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I don't want to give up PC baseball.. But these previews for MLB15 The Show are KILLING me. This one features one of the things that has been on my wishlist since Hardball 6... I love the idea of the lighting/sun/shadows being different based on time of day, time of year, etc etc. I think the lighting in 2K12 is good, but it's always bugged me that (using Detroit as an example) it's dark at 7 PM in Detroit on a June evening (sun sets in Det around 9:15 at the summer solstice). Could it possibly be worth coughing up the $460 for a PS4 and a copy of MLB The show based on the preview videos? ANGUISH! :(


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Everything else? Mehhh... Its the Show. Its still the Show.

what's 'Meh' about The Show? I ask out of curiosity because I have never played the game and I was kinda tempted to try it this year for PS3... don't get me wrong, I will never jump boat and leave 2k (especially with the plans we have going on for 2k15), but I have always liked the way The Show looks and since I just got a ps3, I sincerely thought it was time to give it a try.

what's 'Meh' about The Show? I ask out of curiosity because I have never played the game and I was kinda tempted to try it this year for PS3... don't get me wrong, I will never jump boat and leave 2k (especially with the plans we have going on for 2k15), but I have always liked the way The Show looks and since I just got a ps3, I sincerely thought it was time to give it a try.

If I had a ps3 or ps4 i would try it out. I had my day playing the show in the past but it falls a bit short to the other franchises. It falls in a bit generic to me and as of now has only impressed me graphics wise.. Keep in mind that maybe 3 hours of watching this game isnt enough for full judgement - I did notice that it looked like the same old show of the past, and you cant even upgrade the stadiums generic ads and stuff. :)

One of the things that is killing me is some of the (reported) changes they've made to frinchise play. I am 100% franchise all the way. Apparently this is the first year that you can control only one team, but still change to another within the same franchise. And also the first year that you can keep your franchise going when subsequent versions come out. Hopefully it's just spring fever that is getting me considering spending $ on baseball games/game consoles. I love being able to take my laptop when I go to vist my family, or go on business trips, or whatever, and still be able to play 2K12 wherever I am (it's a great way to spend boring layovers in airports). I would definitely miss that.

Perhaps I should just mention it to my significant other. She'd probably smack some sense back in to me regarding spending the money.

I prefer a more realistic experience over some graphics. If graphics were what drove everyone no one would be playing a 10 year old baseball game. Franchise is a blast but what's the point when half the players in the minors are fake names. If you have the extra money update your graphics cards or go get some more highly moddable pc games like Madden 08, Tiger Woods 08, NHL 04, or NBA 2K14

I prefer a more realistic experience over some graphics. If graphics were what drove everyone no one would be playing a 10 year old baseball game. Franchise is a blast but what's the point when half the players in the minors are fake names. If you have the extra money update your graphics cards or go get some more highly moddable pc games like Madden 08, Tiger Woods 08, NHL 04, or NBA 2K14

I love the 2K12 gameplay, and have been enjoying it continuously since the day it came out. I think it's the geek in me that misses getting really excited about a new version of (Hight Heat/MVP/MLB 2K) coming out every year, getting it on the very first day, etc. I might be a bit older than the average MVP Mods member, but does anyone else remember that feeling? So much fun.

Is there really no market for PC baseball games anymore? I can't help but think there are a lot of people like me out there who would fork out the cash for a new game every year. I understand why Sony doesn't produce The Show for PC.. Gotta keep those Playstations flying off the shelves. But it just astounds me that it's not profitable for anybody to make a "next gen" PC baseball game. For the record, I consider the RBI game that MLB is putting out to be very much "previous gen". Maybe even 3 or 4 gens ago ^_^

I get the sense that you either really like or dislike The Show...there's little in-between. I tried it to for several years and for lack of a better term, MVP just feels more "organic" to me. Yes, the animations are getting tired as the years have gone on. Now, I've heard The Show is better with this, but the hitting when I was playing never seemed natural to me in terms of the pitch type, pitch location and ensuing ball flight when the ball was hit. Some people would call that scripted, I believe. I also didn't like the interface... just too busy. And the classic pitching left a lot to be desired. I could not justify in my mind at any salary to pay $400+ because I want to play The Show.

Perhaps I should just mention it to my significant other. She'd probably smack some sense back in to me regarding spending the money.

Lol, I know what you mean! Yeah my wife would have tons of interest in furthering my baseball addiction, lol..

Honestly, I don't think it's worth the money to me, possibly further down the road.

I prefer a more realistic experience over some graphics. If graphics were what drove everyone no one would be playing a 10 year old baseball game. Franchise is a blast but what's the point when half the players in the minors are fake names. If you have the extra money update your graphics cards or go get some more highly moddable pc games like Madden 08, Tiger Woods 08, NHL 04, or NBA 2K14

Not to mention the great games you can play on Steam or disc!

I did...but he was already on the ground..... didn't hear me.

Honestly, it's all purty and the what not, but in the end that runs out. So I guess do you want to walk away from a game saying to yourself that it was a good game because it played the way or because it looked that way.

You guys are funny :) I think it's less like falling onto the ground and needing a med-alert necklace, and more like slowly falling for an idiea. Like my aformentioned significant other deciding she can put up with me :)

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