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Hello bsu-fan,

post a beta-version from the roster2015, everybody can help you but your are a perfekt modder.

thx stefan from berlin germany

I think that's a good idea

On the off chance that BSU fan is human and would acctualy make a mistake on a roster maybe someone could let him no on a bata verison so he can get it fixed on the offical release

Just a thought

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Gentlemen and Ladies, I play the 2011 MLB 2K11 game, I think this game is the better on than 2K12. I think the game plays' better, I especially like the batboys and when the manager comes out and lift the pitcher. I play as the general manager CPU vs CPU. My question to you all is will there be any new files? (uniforms, rosters). Thank you.

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Gentlemen and Ladies, I play the 2011 MLB 2K11 game, I think this game is the better on than 2K12. I think the game plays' better, I especially like the batboys and when the manager comes out and lift the pitcher. I play as the general manager CPU vs CPU. My question to you all is will there be any new files? (uniforms, rosters). Thank you.

While I definitely disagree with your opinion on MLB2k11 playing better than MLB2k12... I will look into the possibility of transferring some of the player data into a 2011 roster to see if it will work. I am going to guess this will cause a crash but I am not totally sure until I try it. in the mean time I would suggest giving MLB2K12 another shot if I were you. Far less glitches and workarounds from a simluation/gameplay stand point...and with a good set of sliders it is one of the best "playable" baseball sims ever made...but that's just my opinion.

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Thank You for you response and your wiliness to help me, thank you very much. And I will give MLB2k12 another shot, but how do I get past the date issue? I go back into the computer to change the date to get the game to get past the entry screen.

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Very very good but still a lot of work to be done before I am finished. It has been a busy off season and i was able to update many things that have not been updated in the past. Below is a basic checklist of things i have finished and things I plan on still working on up to opening day.

Things that are complete and finished to this point:

  • Updated all current MLB player stats through the 2014 season.
  • Updated roster with a completely crash free 2015 MLB Schedule.
  • Updated all MLB transactions through current date.
  • Updated all minor league affiliations and team name changes throughout the minor leagues. (There were many changes in this area in the off season)
  • Updated all MLB coaches and staffs.
  • Fixed crash after 7 years from staff resigning period
  • Added in any players currently on an active MLB roster that wern't already in the game.
  • Updated 11 total teams player ratings to this point (this is the part I am currently working on and is the single most time consuming portion of roster editing)

Things still needing finished before opening day release:

  • Finish updating player ratings to the remaining 19 organizations
  • Update all Top 100 MLB prospects and add in any missing prospects from that list
  • Update all minor league transactions to date
  • Update all player contracts for 2015
  • Update all minor league coaches.
  • Update all line-ups and pitching rotations for opening day
  • Finishing details and final touches.

This is just a quick overview of where I am to date and much more has gone into this than even listed above. There are many new tweaks I have made to my rating system and sliders...I have been getting some awesome results in my test games. I will keep updating my status more frequently as the season grows near.

so excited for this! Been playing all weekend! can't wait for the schedule to start spring training!

Thanks for all your hard work BSU-FAN and other modders who help out with this project.

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Hey BSU can we get an update of the roster

I really have an itch to start my franchise LOL :popcorn:

As soon as I have everything cleaned up I will release a version prior to opening day for some feedback and beta testing, but it probably wont be until sometime next week. I still have 7 organizations remaining for rating edits. Once those are done I can move on to the final details and the rest is downhill from there. It has been one long off season for edits. :lazy: The good news is I spent lots of extra time optimizing rosters so that they mirror real life depth charts and the AI will keep players in there correct defensive positions even after an injury or roster change. :good:

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wow thanks so much been hoping you would give us another great roster . the way i see it Mlb2k12 if you learn to work around the bugs this game is by far the best PC baseball on the market ..... i played them all year around since i say earl weaver baseball !!! ya been a long time Pc baseball player :) ... thanks for keeping the best of the best going for us that understand this game is the top of the list :)

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Any updates to player accessories?

This is an area that could definitely use a refresh. Would love to see if we can edit the color choices for things like accessories. Would love to find a way replace some of the terrible color selections for accessories in game with others like chartreuse or a true black option to be able to match realistic gear more closely.

Roster Update:

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have now completed 29 of the 30 organizations player ratings! I have only one more to go (FYI-each organization takes about 4 hours to rate) and will hopefully be able to finish it tomorrow night. Player ratings are something that take an enormous amount of time and discipline, so anyone who has attempted this feat understands why the rest of this roster is all downhill from here. Once I have finished the ratings I will begin doing far less time consuming edits to bring the roster together. I plan on spending nearly every hour of my free time between now and opening day finishing updates for things like player contracts, cyber-face updates, and creating new prospects while cleaning up the minor leagues for each team as well. So while there is still plenty of work to be done... it is nothing compared the time already spent in creating the 2015 schedule, updating all active player stats through the 2014 season, or rating every player on an active roster or IR. I have worked pretty much the entire off season to get to this point and am as excited as anyone to get this project finished. This has easily been the most work I have ever put into any roster or project I have ever worked on to date. With that, I am happy to announce (barring some crazy hiccup or life event getting in the way) this roster will be ready for release as planned on opening day. I plan on having a version ready to go no later than 8PM est time on Sunday April 5th. At that point I will encourage as many who can test it, to look through the roster for any glaring errors or issues. I will attempt to work through that night if need be to address any issues or concerns. This will allow me to release one final updated version on Monday morning April 6th with competed line-ups and rotations to match each and every MLB team. Then... it's play ball for the rest of the week while I am on vacation!!!!!!

:drinks: Cheers!


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any update on release date ?


It could be for a number of reasons that it has not been uploaded yet. Maybe he's not 100% satisfied with it. Maybe something came up that demanded his attention instead of something like this. Maybe he was away all day with his family for Easter and isn't home yet. I could go on but you get the point.

When a mod is released it is up to the modder and not someone who spams a thread waiting for it. I am here to ask you to just show some patience. Thank you.

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I would like to thank bsu-fan for spending so much of his time on this so we didn't have to. I manually updated my game last year and I understand how much work can go into something like this (and I only did half the stuff you did). Thanks a lot bsu-fan, pretty stoked for the release!

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