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Mvpmods Trivia Website (Reviving An Old Thread)

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Some years back DJEagles11 and Tebjr created a trivia website that we all went to each day. All you had to do was register on the site and play the trivia game each day. There's ten questions you have to answer and some days they are easy and some days they are difficult.

I've played it off and on in the past months and now with spring training starting and the season beginning next month we should have more traffic in here and hopefully more players.

People played this a lot when it first came out but when it went off the front page they kind of forgot about it. Well, here it is and if you want to give these questions a shot each day you are more than welcome. Post your scores here in this thread if you care to.



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Really bad score for me: 359 (5 of 10), maybe you should add some soccer questions so I can increase my score :)

First of all the questions are about all sports and secondly I do not pick or have any control of what the questions are in any way at all.

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