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Mvp Baseball 2005-Your First Experience


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Since this week marks the 10 year Anniversary of the release of MVP Baseball 2005; I wanted to start a thread to showcase any member's first experiences with this tremendous game. Whether you bought this on it's release date a decade ago or tried it the first time last month...feel free to post stories and screenshots about your experience.

I'll start it off with mine....

I didn't get the chance to purchase the game for PC until my birthday in May of that year. I didn't know what to expect since I didn't own or play the previous year's MVP 2004 Baseball game. Needless to say, I was blown away with every aspect of this game and remember playing it constantly that Spring and Summer. I'm sure my girlfriend at the time I lived with, didn't share the love of the game that I had since I was semi-obsessed with it....but a decade later I still love this amazing game.

My very first game I played after I got it installed was to play my hero Ken Griffey Jr.'s Reds at home against the "new" Washington Nationals team. Then my second game was using the Yankees against the Tampa Bay Rays in the Tropicana Dome.

These are screenshot re-enactments of those first games and a great trip down memory lane playing these tonight.


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Mine wasn't on PC, but I had it for PS2. My buddies and I would stay up and play for hours having tournaments. Funny thing was that a few of these friends didn't even like baseball and preferred to play Madden. They enjoyed the game so much that baseball was all we played for months.

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Ten years ago my first game was I don't know why I picked those guys, Maybe I figured I could easily beat them but I just barely did.

In that thread I mentioned how bad the Hideki Matsui cyberface was so I went back in my clean copy of Mvp and took a look at him.


That's all the original stuff right there folks. Out-of-the box uniforms, stadium, grass,etc. Every part of this game has been improved by the people right here on this website and also by the guys who were a part of EAmods/MLBmods too.

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Hey Y4L,

Yeah, I know what you mean about the Washington Nationals...in my first game against them using the Reds, I only beat them by one run thanks to a Griffey double in the bottom of the 8th, if I remember correctly. We probably forget, but the Nationals were actually quite good that season and even by July that summer, there was a viable chance of them making a run for the playoffs. The NL East that season all had teams that were at least .500. So maybe it wasn't too surprising that we had a difficult time against that team and it goes to show that the MVP Baseball game had spot on rosters too, huh?

Case it point, I remember my 2nd game using the Yanks against the Rays....Mike Mussina scattered a bunch of singles and the Rays scored on an error; but I wiped them out pretty bad. Ironically, in that game the first HR i hit with MVP Baseball 2005 was with.....you guessed it....A-Roid. LOL! I was pretty excited with that....Ahhhhh memories! :good:

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Dennis when I first started playing I used to play against Kansas City a lot because those guys were terrible. Playing against them meant getting plenty of points for my profile once the game was done. Then someone found out the Katie Roy trick and that's when I stopped playing against the Royals.

I think one of my earliest highlights was learning how to hit batters. Once I got the hang of that no Red Sox hitter was safe again on my watch. And it's still true to this day.

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Y4L, the last line of your initial impressions post is a real hoot:

"Anyway, like last year, this game will be hot once the modders take control over it."

I didn't get the game until 2008. I know it was 2008 because it was right before the playoffs and my Phillies won it all. Back in the '90s I played Front Page Baseball from Sierra. Wasn't a graphical wonder but people kept modding the rosters and you could just edit names and ratings anyway. But it wouldn't work on XP and beyond so I shrugged and moved on to Madden and such. A poker buddy had MVP '03 or so and said he'd play each day's game that day and liked it.

Forward to '08, I fixed a network issue for another friend, and for my trouble he gives me this baseball game he didn't play anymore. I play it and, it's nice and all, but the rosters are 3 years old. But I play some more and unlock Schmidt and Ashburn, but it's still just okay. Then my friend emails me about this website called EAMods (or maybe MLBMods) and I find new rosters. The first time I saw the new rosters I did a geeky white man dance. The next night I probably spent all night downloading mods. Then MVP '08 came out.

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I got this game on Gamecube way back in the day. It was amazing, as were all EA Sports games from 2005. This quickly became my second favorite game, right behind NASCAR 2005 Chase for the Cup. I would spend hours of my life after school playing as my two favorite athletes of all time, Jeff Gordon and Reggie Sanders. Being able to bounce from the thrills of making left turns and driving inches away from a wall at 200 mph, to leading off with a David Eckstein single, Larry Walker ground out (I could never hit with Larry Walker) and Albert Pujols 2 run blast by only changing out a single disk will forever be a very memorable part of my childhood.

Later on, in 2013, my Gamecube stopped working, and I was sad. I got 2k10 and NASCAR the Game, but they weren't the same. There were no minor leagues, no Ramon Baez to show up out of no where 2-3 seasons in to lead the Cardinals to victory. Life had been forever changed, or so it seemed.

