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Nba Mod Tool Will Open, But Only Run In Background


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Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with NBA Mod Tool, and was hoping someone else had this issue, fixed it, and could shed some light for me. I want to import raidersbball's new portrait packs, but this d*mn program is driving me up a wall.

I'm running Windows on a Boot Camp partition on a Macbook Pro. Earlier this month, the partition became tainted when I extended the partition size, and my Macbook would no longer recognize it. So, I had to remove and re-install Windows. Prior to this process, I was having no problems at all with NBA Mod Tool.

However, since re-installing, I can open NBA Mod Tool, and it will ask me which year of the game I am working with, but it will only run in the background. No windows opens after selecting 2012 as the year of the game. When I open my task manager, I see that the process is running, but there is no program open.

I have updated Java, and I even installed both 32-bit and 64-bit Java, but to no avail.

Has anyone had this issue, and if no, how did you fix it?

Also, as a backup plan, how were portrait packs installed prior to 2k12? Would that process be an option, in case I cannot get NBA Mod Tool running?

Thanks in advance.



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Also, as a backup plan, how were portrait packs installed prior to 2k12? Would that process be an option, in case I cannot get NBA Mod Tool running?

I cannot help you with the ModTool issue, but if you can't get it to work at all, one way around this issue would be to wait until raidersbball20 releases his "portrait.iff" file, so you can just extract it and place it into the game's main folder without having to go through all of that process. However, at this point I'm not 100% sure if he's planning to release it or not.

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Its definitely a java issue. Make sure you're using the right bit and you may benefit by rolling back to the older one. That fixed it for me. I do know for certain it applies to java though.

Any chance you remember which version of Java you rolled back to?

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Simple solution. Just download an old portrait.iff and .cdf mod off of here. They are already uncompressed. Then move onto the next step in the installation tutorial

That is even easier. Thank you so much!

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one way around this issue would be to wait until raidersbball20 releases his "portrait.iff" file, so you can just extract it and place it into the game's main folder without having to go through all of that process.

That's exactly what I'm going to wait for. The other way is a real pain in the you know what.....LOL

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I sometimes get this problem after I download an update for Java. Since I am running a 64bit version of windows7, both a 32bit and 64bit version of Java is needed. This is what can cause an issue with the modtool. To eliminate this problem, I don't even enable the 64bit version of Java and its updates. Then the modtool works just peachy.

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Did you have any luck?

Yes, I did. Thank you very much. All your latest portrait packs are uploaded and looking great. Even used the tool to upload an image of myself. Unfortunately, MyPlayer will seemingly only use the cyberface image as the portrait.

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I sometimes get this problem after I download an update for Java. Since I am running a 64bit version of windows7, both a 32bit and 64bit version of Java is needed. This is what can cause an issue with the modtool. To eliminate this problem, I don't even enable the 64bit version of Java and its updates. Then the modtool works just peachy.

Yeah, it uses the 32 bit version for the mod tool. Sorry, I meant to tell you that. I don't even use my 64 bit one anymore either out of convenience just in case I need to use it.

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