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Moving All Of My Downloads To Another Site.

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This is bullshit and BSU-FAN needs to come back.

If we're going to push for a more community-oriented site, we will have to overhaul how we communicate what we expect out of members who register, and the people who come to our site as well as our existing members.

Some of us need to remember it's the mods that bring people here and it's been that way for a while, MVP or MLB, High Heat, Hardball 6, whatever the hell, it doesn't even fscking matter.




This is bullshit and BSU-FAN needs to come back.

If we're going to push for a more community-oriented site, we will have to overhaul how we communicate what we expect out of members who register, and the people who come to our site as well as our existing members.

Some of us need to remember it's the mods that bring people here and it's been that way for a while, MVP or MLB, High Heat, Hardball 6, whatever the hell, it doesn't even fscking matter.




​ I couldn't agree more.

I read that thread and he blames me for everything. I just want to know what 2K modders have been banned here and for no reason to? He also has a big problem with the duplicate account policy we have here but that's another issue.




The duplicate account policy was set in place if I remember clearly to prevent people from circumventing the download limit the site imposed a long time ago. Since the limit has been lifted, wouldn't it make sense to look into why users still have duplicate accounts? More often than not it could just be a simple "forgot my password/don't have access to the email registered to that account" issue that could be taken care of by a simple email to something like a catchall account like accounts@mvpmods.com or something and setting up an amnesty/clean slate program for existing members who had to make a new username for whatever reason


I've got some ideas flowing, it must be my allergy medication


No KC, that's not it at all. The duplicate account policy has been in place almost since this site has been up and running. The only thing that has changed with it is the length and penalty of the ban when someone gets caught.

Yes, duplicate accounts increased when Trues put that two download limit a day rule in place. But that is gone now and people are still doing it. I see it every day. You don't forget your password when you create four accounts in a span of 17 minutes like I saw someone do last week. You do not forget your password when you make an account a few weeks ago and then make another one.

When there is a mistake by someone who makes a duplicate account they send me an e-mail explaining what the heck happened. But when they know they got caught doing it they never send out any correspondences.

And there is already an amnesty/clean slate program for existing members. We have had it for years. Read this thread right here. I mention it many times in there. All they have to do is message us and let us know they have a duplicate account and we take care of it and nothing happens. To this day no one has sent me a PM about this.

​No KC, that's not it at all. The duplicate account policy has been in place almost since this site has been up and running. The only thing that has changed with it is the length and penalty of the ban when someone gets caught.

Yes, duplicate accounts increased when Trues put that two download limit a day rule in place. But that is gone now and people are still doing it. I see it every day. You don't forget your password when you create four accounts in a span of 17 minutes like I saw someone do last week. You do not forget your password when you make an account a few weeks ago and then make another one.

When there is a mistake by someone who makes a duplicate account they send me an e-mail explaining what the heck happened. But when they know they got caught doing it they never send out any correspondences.

And there is already an amnesty/clean slate program for existing members. We have had it for years. Read this thread right here. I mention it many times in there. All they have to do is message us and let us know they have a duplicate account and we take care of it and nothing happens. To this day no one has sent me a PM about this.

This should indicate there should be a spam protection tweak set up on this site somewhere to prevent bulk registrations like that.

This should indicate there should be a spam protection tweak set up on this site somewhere to prevent bulk registrations like that.

​Trues doesn't need it. He has me. I look at every account manually. :)


This is one of the few posts where ​I'm not sure if you're serious or not.

​I am serious. I look at every single account that comes in every single day including the day last week when the article came out and we had over 75 signups. Every one of those got looked at too. It's not hard to do at all and I don't mind it at all.

Y4L 2 questions:

why does someone want to make 4 accounts in 17 minutes? What do they accomplish or whats the purpose with no DL limits?

As  admin how does a person creating 4 accounts in 17 minutes effect the site and other users in any way?

I am just intrigued.

Y4L 2 questions:

why does someone want to make 4 accounts in 17 minutes? What do they accomplish or whats the purpose with no DL limits?

As  admin how does a person creating 4 accounts in 17 minutes effect the site and other users in any way?

I am just intrigued.

That is a question that none of us has ever been able to answer all these years. I'll give you a bit of background on this site. When we started up we didn't have those download limits. People then were still making 2, 3 or 4 accounts. Then the 2 download limit began. The duplicates increased because of that. That's the only part we understood. Someone wanted to get more downloads per day. Well, that's gone now and every day and I mean every day because I see it someone makes a second account. Doesn't matter if they made their first one back around Christmastime. They'll make another one. Or they made one an hour before. They'll do it again. There's no reason to because a brand new user on his first day can download as much as he wants or just as much as a user who has been here for years. Consider that.

