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File Name: MVP Asia Series 2014

File Submitter: chunyanlin

File Submitted: 19 Jul 2014

File Category: Total Conversion Mods

Version: 1.0

I. Introduction
Thank you for downloading the MVP BASEBALL ASIA 2014 MOD.
This total conversion mod for MVP Baseball 2005
changes your game to MVP Asia Series 2014.
The MOD included all teams in Asia baseball teams.
Japan(NPB) 12 teams. Korea(KBO) 10 teams Taiwan(CPBL) 4 teams.
Independent league:
Shigoku League (Japan) Baseball Challange League(Japan)
National Teams:
II. Contents
1.30 Asia baseball teams replaced the MLB teams.
2.Over 300 uniforms and 700 faces in the mod.
3.Asian baseball's characteristic "cheer songs" are used
numerous in this MOD.
4.Changed walk up musics to Asian style.
Thanks to every one who contributed.Not only the team of
"Gamebase Players" but also the modders in MVPmods.
Before I release it,I asked some modders who made MVP12.
Because this mod is based on MVP12.
Thanks for thier generous and kindness.
IV.How to intall
How to use?
After you downloaded the "MVP Baseball Asia 2014"file, double-click to open it.
Back up your files before you use it.
Unzip the MVP Baseball Asia Series 2014 and you'll get a data file,0000000.256,and ASIA LEAGUE 14.mbe
Replace "data" and "0000000.256"to your original files.
Play the MOD.
We are now looking for some friends to make MOD of next year together.
If you enjoyed this MOD and have interested about it.
Please tell me on the MVPMODS.

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  • 6 years later...
17 minutes ago, cf55 said:

There are 6 parts to this file to be downloaded that all look pretty much the same. I did the first part and tried to play the game but it crashes the moment teams are about to start a game. Help?


Because you need to download all six parts.

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I created another 2005 copy and placed only part 1 rar file in the new copy. The second time I tried extracting the files it asked where part 2 was and when pointed to the location it proceeded to extract all 6 files in order without glitch. However again the moment you try to play a game it crashes before the game starts?????

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I have downloaded 11 different total mods and they all work, but this one.

The game loads fine. However,  in play now or exhibition you can see players and pitching match ups and when you hit go you get half way through the game loading bar and just when it looks like it will work...crash.

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Windows 10, but I run the game in a Virtual Windows 7 without problems for the other mods. My main reason for even buying MVP Baseball 2005 was to create a Japanese league which I will do anyway. This mod I thought could get me there sooner.

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4 hours ago, cf55 said:

I noticed the the Asian Series has 4 LOC files in the data folder. The FEENG.LOC and the IGENG.LOC from the original game plus FEJPN.LOC and IGJPN.LOC should all four be there or just the new LOC files?

You only need one set of .LOC files. My guess is that The xxJPN.LOC files contain the game text in Japanese. If you want Japanese text, replace the two .LOC files in the game with the xxJPN.LOC files. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, cf55 said:

I noticed in the Asian Series the Orix Buffaloes features the Hankyu Braves jersey in the Uniforms.big but not in the models.big. Are there any plans to create and or add that uniform to the game?


Like Jim said the guy that made this mod has not been here in four years. He has one more post than you do as of right now, so if you continue to ask him questions about who, what or why about this mod you are going to get the same result: no answer.

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I took a look and the Hankyu Braves (throwback) uniforms are indeed in the game/models.BIG file.  I have specifically the home/road throwbacks here in the included ZIP file.  Just install with TiT (Total Installer Thingy) and you should be good to go.  





Orix Buffaloes-Hankyu Braves.zip

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Is there a group working in the MVP Asia? If it is possible to gather a group of 4 or 5 editors interested in working on this project for an MVP Asia 2020 - 2021. I could contribute in (faces, portraits, stadiums, uniforms, screens-loading, roster and other things ...)

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Wow, Wow and Wow! Thank you Dennis. I have been researching Japanese baseball for ages and really bought this game to create a league with all the historic teams.


And the same for the Negro leagues. I do have the Negro League total mod which is great for starters.

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Okay. I have had too many issues with this Asian mod.

So, I decided to start over from scratch.

Fresh clean copy of MVP Baseball 2005 to which I installed first MVP 2013 total mod.

Then on top of that the Asian Series.

And just as I thought the first install did not install correctly.

Now the game works perfectly.


I love it.


Thanks to all for their input, advise and great work.



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