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Moving All Of My Downloads To Another Site.

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You know, we got to consider something else here. You talked about the two games that are here in your post scottybilly but pretty soon there could be another one. On April 30th when that RBI game is finally released on the PC, what will happen if that game can be modded by some of the people in here? I don't know how that game is going to be on the PC but we are going to find out soon. We could be looking at another game's mods here on the site.

You are probably right about R.B.I. Baseball. If there will be support and contributions made for that game here, then I think it should be placed in the "kids" section since that seems to be who would play it the most. :rofl:

You are probably right about R.B.I. Baseball. If there will be support and contributions made for that game here, then I think it should be placed in the "kids" section since that seems to be who would play it the most. :rofl:

I know I'll give it a shot. Why not?

Just throwing it out there.... and I mean JUST throwing it out there..... 2Khockey.net changed their website name when they saw that EA was taking over hockey gaming and made it a more generic name to appeal to all hockey gamers. Just wonderin' if this couldn't be the central site for ALL baseball gaming, both current and retro.

Just throwing it out there.... and I mean JUST throwing it out there..... 2Khockey.net changed their website name when they saw that EA was taking over hockey gaming and made it a more generic name to appeal to all hockey gamers. Just wonderin' if this couldn't be the central site for ALL baseball gaming, both current and retro.

You mean for the older games too? Well we have some mods for HH2003 and 2004 already. And I can go back and find seasons for Larussa 2 and 3. Is that what you mean?

I wanted to say something intelligent, but then I get distracted by Kccitystar's avatar and think "ohhhhh....that's what Johnny Quest looks like all grown up and bad ***!"

Actually the avatar is Hawkeye from his latest comic book run (which is incredible btw, had to plug it in)

I mean for The Show, 2K, RBI and MVP. But basically anything baseball as OOTP is apparently also popular within certain circles. And don't forget Pro Yakyuu Spirits, which from what I've heard is preferable to some over The Show. But the point being... make it larger than MVP.... make it about baseball gaming.

I mean for The Show, 2K, RBI and MVP. But basically anything baseball as OOTP is apparently also popular within certain circles. And don't forget Pro Yakyuu Spirits, which from what I've heard is preferable to some over The Show. But the point being... make it larger than MVP.... make it about baseball gaming.

I like it. And I also like how a good idea came out of a thread that did not start out so well. Thank you. In the morning I will let Trues know about this unless he reads it here himself. Goodnight now.

Just throwing it out there.... and I mean JUST throwing it out there..... 2Khockey.net changed their website name when they saw that EA was taking over hockey gaming and made it a more generic name to appeal to all hockey gamers. Just wonderin' if this couldn't be the central site for ALL baseball gaming, both current and retro.

I was going to do this a few years back but never pulled the trigger. Maybe it's time.

All I can say is, this site has gotten the recognition it deserves with all the great mods to both franchises.. Baseball is a lost cause for PC gamers, and with the great mods from this site, these two titles still exist today.. I think its best that the modders appreciate the recognition and strive to attain more, by continued (hard) work on progressing these games further.. Not many games can say they are over 10 years old and are ever changing.. Lets keep the family together, thats what makes this a great community, and I still call a lot of you my friends.. At least the ones I knew as of 2010... I have been away a long time, except for the rare occasion to just pop by and see what was new... I want to add friends with those I dont know, and hopefully stay this time..

I plan on attempting a dynasty when all the new things come out, and I want to share it with all of you that follow them.. and do it this time!!!

Its to bad BSU-FAN had to go, its ashame really, but he made his choice... maybe he will change his mind after he realizes what he did was really out of being mad about whatever he was mad about.. We get older, we learn more how to be human and try to have more respect for everyone.. Sometimes it takes some of us a little longer.. I know, Im one of those guys because I can be hot-headed too... Just ask DJEagles how bad I was when he moderated.

I was going to do this a few years back but never pulled the trigger. Maybe it's time.

I wouldn't say it's time to pull the trigger but it's time to re-do the site's look, for reals ;)

I'm totally down for that.

It's about baseball first and foremost I agree.

And I for one am definitely going to be picking up RBI 15 on PC (Steam). I have it on PS4 and it's fun for a quick game of baseball, but I think PC modders can take it to the next level. It's not a simulation of course and will never be as good as MVP/2K with mods, but we have to remember it is not trying to compete woth those games. It's great for a quick 20 min game of arcade baseball, and it at least has stat tracking in season mode.

Recently I was at an European Union project about gaming and game creation and I specifically used MVPmods.com and MVP 2005 as an example of how a community could keep a game alive and even improve it. Most of the guys there didn't know about it and were pleasently surprised.

Arguing taste is pointless, and so is arguing agains the rules that you agreed to follow when you first signed-up, wheter it is a forum or something online or something of less importance such as a marriage or sleepless nights because your baby is crying.

For me, MVPmods is much more than just a site to come and grab mods. For me it is a link to baseball, to people who talk about baseball, who share a passion for the game. Without this, my connection to the baseball world would be much more about reading than participating and I have to thank you guys for this.

Both games have its merits, and while I understand that MVP will always have the priority (heck, this site is called M-V-P-mods!), I have never felt or read that anyone was badmouthing or putting 2k down. They do point out it's failures, as other people do with MVP. Again, arguing taste is pointless.

Now let's all agree that A-Rod is a dumbass and let's keep this community moving forward!

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