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I have a low-end laptop, but I do have a dedicated graphics card. I can run 60-75 fps on medium settings. I got back into 2k12 this past weekend and modded the crap out of the game. Holy crap did it take a hit. I went down to about 25-30 fps on the lowest settings, and the game was unplayable. The mods I applied are:

almost all stadium mods

new rosters

sky textures

and the global.iff

I am in the process of re-downloading mlb 2k12 to make a clean install, copy it and mod that. Are any of the previous mods I mentioned killer for lower end gaming laptops? I'd love to stick with 2k12 on the pc, but if it stays slugging or my aging computer can't handle it I may have to do the 360.

Any advise is appreciated.

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All of those mods you mentioned except for the new roster will slow down the game a bit. And wait until the new stadiums come out, with higher resolution textures... I do agree with Y4L, check if you can expand the ram on your pc. What's your setup anyway? I play on my laptop as well (not a gaming laptop by any means) and i only ran into huge fps drops when i added the HD graphics mods (running the game at full settings)

It's (4) years old.

GPU: GeForce GT 425M

CPU: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 230@ 2.53 GHz

4.0 GB RAM (3.79 usable)

Current resolution: 1366 x 768, 60 Hz

Windows 8.1 Pro

I have played 2k12 lots in the past with some mods at 60 fps, but I don't know the exact ones. I can also play Assassin's Creed 3. I just don't want to bog down 2k12.

Maybe I should look into additional RAM.

I did a performance benchmark this morning on all low video settings, and it was 90 FPS. I am willing to go down to the 55-60 range since I think a 360 runs on 60 Hz anyway.

It's (4) years old.

GPU: GeForce GT 425M

CPU: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 230@ 2.53 GHz

4.0 GB RAM (3.79 usable)

Current resolution: 1366 x 768, 60 Hz

Windows 8.1 Pro

I have played 2k12 lots in the past with some mods at 60 fps, but I don't know the exact ones. I can also play Assassin's Creed 3. I just don't want to bog down 2k12.

Maybe I should look into additional RAM.

I did a performance benchmark this morning on all low video settings, and it was 90 FPS. I am willing to go down to the 55-60 range since I think a 360 runs on 60 Hz anyway.

It's not too old. Your main issue might be the GPU. I have the same amount of RAM memory as you, and I run the game at around 60/70 fps with every mod ever released installed, except for the HD mod. I also use NBA 2K14 and FIFA 14 with maxed out settings, and they run just fine. However, I am looking to upgrade the RAM from 4 to 8 Gbs, and if your computer allows you to expand it in any way, I strongly reccomend you do it too :) If you're not able to do that, my tip would be to add the mods one by one and see which ones hit the performances the most

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