By this time I had mostly switched to PC gaming with the likes of the Elder Scrolls, Civilization and Total War series. Then I found out that MVP Baseball 2005 had been made for PC back in the day. This was in June of 2014. I found it for sale on Ebay, it was pricey, but the mystic powers of nostalgia were irresistible. It took 6 days for my game to show up. They felt like a lifetime. I installed the game the second I got home from work. It was very nice, but I found myself having trouble setting up the controls, so I just played with keyboard for a while. Eventually (August, September maybe? something around there) I decided enough was enough and I went to google to learn how to set up my controller. I found a thread on some crazy website called mvpmods. I read this thread, it taught me all I needed to know to get my controller configured and play MVP Baseball the right way. I also discovered the super awesome power of mods.

And I was happy

Note: when I say "some crazy website" I mean it in a good way :)

Edit: Just found out it was actually October 2014, no August or September.. I guess time doesn't fly quite as fast when you're having fun as it used to

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I got this game on Gamecube way back in the day. It was amazing, as were all EA Sports games from 2005. This quickly became my second favorite game, right behind NASCAR 2005 Chase for the Cup. I would spend hours of my life after school playing as my two favorite athletes of all time, Jeff Gordon and Reggie Sanders. Being able to bounce from the thrills of making left turns and driving inches away from a wall at 200 mph, to leading off with a David Eckstein single, Larry Walker ground out (I could never hit with Larry Walker) and Albert Pujols 2 run blast by only changing out a single disk will forever be a very memorable part of my childhood.

Later on, in 2013, my Gamecube stopped working, and I was sad. I got 2k10 and NASCAR the Game, but they weren't the same. There were no minor leagues, no Ramon Baez to show up out of no where 2-3 seasons in to lead the Cardinals to victory. Life had been forever changed, or so it seemed.

By this time I had mostly switched to PC gaming with the likes of the Elder Scrolls, Civilization and Total War series. Then I found out that MVP Baseball 2005 had been made for PC back in the day. This was in June of 2014. I found it for sale on Ebay, it was pricey, but the mystic powers of nostalgia were irresistible. It took 6 days for my game to show up. They felt like a lifetime. I installed the game the second I got home from work. It was very nice, but I found myself having trouble setting up the controls, so I just played with keyboard for a while. Eventually (August, September maybe? something around there) I decided enough was enough and I went to google to learn how to set up my controller. I found a thread on some crazy website called mvpmods. I read this thread, it taught me all I needed to know to get my controller configured and play MVP Baseball the right way. I also discovered the super awesome power of mods.

And I was happy

Note: when I say "some crazy website" I mean it in a good way :)

Edit: Just found out it was actually October 2014, no August or September.. I guess time doesn't fly quite as fast when you're having fun as it used to

That was an awesome story and I love hearing all these different experiences that we had with the game. Back in 2005, I was still playing a lot of games on my Ps2 and was actually tempted to purchase it for the console instead. Obviously, I'm beyond happy that I went the PC route. I remember in early 2008, I assumed that the current gen console baseball games were going to be lightyears better than MVP 2005 and I bought 2K8 for the Ps2 and was definitely disappointed. I'm sure if I owned a PS3 at the time; the SHOW would have lured me that way...but I went back to MVP 2005 and discovered some the mods available out there....and then MVP 08 dropped and I never looked back. The graphical upgrades made my jaw drop and I almost instantly saw all the possibilities.

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I too started out on consoles. Prior years were on PlayStation, but '05 was new to me on Xbox. I evolved into the 360 and gave 2k a shot. Graphically, yes... playability, not so much. I went back to old reliable, and was content with my old dynasty. I had the action replay, and found some of KG's rosters in the community saves on that site. Then they disappeared. So I searched and found some of the other sites that were around. Then I came across THIS one.

I was hooked in an instant. I saw what was being done for the pc, and I wanted in. I wasn't a big computer guy, and only had a laptop at the time, so I figured on finding a special box. I got one and with the help from daflyboys and online videos, I got my mods. Of course, it was limited to the Xbox files, but I remember playing my first "real" game in Citizens Bank Park. Their I was, a 31 year old child, sitting in amazement. I asked for help and probably annoyed the hell out of the daflyboys, sesbb, and kyleb, but I thought I'd try to keep the Xbox alive, at least the rosters.

I spent a truthful two weeks, reading pretty much every post in the forums. I wanted to know everything. I was in over my head. I could work MVPEdit, Total Installer Thingy, and PC2Xbox. I tried and tried on Xbox but kept getting crashes. daflyboys then convinced me that console was dead and I should move on. Found PC copy online and $35 later here I am. I still am in over my head, but I can do a little bit more now. Still need a refresher on a batch file from time to time. Not a modder by any means, but will make feeble attempts for my own enjoyment. I find myself experimenting with things that were done 10 years ago, and find it fascinating. I have the utmost respect for the guys here now, and their predecessors.

So here I sit, a 36 yr old MVP dork, with an old desktop only for MVP. I check my email, and head right to this site to see what's new and exciting. My 5 yr old son plays the batting mini game, and my 2 yr old daughter will sit on my lap and dance to the original soundrack. Only problem is she calls it soccer.

A big thank you to Trues and the guys who make this place go round. Thank you guys for making a break from reality A LOT more fun.

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  • 6 months later...

