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Transferring Mods From One Computer To Another

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Hey. I've been transferring the mods I've created on my HP laptop to my new HP desktop. Everything transferred fine except for a handful of cyberfaces I recently created. When I try to open any of these cyberfaces with the nba modtool, I get the java.io.IOException:Unsuport IFF File. This is rather confusing because every other cyberface opens just fine with the modtool. Any help would be appreciated to solve this. I've attached a file with these cyberface files.

New folder.rar

What did you use to transfer your files? When doing transfers with files like that you should use a thumb drive and not an internet backup since I've found the latter can sometimes compress files and screw them up.

Also make sure that your .iff files are in the MLB 2k12 installation folder. For me, NBA mod tool stubbornly refuses to open up .iff files that are not in the installation folder. I've been editing some player portraits lately and I always have to keep my portrait.iff there.

I used a thumb drive to transfer all the files. Everything transferred and worked fine except for 12-15 cyberfaces I recently made. I scanned them to make sure they were not corrupted in any way.

In my experience NBA mod tool is very finnicky about WHERE your .iff files are when you open them with the program. Of course I could be wrong since I'm fairly new to modding this game. But try placing your cyberfaces in the installation folder and opening them from there with NBA mod tool. That has fixed similar issues that I've had in the past.

Also, did you transfer NBA mod tool with the thumb drive as well? If you did, that would probably cause some problems. I've never successfully transferred an installed program from one system to another. Download and install a fresh copy of it on your desktop computer if you haven't already.

"Also, did you transfer NBA mod tool with the thumb drive as well? If you did, that would probably cause some problems. I've never successfully transferred an installed program from one system to another. Download and install a fresh copy of it on your desktop computer if you haven't already."

The reason behind this is that the program itself - just as a directory full of files - will not function if not registered in the registry and set up to compatibility standards with the computer. This is why programs require a setup and/or installation phase.

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