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Win 7 & Win Xp - What Works And What Doesn't


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Hello Everyone!

Well I am not completely sure on where to post this, but I figured that all my trial & error scenarios might help others that have suffered from the same issues that I had... Namely that certain mods and applications respond so differently depending on your OS.

First off... The mods at this website are the so wonderful and inspired and I appreciate all the different modders that provide there services to this site and the MVP05 game.

So, I have had a whole lot of problems getting a stable modded game to run. Not that I haven't been able to play a game unhindered now and then, but a STABLE game... that's been tough.

Even harder is that I let little things annoy me, which doesn't help.

Like having the numbers 2005 over the calender, even if the games represented are from 2014... it drives me bonkers.

I do believe I have problems. ;-)

Even though, if there is a issue that needed fixin' you bet there is a mod out there.

Like with the schedule situation, we have "schedule updater" by ty. (Which I know is a tough mod to get now)

Which I got to work "ONCE" and only that one time. I don't know how, why and to what extent that it was made possible.

But on my current Win 7 system, only once... and that took way to many hours and go around maneuvers that I don't even remember them all. But that doesn't matter because my MVP13 only works if I restart my computer, turn off all Anti-Virus programs, run from desktop and perform a ritual of subjugation to the gods of chaos. Sometimes... I've been able to play a game and sometimes two if I do those steps. BUT if I do ANYTHING ELSE on the computer, it's game over. That's right... restart the computer again, turn off all AV Programs, run from the desktop, make sure you run as ADMIN and have the WIN XP compatibility box check or whatever... yup this technique allows me to play roughly 50% of the time. But you can forget about using the "Schedule Updater" or basically any third party programs. Ugh... frustrating yet still worth it to play such awesome mods with a fantastic game.

Now, the Total Classic mods are a different story.

They work every time, never a problem... I don't think that I've ever had a crash or any difficulties playing them.

Thank God, because those are works of ART and I'm not even remotely joking... those mods are masterpieces and I tip my hat to all those involved.

Well, because I love playing the classics but I really wanted to play the current roster and season also, I had to come up with something else. So what I did was dig my 10 -12 year old desktop from my garage and installed XP on it and have that setup to be purely for playing MVP 13 and whatever the future holds.

And after taking a few days and random tinkering, what is the verdict?

MVP 13 with all the mods to update it like "Daflyboys Rosters and Homers Face Pack" works PERFECT, not one issue.

Well what about the third party programs like "Schedule Updater"?

YEAH, never had a problem with those either...

... It's truly the most wonderful feeling of accomplishment that I have felt in the last month and a half of trying so hard to get MVP 13 to work with my WIN 7 computer... which is so far superior, it's sad.

So a decade old Win XP computer fly's circles around my beast win 7 gamer computer... when concerning this game with those mods.

So my advice to anyone who is having difficulties with stability and some of the mods on a WIN 7 system...

... I still don't have a clue...

I know that restarting every time you want to play, turning off ALL AV Programs, running from desktop and winxp compatibility mode, along with running as admin... these steps did work to allow me to play the game here and there. But the programs by ty and other third party mods just didn't really function for me.

But those other steps did allow me to play several games on Win 7, so it was possible... just not to my satisfaction.

Anyways, I hope that my experiences might have helped others that also had problems with Win 7 and MVP 13 and beyond.

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I'm glad you have things working and as far as you getting the game to run better on XP I agree there. I think XP is still a superior operating system even though they don't support it anymore. I have a very good XP laptop and I have nothing but games installed on that. Mvp '05 runs well on it and so does everything else I have on there.

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I'm glad you have things working and as far as you getting the game to run better on XP I agree there. I think XP is still a superior operating system even though they don't support it anymore. I have a very good XP laptop and I have nothing but games installed on that. Mvp '05 runs well on it and so does everything else I have on there.

They do still support it. But for the government only. But a quick registry change fixes that for the average joe. Google it Y4L. It literally takes 5 minutes.

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They do still support it. But for the government only. But a quick registry change fixes that for the average joe. Google it Y4L. It literally takes 5 minutes.

I honestly didn't know this.

I also think that if they want to support it for the government then they should do it for everybody else.

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Ruuning xp is fine but I would recommend chrome or firefox for security purposes. An outdated IE spells trouble.

I agree with that. I use Firefox on my XP laptop and have Kaspersky and Malwarebytes Pro always up-to-date.

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So Y4L, I'm still having problems downloading files... still saying that it's in a forever loop.

I've been trying to get "KSM Datafile 2007 v4.7"... I wanted to check out its camera options and all.

I know that Trues is busy and he's done so much for everyone here,

but do you have any idea when some of those files that are not downloading will work?

