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If any other modders would like to chime in here go ahead. I love this website. I love modding 2K. When others PM me for support I am willing to help out. However, as much as I love this website and modding I have other things to attend to in life. I am a full time registered nurse who works 60 + hrs a week, I am married, and I have 5 children, two of which are identical 2 year old boys. Life is busy. I received a request for help two weeks ago. I responded and said I would help. I then didn't get a chance to read my PM's until today. The same person messaged me 5 times! I attached the last message. People, I am willing to help but it is on my time just like all the other modders. We have a life outside of this website.


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This game would be nothing without the dedication of you guys who mod and make it 100% better. Hate that some people think that the world revolves around them. Hope this impatient person's response doesn't discourage you or any of the others who mod. Your work is much appreciated and even more so now knowing the other more important responsibilities you have in your life.

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How dare you have a life? You should stay in front of the computer all day, modding so that we are all happy. Shame on you.

Seriously, since I have family in the medical care business, I know you don't hear this often so: 'Thank you for the time you spend taking care of complete strangers'.
5 children... I am assuming there is no television where you live :)

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If any other modders would like to chime in here go ahead. I love this website. I love modding 2K. When others PM me for support I am willing to help out. However, as much as I love this website and modding I have other things to attend to in life. I am a full time registered nurse who works 60 + hrs a week, I am married, and I have 5 children, two of which are identical 2 year old boys. Life is busy. I received a request for help two weeks ago. I responded and said I would help. I then didn't get a chance to read my PM's until today. The same person messaged me 5 times! I attached the last message. People, I am willing to help but it is on my time just like all the other modders. We have a life outside of this website.

I am sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately what you have brought up here is nothing new. There are a lot of ungrateful and impatient people on this website that want their questions and demands answered five minutes after they ask them and if that doesn't happen they think there is something the matter with you.

To be quite honest with you I am AMAZED that you have time at all to mod 2k12 let alone spend time on this website. You put in a lot of hours and along with the attention you have to give to your five children which by the way is more important than making a mod or answering a stream of private messages from a pushy and selfish user.

You help when you can and only when you can and that's that. People like that guy are a small but annoying minority around here.

Thank you for your mods.

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It's a microcosm of what we've seen on the 'net since freeware was made available. It seems like the younger generation have been taught a mentality of "get it now" and "get it free". I'm not saying all of them, of course, but the percentage of them I believe is certainly larger in this latest era of on the quick technology. There also seems less appreciation for assistance given. I agree with those who believe/observe that technology is helping depersonalize our culture by and large.

However, there certainly still are those in that generation who have the values of appreciation and patience.

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"Thanks for your non-help"


Yeah honestly I wish modding was my job, It's a lot of fun and a lot of work, but I love it. Unfortunately I work in the health field as well (prosthesis and implant production) and I often work 60 hrs/week. I would have loved to had all stadiums done by now and moving on to the full texturing portion of my plan but "perfection" takes time. People have no patience anymore.. I do also believe people like this are the minority.

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I suggest that you send back a PM with the following message:

"You're welcome.

I hope the non-help I gave you was worth every penny you paid for it.

I look forward to not helping you again in the future, and I'll be happy to pass along your name to all my modder friends here. I am sure that they would be more than happy to provide you with the same amount of non-help as I have.

Have a non-pleasant day."

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