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I've tried everything from Play Now, to Owner mode, etc all MLB ones. Unfortunately, seems like I hit a dead end with Dennis. I used this version, and it's still crapping out on load of an actual game. I might be just SOL :

  • 4 weeks later...

It is so awesome to see this site still thriving and pumping out mods, the people on here are just fantastic. I haven't posted here in quite awhile, I purchased a new desktop and found my MVP and figured to install for nostalgia sake. It has been years and years since I have played this, the mod is awesome. Great work guys, salute.

It is so awesome to see this site still thriving and pumping out mods, the people on here are just fantastic. I haven't posted here in quite awhile, I purchased a new desktop and found my MVP and figured to install for nostalgia sake. It has been years and years since I have played this, the mod is awesome. Great work guys, salute.

Please don't be a stranger here!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a problem with my controller. I've used a PS4 controller on my new laptop as well as a XBox 360 controller. In the past MVP worked just fine, but I just reinstalled it and put this mod on immediately, so I'm not sure if it's the mod that's causing it (for all I know it might work fine without it), but when I'm playing I'm unable to use the buttons properly. For example, the X button on the 360 controller (the blue left button) should allow you to throw one of the pitches, however it brings up the management screen instead, the one where you can quick select to pinch hit or warm up a pitcher and look at the lineups I've remapped the buttons through the MVP options every time and it does nothing to change that one button, so as a result, if a pitcher only has three pitches, I can only throw two. It works fine everywhere else (throwing to third or selecting a runner on third, for example), but when pitching or hitting it brings up that quick management screen and I can't seem to get it to recognize it properly.

Any idea why or how to fix this? Thanks

Another member (who doesn't seem to post) had somewhat of a similar dilemma with his 360 controller. The first answer is mine and the second is his.

1 - You might also try a little program called "Joy2Key" that converts keyboard and mouse commands to your controller (that is, your controller will carry out the keyboard/mouse commands as you assign them.)

2 - If anybody else runs into this problem...its caused by the CPU reading the USB controller as an audio device. You have to go to Control Panel...Sounds and Audio Devices...hardware then deactivate it. Should be good to go then.

The other possible solution is to manually configure your controller via the controller.cfg file in MVP's "Documents" sub-folder, which you can open with WordPad.

And if you find a solution, PLEASE POST IT. Too many guys around here pop in, ask a question, post "I got it, never mind" and disappear. That's not helping the community.

First I just wanted to say awesome mod! One thing I wanted to point out and I can only speak for Citi Field. When viewing the game in Pitcher/Batter mode while Pitching there is a large number Fans wearing Mets shirts with "Mets" spelled backwards. Not sure if this for all teams or not. Not a deal breaker as the mod is awesome but just thought I would point this out.


I doesn't matter which view. The chunk of fans always appear with the "Mets" spelled backwards on the T-Shirt

Edited by K4Y0T1CK

Another member (who doesn't seem to post) had somewhat of a similar dilemma with his 360 controller. The first answer is mine and the second is his.

1 - You might also try a little program called "Joy2Key" that converts keyboard and mouse commands to your controller (that is, your controller will carry out the keyboard/mouse commands as you assign them.)

2 - If anybody else runs into this problem...its caused by the CPU reading the USB controller as an audio device. You have to go to Control Panel...Sounds and Audio Devices...hardware then deactivate it. Should be good to go then.

The other possible solution is to manually configure your controller via the controller.cfg file in MVP's "Documents" sub-folder, which you can open with WordPad.

And if you find a solution, PLEASE POST IT. Too many guys around here pop in, ask a question, post "I got it, never mind" and disappear. That's not helping the community.

1) Well, I tried JoyToKey and it solved the issue I was having, but made a bunch more. For one, I can't skip the walk up scenes with the A button anymore. And when I'm pitching, since the joystick now acts as the keyboard, I can't throw my pitches in anywhere except the 9 quadrants of the strikezone. I went through every button mapped in the controller.cfg file and edited it in JoyToKey and that's the issues it gives me. It fixed my problem ,but created more than I had before.

2) The audio device issue doesn't work for me

3) I remapped the controller layout in the controller.cfg file manually and by using a premade layout someone had come up with for the 360 controller. None of them worked and proceeded to give me the same errors I was having. Then I realized I was editing the wrong controller profile. I was editing the 360 Controller for Windows when I should've been editing the 360 Wireless Controller for Windows... the former was the ver yfirst one, while the latter was the very last one.

