston. It had Bryan Price as the Reds manager. He basically used the final 2013 roster from BSU and converted it to 2014 rosters and managers. It seems to play pretty well. Look forward to starting a Reds and Orioles (and maybe Dodgers or Indians) franchise with it.

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