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To Confirm: Is It Normal For Vlad's Reditor Ii To Initially Be Flagged As Virus?


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I did a search, and I found one reference to this, so I guess I partially know. However, I'm just confirming (I guess for my own sanity before I start using the utility), if it is normal or common for Vlad's REDitor II to be flagged or quarantined as a virus (I believe as some System Trojan.Win32 strain). I'm pretty sure, per the few references I've seen here in reference to what I can find of this query and other mods, that it should be OK to restore and use safely. But since this is the first mod that Norton has flagged on me, I wanted to actually confirm that others have had the same problem or issue and have found the .exe to be safe, or AT LEAST know of someone who came through this little scenario and seen their PC still "alive and kicking," so to speak.

I thank anyone who can help or assist with this query beforehand, and I again appreciate the time and effort it takes to answer something that probably is just more of a formality of double checking than anything else?

Thanks Sincerely,

--vbprogjoe (Joe W.)


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Firstly, yes, I will add to raiders' assessment that it is normal for this to happen and it is a great utility. Secondly, I am surprised that as a techie and programmer ( I am also in the tech field in Linux administration and C++ experience as well) that you continue to use Norton! :) I suppose it's a preference - Norton will produce false positives on almost anything it seems. Let me turn you on to avast! antivirus. Try the free one first, it is very sufficient but I do really recommend the wallet friendly pay version. Also, another great alternative is Kaspersky!

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I agree about norton, microsoft security essentials for me.

Step 1: Use it. Its a great program and not a virus.

Step 2: Get rid of norton. What a resource hog.

Yes, it definitely is true that Norton is a resource hog at times (especially when it wants to run a FULL scan & backup at the SAME TIME) =@ , however the Premier Edition seems to work almost on the level of Kaspersky & really doesn't make too many false positives. :good: I usually disable the thing when I'm NOT on the net, and that reduces the hogging of resources and I, up until this situation, haven't had ANY other mods flagged as problems using the Premier Edition. I often have to look at my sister's computer (laptop), and do "system maintenance" on her's when she comes to town (as she is completely tech illiterate other than online shopping and texting/e-mailing her pals), and she has the regular Norton 360 (NOT Premier), and that thing flags everything & anything, even the non-mod files (she has a minorly modded version of Madden '08; roster and scoreboard, that I installed for her). The thing actually flagged one of the files for her Word Processor, some HP thingy, as a malware --- NOW that is rich! However, I've had few problems with Norton Premier, which is why I was a little more acute or questioning on this case scenario. I just wanted to confirm my initial reaction that it was a false positive, which it SEEMS it is, so "awesome sauce," as they say. Nonetheless, I appreciate both sask3m's & raiders' help and input on this query - you guys are awesome and swell dudes.


Firstly, yes, I will add to raiders' assessment that it is normal for this to happen and it is a great utility. Secondly, I am surprised that as a techie and programmer ( I am also in the tech field in Linux administration and C++ experience as well) that you continue to use Norton! :) I suppose it's a preference - Norton will produce false positives on almost anything it seems. Let me turn you on to avast! antivirus. Try the free one first, it is very sufficient but I do really recommend the wallet friendly pay version. Also, another great alternative is Kaspersky!

Yes, I'm very inclined to say that it is a cool utility, even though it's just the free version, as it makes editing names so much easier (along with some attributes). I use, as I mentioned above in my response to the other two kind souls, the Norton Premier 360 version, which is much less sensitive than the normal or regular edition. This was the first time one of these mods has been flagged by Premier, so I was slightly confused --- thus the query. I'm glad, as you've all confirmed, it is a false positive (very heartening)!

As to why myself, a techie and programmer, still use Norton. I'm a consultant, and at two companies that I primarily am contracted at, they use Norton (the Business Edition, which is an extravagant version of Premier), and they seem to have very good success. Then again, anything is flawed (just see Sony & Anthem), so I'm aware of false positives and how they need to be taken into account. Thus the query. I like Kaspesky, but I really was impressed with Norton Premier, so I took a chance and have been happy with the results. This was only the second time I've had a false positive on something that was in question & NOT definitely an obvious virus or malware, etc, so the batting average, so to speak, has been good for me. I supplement my protection with MalwareBytes, and have had bad experiences with Avast! and M/B getting along together for some reason in the past. I'm sure that Avast! is a phenomanal product, but it just wasn't right for me!!! 8)

Thanks Sincerely & Appreciatively,

---vbprogjoe (Joe W.)


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Bluddy Russian compilorz!

now say it with an accent

It's all Putin, that ex-KGB/FSB lord is like a sneaky devil! I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to gather info on ALL of our like/dislikes, what people think of him, and if anyone is prowling Tinder looking for a date with a sweaty, ugly guy riding a horse.

Well, BIG news: I'm a Brewers, Packers, UWGB Phoenix fan; I'm NOT the BIGGEST fan; I'm sure he'll find some people who love long walks on the beach, horse riding in the countryside, and long star-gazing moments on top of dalapitaded buildings of souless disharmony, in the numerous leaders who rule with an iron fist around the world?!!?

Thanks Sincerely,

--- vbprogjoe (Joe W.)


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I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to gather info on ALL of our like/dislikes, what people think of him, and if anyone is prowling Tinder looking for a date with a sweaty, ugly guy riding a horse.

LOL I almost died when I read this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So with all that is being said how do we correct this because i'm having the same problem REDitor II

There is NOTHING you can do. It is a FALSE positive, the program is NOT a virus or malware (it turns out). If you have Norton, you should just look in your Quarantine, and go to the Actions Section, and tell it to Ignore it (REDitor II .exe) on future scans [so it won't flag when you run the program or link it]. If you have MalwareBytes, it'll flag it once, but you can have it Ignore that too in future scans, runs, etc. If you have any other Virus/Malware protection software, it might ALSO flag. There SHOULD BE an Option to Ignore the prompt within that application too. I have a friend with Kaspersky, and it flagged it too, but it does state within the warning that it is of LOW danger or whatever wording. I don't know about any other programs though, although Avast MIGHT NOT flag it because I believe they added an exclusion. I sent Norton a notification about their False warn, and supposedly they are adding an exclusion soon (at least that is what they seem to intimate)? Either way, it is a FALSE POSITIVE, so you will be fine using the program. I've been using it for close to 2 weeks now, and my PC is STILL alive & kicking!!! :clapping::)

Thanks Sincerely,

--- vbprogjoe (Joe W.)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I did exactly what Vlad says and it works great for me. I am very glad that I bought the editor. Oh, and I use avast!.


Avast really is exceptional. I've never encountered an anti virus more spot on and reliable.

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I did exactly what Vlad says and it works great for me. I am very glad that I bought the editor. Oh, and I use avast!.


what did he say and when?

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What he described in post #12. Basically he said to set an exception in your AV software for reditor. Oh sheesh, my mistake. That was not vlad that posted that.

The exact words to me in an email were:

Hello, Frederick!
I think, you can try and white-list the tool with your Antivirus. It is a false positive.
Kind regards,
Worked great for me. You will have to excuse my ramblings if off topic a bit. I have a hard time sometimes getting names and words matched up after the stroke I had.
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