How much did it cost on eBay?

I got this game on Gamecube way back in the day. It was amazing, as were all EA Sports games from 2005. This quickly became my second favorite game, right behind NASCAR 2005 Chase for the Cup. I would spend hours of my life after school playing as my two favorite athletes of all time, Jeff Gordon and Reggie Sanders. Being able to bounce from the thrills of making left turns and driving inches away from a wall at 200 mph, to leading off with a David Eckstein single, Larry Walker ground out (I could never hit with Larry Walker) and Albert Pujols 2 run blast by only changing out a single disk will forever be a very memorable part of my childhood.


Later on, in 2013, my Gamecube stopped working, and I was sad. I got 2k10 and NASCAR the Game, but they weren't the same. There were no minor leagues, no Ramon Baez to show up out of no where 2-3 seasons in to lead the Cardinals to victory. Life had been forever changed, or so it seemed.


By this time I had mostly switched to PC gaming with the likes of the Elder Scrolls, Civilization and Total War series. Then I found out that MVP Baseball 2005 had been made for PC back in the day. This was in June of 2014. I found it for sale on Ebay, it was pricey, but the mystic powers of nostalgia were irresistible. It took 6 days for my game to show up. They felt like a lifetime. I installed the game the second I got home from work. It was very nice, but I found myself having trouble setting up the controls, so I just played with keyboard for a while. Eventually (August, September maybe? something around there) I decided enough was enough and I went to google to learn how to set up my controller. I found a thread on some crazy website called mvpmods. I read this thread, it taught me all I needed to know to get my controller configured and play MVP Baseball the right way. I also discovered the super awesome power of mods.


And I was happy


Note: when I say "some crazy website" I mean it in a good way :)


Edit: Just found out it was actually October 2014, no August or September.. I guess time doesn't fly quite as fast when you're having fun as it used to

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Well you quoted my post.. but the question about ebay wasn't part of the original.. so I'm assuming that's your question


Expect to pay pretty close to triple digits (I paid about $80ish).. I hear rumors that every now and then there's one that pops up pretty cheap though

At the same time.. thanks to these wonderful folks here.. I may never have to buy another baseball game again :)

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Where did you get it and how much did it cost?

There are video game trucks that come down different neighborhood streets, much like ice cream trucks.  One of these days it will most likely come down your block, so be ready.  Have your $75 ready and get there early!

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There are video game trucks that come down different neighborhood streets, much like ice cream trucks.  One of these days it will most likely come down your block, so be ready.  Have your $75 ready and get there early!


Some of you guys may think Gordo is just joking around here but he isn't. Last Saturday that truck drove down my street and when I started to look around I told the guy to grab a newspaper or a good book because I was going to be awhile. I picked up a lot of well-conditioned PC games for a song and while he did not have Mvp 2005 I picked up a lot of great sports games that day. :yahoo:

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Some of you guys may think Gordo is just joking around here but he isn't. Last Saturday that truck drove down my street and when I started to look around I told the guy to grab a newspaper or a good book because I was going to be awhile. I picked up a lot of well-conditioned PC games for a song and while he did not have Mvp 2005 I picked up a lot of great sports games that day. :yahoo:

What PC games and great sports games did he have that day?

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What PC games and great sports games did he have that day?

Let me see...the NHL series by EA, the Madden PC games, Mvp 2004 (no 2005) and some Tiger Woods PGA golf games. There were some others too.

Edited by Yankee4Life
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My first experience was on the Xbox. I remember being really excited for it since I was a fan of the triple play series. I just wish future me would have told past me to hold up on the left stick to hit homers a little easier.

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I bought the game for PS2 in 2006, then bought it again in 2007 after i found out about MVPmods. I lost something like 21-6 against the Red Sox in the first game. Interestingly, MVP 2005 was the last MLB baseball game that was sold in europe; after that, you had to order baseball games from the States (for PC).

Anyways, i always loved how this game had a few things that were never implemented in other games, like rainouts or players not being happy if they were not getting enough playing time.


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Y4L, the last line of your initial impressions post is a real hoot:


"Anyway, like last year, this game will be hot once the modders take control over it."


I didn't get the game until 2008. I know it was 2008 because it was right before the playoffs and my Phillies won it all. Back in the '90s I played Front Page Baseball from Sierra. Wasn't a graphical wonder but people kept modding the rosters and you could just edit names and ratings anyway. But it wouldn't work on XP and beyond so I shrugged and moved on to Madden and such. A poker buddy had MVP '03 or so and said he'd play each day's game that day and liked it.


Forward to '08, I fixed a network issue for another friend, and for my trouble he gives me this baseball game he didn't play anymore. I play it and, it's nice and all, but the rosters are 3 years old. But I play some more and unlock Schmidt and Ashburn, but it's still just okay. Then my friend emails me about this website called EAMods (or maybe MLBMods) and I find new rosters. The first time I saw the new rosters I did a geeky white man dance. The next night I probably spent all night downloading mods. Then MVP '08 came out.

Where did you get your PC copy of MVP Baseball 2005, and how much did it cost?

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