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Does anyone know what the next TC season will be?

Isn't there enough right now for you to choose from? :)

The last Total Classics mod that was made was TC 1977 back in November. It takes time to make these mods and the modders sometimes like to actually play a few games or do something else. Go grab a mod that we already have and enjoy that for awhile.

But to finally answer your question, no, no one knows when the next Total Classics season will be released. They are never announced to the community here because there have always been people in the past asking when the mod will be done. By not announcing anything the modders avoid these questions. It's a good strategy if you ask me.

My suggestion for a good mod? Try TC '41 or TC '51. But you can not go wrong on any of them.

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Yes I do. ;)

Thanks for asking.

Reminds me of the old Gary Burbank show from Cincinnati when they used to have a sports trivia portion of the show and you were allowed 1 question as the caller trying to stump their panel of experts. So a caller would call up and say "how are you guys today?" and that would be it. They'd blow their 1 question.

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There truly are more Total Classics Mods already than I could possibly, in my limited free time, have time to play. I just want to use this thread to express my appreciation of the time and high degree of modding skill genoursly shared with all of us by some very talented members of this community. If there ever was to be another TC Mod, perhaps one from the 30s would be nice as there is no 30s season mod now. But still, we have already been blessed with more classic baseball than I would ever have thought possible. Thanks to all of the great TC modders.

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I am loving 51, have played, 46, 56,58,75, 78, so how can you go wrong with all the choices? I have been using the B Dogers and really have played mostly as a Red sox, but the "other " team perspective just multiplies the seasons two fold! 1955 would give me a shot at the Dodger championship season but whatever, thanks to all you guys for these great recreations, best reguards, Mac

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  • 5 months later...

Here is an idea for our friend, when waiting on TC seasons I create my own seasons using all the tools available such as MVP edit and Installer thingy. I have created my own all time teams using stats from Baseball reference and even try to match cyberfaces that closely match the real players. I also create TC seasons making up leagues from teams from the past, again using stats and cyberfaces. It takes hours but it is fun to see how my teams actually finish that I created. My current season has the '62 Yankees, '69 Mets, '64 Phillies, '64 Braves '64 Cardinals, '62 Giants, '62 Dodgers, '70 Reds, '64 Colts, '69 Cubs, ' 71 Pirates, and my team the, '67 Padres PCL Champions that year. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun.

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Here is an idea for our friend, when waiting on TC seasons I create my own seasons using all the tools available such as MVP edit and Installer thingy. I have created my own all time teams using stats from Baseball reference and even try to match cyberfaces that closely match the real players. I also create TC seasons making up leagues from teams from the past, again using stats and cyberfaces. It takes hours but it is fun to see how my teams actually finish that I created. My current season has the '62 Yankees, '69 Mets, '64 Phillies, '64 Braves '64 Cardinals, '62 Giants, '62 Dodgers, '70 Reds, '64 Colts, '69 Cubs, ' 71 Pirates, and my team the, '67 Padres PCL Champions that year. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun.

Now, I make 4season of Nolan Ryan's Total classics.

This work is '77=MLB '93=AAA '84=AA '64=A


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I'm working on a TC1971 that is still in progress.  I'm basically the only one working on it and I have some medical problems.  I'm currently working on the player audios and inputting the 1970 stats in each of the players in the 25-man rosters of the 24 teams that played as well as some of the minor league players like Bobby Grich, Terry Crowley, and Don Baylor to name a couple.  After that, I plan on doing the 1983 TC since my O's won the series that year.


PS:  I remember when I started, that Jim825 told me that it would be a lot of hard work to do one and he was totally correct.  How 'bout it Jim??!!!

Edited by BRobby05
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I'm currently working on the player audios and inputting the 1970 stats in each of the players in the 25-man rosters of the 24 teams that played as well as some of the minor league players like Bobby Grich, Terry Crowley, and Don Baylor to name a couple.

There's an easier way to import stats rather than doing it manually and it is how I start all my TC rosters.  When you want to start creating rosters, grab the teams from the Lahman Database in MVPEdit.  For each team do the following:

  1. Open a roster file in MVPEdit (it can be any roster)
  2. On the top menubar, select File->Import->Team from Lahman Database
  3. A scrolling list of teams will appear from 1871 - to the present (or at least to the present when the version of the Lahman Database in MVPEdit was created)
  4. Select your team (for example, 1971 Baltimore Orioles)
  5. Select the option to "Import Stats to Current Year" (and not "Import Stats for All Years").  This will insure that only stats through the 1970 season are imported.
  6. Select the option to "Replace Existing Team" (and not "Add Team")
  7. Select the team you want to overwrite (in this case you want to replace the Baltimore Orioles in MVPEdit with the 1971 Baltimore Orioles)
  8. Click OK

You have now imported the 1971 Orioles into MVPEdit.  You will note that there will be more than 25 players on the roster.  That's because if a player gets one at-bat or pitches one inning, Lahman includes him on the roster for that year.  You then have to trim your rosters down to 25 players using whatever method you want.  I use www.retrosheet.org to get the 25 players (15 position players and 10 pitchers) who played or pitched the most games for the team that year.  No player appears on more than one roster and if he played on multiple teams that year, he shows up on the one where he played the most.

