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Cyber Face Converter 64Bit Work Around


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So I just built a new PC and was ready to start getting my mod on once again when I realized I am now one of the 64 bit OS guys who can't open the cyber face converter. Did we ever find a work around for this and if so, could someone show me. I'd rather not have to dual boot. Thanks

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So I just built a new PC and was ready to start getting my mod on once again when I realized I am now one of the 64 bit OS guys who can't open the cyber face converter. Did we ever find a work around for this and if so, could someone show me. I'd rather not have to dual boot. Thanks

Is it a Java app? Maybe you could just revert down to a 32 bit Java. I don't know of any good free virtualization programs but I'm sure there has to be something out there. It basically lets you use other operating systems remotely for testing use and stuff like that. I use it for school all the time.

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if you have windows 7 pro or higher, there's XP mode. just look it up on microsoft's site. otherwise use VirtualBox. you will need an OS to install of course.

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