It works now as a result. Thanks for the heads up on some options to try. This is the config layout I used was found here after some searching through the forums: '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Thanks for posting your results. I think the bottom line is that you have a game made in 2004 and a controller made in 2014. My only other suggestion is to grab a Saitek (P900, p2500 or p2900) from E - bay or Ama-zon and you'll have what I believe is the most versatile PC controller you can get for gaming.


Managed to get everything up and running with minimal problems. Only issue I ran in to was with winzip(or windows8 ) being upset about me extracting and overwriting directly - had to extract then copy in to the data folder. Thank you very much for the mod! The only issue I'm running in to though is that even with the inclusion of the rosters, game still seems to believe that it's the 2004-05 season, and players like Mike Trout would be better suited to be in Middle School than the MLB at age 13. Is there any way to get that sorted out?

Ages in MVPEdit seem to be right, yet the game is positive that it's 2005.

Edited by DukeSinbad

First,....here's a fix if anyone is having problems using the Microsoft Wireless Xbox 360 controller with the sound cutting out. The CPU is reading it as an audio device. Just go into Sounds and Audio devices/hardware and deactivate it.

Now if someone can tell me why MVP14 is crashing 6 games into the season....I can die a happy man. :)

No problems whatsoever to that point....now no matter what I try, I can't get by that point. I've checked rosters for injuries, rotation and lineups but everything seems fine.

Edited by Diehardfan

Diehard....you said you've "checked" the rosters for injuries (rotations and lineups should be fine unless you made some other changes yourself). It sounds like you're running into the problem of allowing injuries and/or trades and/or suspensions on. Start a new season and turn them all totally off and see what you get. Hopefully with MVP 15 there will be more complete rosters allowing for these to be left on. (In the meantime you can look earlier in this thread where I believe I posted a fix.)

Diehard....you said you've "checked" the rosters for injuries (rotations and lineups should be fine unless you made some other changes yourself). It sounds like you're running into the problem of allowing injuries and/or trades and/or suspensions on. Start a new season and turn them all totally off and see what you get. Hopefully with MVP 15 there will be more complete rosters allowing for these to be left on. (In the meantime you can look earlier in this thread where I believe I posted a fix.)

Daflyboys solution for the freezing is the correct one. You can't really do much of anything but start your season over. I know, I tried. Fortunately, I was only about 5 or 6 games in when the freeze started hitting, It's been a long time...I had forgotten how well this game plays and how well the CPU manager does. Not once have I ever felt the AI was "cheating" as a lot of EASports games on consoles tend to do. EA should take the AI from this game and put some next generation graphics with it...would definitely give "The Show" a run for it's money.

Ya.....if you get the freeze, it's usually late April.

The only place where I believe the game cheats is on HR power for the cpu (though that could be my bad pitching), but even more so, pickoffs by the cpu pitcher seem more effective and they have slow guys taking 2 step leads and getting back usually with no problem. I've had average speed guys take a 1 step lead and get picked here and there. The only other thing I think it lacks is past balls by the catcher, especially too low or bounced pitches.

Ya.....if you get the freeze, it's usually late April.

The only place where I believe the game cheats is on HR power for the cpu (though that could be my bad pitching), but even more so, pickoffs by the cpu pitcher seem more effective and they have slow guys taking 2 step leads and getting back usually with no problem. I've had average speed guys take a 1 step lead and get picked here and there. The only other thing I think it lacks is past balls by the catcher, especially too low or bounced pitches.

I let the CPU control my baserunning, so the pickoffs even the attempted throw overs are few and far between....I have no problem with that. Another nice thing is that the sliders actually work in this game...and work well. I used somebody's sliders, don't remember who, but only had to change a few things with one being overall baserunning speed for both me and the CPU. In those first 6 or 7 games I was on a pace to set a world's record for doubpleplays in a season. Both me and the CPU were hitting into 3 or 4 every game...it was crazy. Bumped up the baserunning speed and aggression for both of us and it solved the problem for not only that but also the lack of runners scoring from 2B on singles to the outfield. Funny thing about the lack of WPs and passed balls....I've seen a bunch of times where the catcher makes real nice blocks to keep the ball in front of him. Makes me think it's in there somewhere and maybe some playing around with the sliders might bring it out.

Edited by Diehardfan

Yeah, l keep getting freezes between April 21-23rd...

Already asked and answered.

Player ages need to be fixed...

Not the thread for this. Use the search function.

I was going to edit the player contracts, but I can't get Mvp edit to work...

Not the thread for this. Use the search function.

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