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Is This Site Dead?


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I have a subscription until November but I can't download anything it keeps saying ive gone past 2 downloads a day even though I haven't downloaded anything in 2 days. I tried upgrading to lifetime subscription and it wouldn't accept it. I tried clicking on contact administrator and it doesn't allow me to do that either. Is anyone looking after this site anymore or do I give up?

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I have a subscription until November but I can't download anything it keeps saying ive gone past 2 downloads a day even though I haven't downloaded anything in 2 days. I tried upgrading to lifetime subscription and it wouldn't accept it. I tried clicking on contact administrator and it doesn't allow me to do that either. Is anyone looking after this site anymore or do I give up?

Yes, we are all ghosts here.

And what subscription do you have? You are not in a contributor or a contributor plus status. You are a member and that means you get only two downloads a day.

And to answer your question, yes there are people here like myself that are looking after the website. If you have not heard from the website owner that means he is busy. Away from this website he is like everyone else. He works. And sometimes that can be time-consuming.

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I realize its saying that im not lol but I assure you I have a subscription. That's my issue it's telling me I don't. I paid $5 from November of 13 to November of 14. It even says that when I try to upgrade that my subscription runs out November of 2014. I was ok giving 5 more dollars for unlimited subscription but it won't let me do that either. I meant no offence to anyone but clearly I offended you. It's a little frustrating that 1. Ive given my money and it doesn't allow me to do what I paid for and 2. even if I wasn't a paying customer it says I used my 2 downloads for today when I haven't even had my computer for 2 days so that would be impossible. 3.to fix my issue it has a contact administrator link that gives me an error so I can't contact anyone.

So forgive me for thinking that the site was no longer functioning.

anyways any help in remedying this for a paying customer would be appreciated.

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Um, you didn't offend me and I never said you did.

I am going to bring this up to the site owner tonight. He knows when and how much you contributed. What I have done for you right away is move you into contributor status. I am also going to let the site owner know I did this too.

I am sure this will get straightened out soon.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate it. If he can resolve it I would like to pay the extra to get unlimited but it won't let me. It gives me errors when I click on pay pal. So if you could mention that to him as well I would appreciate it.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate it. If he can resolve it I would like to pay the extra to get unlimited but it won't let me. It gives me errors when I click on pay pal. So if you could mention that to him as well I would appreciate it.

I gave him a link to this thread so he could see for himself the problems you were having. Don't worry, Trues can fix this.

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