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How To Easily Extract All Individual Cyberfaces, From Scottybilly's Team Files, At Once

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Previously, it was very easy to select all the rar files at once, and extract them into the MLB 2k12 folder, and replace the old faces. Now, scottybilly is not taking the time to zip every player individually, and instead just placing each cyberface, and his screenshot, in individual folders. First of all, let me say that I don't blame him. If I were providing something for free, I would make it as convenient for myself as well. However, by making it convenient for himself, it seemingly makes it more time consuming to move all the cyberfaces.

With all that said, I just wanted to share an easy way to move all the files at once. After extracting the contents of the zip file, and opening the team folder, you will see all the sub folders for each player. In that window, simply type an asterisk (*) in the search bar. This will list all the contents of the folder, and the sub folders, and sort them by type. Now, all you need to do is select all the cyberfaces and drag and drop them into the MLB 2k12 folder.

I'm sure most of you already know about this. However, since I, for the first 10 or so times, stupidly took the time to open each sub folder to get the files and just found out about this shortcut, I wanted to share for those who also don't know. I hope this helps.

Edited by mcalte19

thanks for this. I realized for me anyway, that it was pretty silly and annoying to place a separate zip file for each player contained in a rar or 7z file for each cyberface pack

Actually, for me, it was convenient the way you used to do it. I used to just select all the rar files, right click and extract all of them all at once into the MLB directory. However, I understand how time consuming that probably was for you, and I don't blame you for making it more convenient for yourself.

Previously, it was very easy to select all the rar files at once, and extract them into the MLB 2k12 folder, and replace the old faces. Now, scottybilly is not taking the time to zip every player individually, and instead just placing each cyberface, and his screenshot, in individual folders. First of all, let me say that I don't blame him. If I were providing something for free, I would make it as convenient for myself as well. However, by making it convenient for himself, it seemingly makes it more time consuming to move all the cyberfaces.

With all that said, I just wanted to share an easy way to move all the files at once. After extracting the contents of the zip file, and opening the team folder, you will see all the sub folders in a single window. In that window, simply type an asterisk (*) in the search bar. This will list all the contents of the folder, and the sub folders, and sort them by type. Now, all you need to do is select all the cyberfaces and drag and drop them into the MLB 2k12 folder.

I'm sure most of you already know about this. However, since I, for the first 10 or so times, stupidly took the time to open each sub folder to get the files and just found out about this shortcut, I wanted to share for those who also don't know. I hope this helps.

Awesome!!! I was actually going to do that tonight!! I was thinking the same thing... Thanks man!!

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