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Hot dog!!!! just saw an article that PC is finally getting a baseball game again.Im hoping that they will give us what all gamers have been wanting a full bugless,playable,great looking baseball game.2k had potential but they just never hit the mark.Also im hoping we get an easy moddable game as well with no limits on what we can do.


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We talked about this a little in the shoutbox last night Don and those people decided that this game wasn't good. But since I don't hold any stock in what they think is a good or bad game I will decide for myself.

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hey Y4L how ya been,long time no see lol.I saw the article and just had to make a post.I saw that there were complaints about last years game so hopefully the developers there will actually listen to the people who know best(the gamers)I feel like any game ,u are gonna have those who like a game and those who dont,and thats with any game out in market.I liked the 2k games and 2k13 almost finally got it.

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hey Y4L how ya been,long time no see lol.I saw the article and just had to make a post.I saw that there were complaints about last years game so hopefully the developers there will actually listen to the people who know best(the gamers)I feel like any game ,u are gonna have those who like a game and those who dont,and thats with any game out in market.I liked the 2k games and 2k13 almost finally got it.

I'm doing fine and it is nice to see you here. Don't be a stranger.

I heard all about last year's version of this game and I don't know if this year's will be better but I am willing to try it to find out for myself. Not these guys.

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I might be interested to check it out, even if it can't be modded. The only real games I play on MVP2005 are Total Classics games. I don't play with the modern teams. The big thing for me would be the PC requirements for this game. MVP still runs smooth as silk on my 2004 Windows XP PC with the 512 MB video card that I bought about 6 years ago.

I do also have a Windows-7 laptop with built-in graphics that runs MVP2005 as well, but I prefer the bigger screen on the desktop PC.

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In my opinion. Anything for the pc is worth playing since most companies completely forgot about us.. If anyone finds out when and where to purchase it please post the info. Looking forward to a great season. GO TRIBE...

Sounds like it will be a steam d/l.

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In my opinion. Anything for the pc is worth playing since most companies completely forgot about us.. If anyone finds out when and where to purchase it please post the info. Looking forward to a great season. GO TRIBE...

I'm sorry to report that last year's version was most certainly not worth playing. It was just god-awful horrible. :(

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