Obviously not that important but that is not the only file to still be Out Of Order.

Or, there is something wrong on my side, in which case... my apologies.

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So Y4L, I'm still having problems downloading files... still saying that it's in a forever loop.

I've been trying to get "KSM Datafile 2007 v4.7"... I wanted to check out its camera options and all.

I know that Trues is busy and he's done so much for everyone here,

but do you have any idea when some of those files that are not downloading will work?

Obviously not that important but that is not the only file to still be Out Of Order.

Or, there is something wrong on my side, in which case... my apologies.

No, there is nothing wrong on your side. This download problem has been going on for awhile now and for the past few weeks or so Trues has not been here because he moved from one state to another and you can imagine how much is involved to do something like that.

He is very aware of this issue and will be fixing it and when he does try that KSM Datafile because that guy made some pretty good ones. My I suggest you check out It covers the top modders in here and you can check out some of their work that is in the download section. Keep in mind this is not all of their work but it gives a very good idea what they did and what we have here for download.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just recently downloaded MVP13 and have been playing it for the past few days. Whenever it gets into a game, it runs really slow. I have no problem navigating the menus at a good speed, but when it gets into a game it's too slow to enjoy it at all. I was wondering if there was a way I could get it to run faster. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.

I heard that it works great on XP. Is this true? If so, how and where can I change my system to XP? Or do you have any other suggestions? Does playing the original MVP05 and just modding certain parts of it run faster than the MVP13 total conversion mod?

Thank you for the help.

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I just recently downloaded MVP13 and have been playing it for the past few days. Whenever it gets into a game, it runs really slow. I have no problem navigating the menus at a good speed, but when it gets into a game it's too slow to enjoy it at all. I was wondering if there was a way I could get it to run faster. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.

I heard that it works great on XP. Is this true? If so, how and where can I change my system to XP? Or do you have any other suggestions? Does playing the original MVP05 and just modding certain parts of it run faster than the MVP13 total conversion mod?

Thank you for the help.

I am kind of puzzled as to why this is happening to you as you try to play the game on Windows 7. I play Mvp 05 on an XP laptop, a Windows 7 laptop and a Vista desktop with no problems at all to report.

Does playing the original MVP05 and just modding certain parts of it run faster than the MVP13 total conversion mod?

Yeah sure, but why would you even want to? And now that I think about it you almost couldn't unless you really want to sacrifice some things. You can play this game with all of the original out-of-the-box unmodded stadiums but you will be sacrificing a lot because the stadiums EA made were bland and boring.

You can also play the game without any of the uniforms that were made on this site and that means you won't have much choices in that department.

And I believe that is that because if you want to use updated rosters you'll have to have the updated portraits and cyberfaces that go along with them or be resigned to use the default rosters from 2005.

Personally I would try to figure out why my game is running slow before I do this.

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I just finished downloading XP, I'm going to see if running it on that makes a difference. I have 7 Home Premium so I don't have XP compatibility mode.

So you're going to basically wipe out the functionality of your PC using W7 just so you can use XP (since it will not keep your installed program intact and you'll have to re-install everything you want if you want to go back to W7)? Not sure what you're doing. Are you running something else that would rely on the same graphics/program driver needs that MVP needs (e.g., XBMC)?

Did you try the other W7 fixes, like the basic one of simply installing it to your desktop and then modding/playing from that? Although I had no problem running it from the default program install folder for W7, I also was able to run it from the desktop.

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I just finished downloading XP, I'm going to see if running it on that makes a difference. I have 7 Home Premium so I don't have XP compatibility mode.

Not that I need it but I didn't know you could download XP? And if this is from an illegal site, well we don't need to know.

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According to this site, there is a way, but I'm not going to mess with it. Maybe hunt around the official M$ website.


Btw, there is a legal and official free download of Adobe Creative Suite 2 (I think they're on like 845 right now..... just kidding). For most users it will do everything you need and more. So you get the entire Suite (Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, etc.). Well they did as of last year. Not sure where things are at now, but you'd need to go to the Adobe site, set up an account and check into seeing if you can still get it. I would bet you could.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I've just installed VMware and I'm now running windows xp on it successfully. I'll try to download MVP05 on there and see how it runs. If that doesn't work out, I've found the Adobe Creative Suite 2, so I'll download that in that case. I'll let you know how things go.

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So I just tried MVP05 without any mods on XP and it runs soooo much better than on 7. However, there is still a decent amount of choppiness. I tried playing around with the resolution under MyMVP, as well as changing the texture, detail and density options to low, but that made little to no difference. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how I could make it run more smoothly on XP.

daflyboys, I'll try installing Adobe CS2 on XP now and see if it makes a difference.


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