As far as TC mods, I am working on another project, however, I'm following my standard practice of not giving out any details until it is released.  This way, I can work on it at my own pace and not feel any pressure to rush something out.



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There's an easier way to import stats rather than doing it manually and it is how I start all my TC rosters.  When you want to start creating rosters, grab the teams from the Lahman Database in MVPEdit.  For each team do the following:

  1. Open a roster file in MVPEdit (it can be any roster)
  2. On the top menubar, select File->Import->Team from Lahman Database
  3. A scrolling list of teams will appear from 1871 - to the present (or at least to the present when the version of the Lahman Database in MVPEdit was created)
  4. Select your team (for example, 1971 Baltimore Orioles)
  5. Select the option to "Import Stats to Current Year" (and not "Import Stats for All Years").  This will insure that only stats through the 1970 season are imported.
  6. Select the option to "Replace Existing Team" (and not "Add Team")
  7. Select the team you want to overwrite (in this case you want to replace the Baltimore Orioles in MVPEdit with the 1971 Baltimore Orioles)
  8. Click OK

You have now imported the 1971 Orioles into MVPEdit.  You will note that there will be more than 25 players on the roster.  That's because if a player gets one at-bat or pitches one inning, Lahman includes him on the roster for that year.  You then have to trim your rosters down to 25 players using whatever method you want.  I use www.retrosheet.org to get the 25 players (15 position players and 10 pitchers) who played or pitched the most games for the team that year.  No player appears on more than one roster and if he played on multiple teams that year, he shows up on the one where he played the most.

As far as TC mods, I am working on another project, however, I'm following my standard practice of not giving out any details until it is released.  This way, I can work on it at my own pace and not feel any pressure to rush something out.




I tried what you said here to a "T" and it put up to and including the current year (1971) instead of 1970 in both the career stats and the current years.  What about putting in the 1970 stats and trading the players around like the actual teams did inside the mvpeditor?






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You're right, I misspoke. You DO get the current year stats. Making trades like you suggest will work. You will just have to create from scratch any rookies that appeared in 1971 or keep two copies of MVPEdit running, one with 1970 players (the one you are making trades on) and one with 1971 players. When you create a rookie in your 1970 roster, you would manually copy all of his attributes from his entry from his 1971 roster. 

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  • 8 months later...
11 hours ago, bdolan33 said:

Really hoping for something post 98 era. Now that we are 16 years in, they can start being considered classic seasons now.

If you think about it they are already here. Mods have already been made for the 2006. '07, '08, '12, '13, '14 and 2015 seasons. Search the download section.

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Y4L makes a good point. In addition, 2004 and 2005 were covered by the out-of-the-box versions of MVP2004 and MVP2005, so you're really only talking about the 1999 - 2003 time periods and there were PC games released during those years. 

Speaking only for myself, I prefer to create mods for years that I could never play in a video game or for years that are special to me.  I was a teenager in the 1970's, so that is why I've modded so many of those years. 

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8 hours ago, Yankee4Life said:

If you think about it they


On 7/9/2015 at 6:00 PM, Rising Son said:

I will try to make 1995 season. reason why Hideo Nomo's debut year and 20's anniversary.

Someone be able to help to make roster ?

You have a really good base with 1994. Would be hard to screw up 1995 :)

Edited by bdolan33
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On 3/25/2016 at 4:36 AM, Sean O said:

I've been making "John Newbery's Total Classic Rounders 1744". It's a great show, old chap. 

Looking forward to seeing that when it is finished.  It must have been a real pain to create those tri-corner hats and breeches for the uniforms.  ^_^


If we had good quality stadiums, I'd love more stuff earlier than the 40s.

I've often thought about creating a mod from the 1930's.  It's the only decade that doesn't currently have a Total Classics mod.  The TC1927 mod would provide a good base for this.  

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On 25/03/2016 at 11:58 PM, Jim825 said:

Looking forward to seeing that when it is finished.  It must have been a real pain to create those tri-corner hats and breeches for the uniforms.  ^_^

I've often thought about creating a mod from the 1930's.  It's the only decade that doesn't currently have a Total Classics mod.  The TC1927 mod would provide a good base for this.  

By 1938, we have 100% stadium coverage. If you are a little earlier, let me know and I can say how far we are.

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