How he affects the site is (1) it's against the rules and (2) the guy is taking up server space by maybe logging in here on two different computers with his two accounts just so he can download things faster. There's really not a lot of rules here and the ones that are in place are so easy to follow most of you guys don't even think about it.

That is a question that none of us has ever been able to answer all these years. I'll give you a bit of background on this site. When we started up we didn't have those download limits. People then were still making 2, 3 or 4 accounts. Then the 2 download limit began. The duplicates increased because of that. That's the only part we understood. Someone wanted to get more downloads per day. Well, that's gone now and every day and I mean every day because I see it someone makes a second account. Doesn't matter if they made their first one back around Christmastime. They'll make another one. Or they made one an hour before. They'll do it again. There's no reason to because a brand new user on his first day can download as much as he wants or just as much as a user who has been here for years. Consider that.

How he affects the site is (1) it's against the rules and (2) the guy is taking up server space by maybe logging in here on two different computers with his two accounts just so he can download things faster. There's really not a lot of rules here and the ones that are in place are so easy to follow most of you guys don't even think about it.

I'll answer right away:

1)  There have always been spam accounts on forums since as far back as I have been using the internet, and there are several procedures and practices that have exist to keep spam accounts away, especially with the CMS system the site uses. Let's keep things 100%: Most of the accounts registered here on this site are spam accounts. Some aren't even actual users. It's why I balked at the manual account check that you mentioned, especially when, shortly after your post, I got a private message by a user about some inheritance (and I'm not joking, I have attached a screenshot).

This is a major problem.

2) I wouldn't say that duplicate account takes up server space (other than an entry in the site database, not really), and having two different computers with two accounts doesn't mean he can download things faster, because as far as I know the site is hosted on one server and there are anti-leech protections in place due to the content management system that the site uses. Not exactly a drain on resources. Technically, all a duplicate account could do from a functionality standpoint would be to simply enable the user to circumvent the download system which, as we have both stated has no longer been in place.

1. This Hamed person just joined up today KC and after what he did today was his last day too. There was no way for me to know if this guy was a spam or not. You don't know it until they do something like this. I can only go with the information that I have and all I had besides his screen name and provided e-mail address was his IP.

Some place called Cote d'Ivoire. Can't ban people coming from wherever that is right off the bat. They actually have to do something to get banned. He did and he's gone. I can only go with what I have.


Technically, all a duplicate account could do from a functionality standpoint would be to simply enable the user to circumvent the download system which, as we have both stated has no longer been in place.

Trues got rid of the download restrictions on October 16, 2014 and guess what? Not a day has gone by since that someone out there thought it was a good idea to create two accounts in one day or make another account on top of the one they already have. 



2) I wouldn't say that duplicate account takes up server space (other than an entry in the site database, not really), and having two different computers with two accounts doesn't mean he can download things faster, because as far as I know the site is hosted on one server and there are anti-leech protections in place due to the content management system that the site uses. Not exactly a drain on resources. Technically, all a duplicate account could do from a functionality standpoint would be to simply enable the user to circumvent the download system which, as we have both stated has no longer been in place.

​Y4L this is maybe where Trues can chime in.  Most of our mods get like 100 downloads tops so as KC points out I really do not think the duplicate accounts are in anyway slowing down the website.  At 100 download tops per mod release we are definitely not seeing any site mining going on.  And as KC points out there are anti leech protections most likely in place to circumvent this type of activity.   Yes, the rule is there and you enforce the rule but no one can seem to give a reason as to why the rule is still around or provide an answer with any real merit as to why duplicate accounts negatively effect the site other then, "its the rule".    If Trues feels there is good reason to keep the rule in place then by all means lets keep it.  Otherwise, the only thing I see the rule doing is driving you nuts with hundreds of duplicate accounts made and having to lay down the ban hammer. 

​Y4L this is maybe where Trues can chime in.  Most of our mods get like 100 downloads tops so as KC points out I really do not think the duplicate accounts are in anyway slowing down the website.  At 100 download tops per mod release we are definitely not seeing any site mining going on.  And as KC points out there are anti leech protections most likely in place to circumvent this type of activity.   Yes, the rule is there and you enforce the rule but no one can seem to give a reason as to why the rule is still around or provide an answer with any real merit as to why duplicate accounts negatively effect the site other then, "its the rule".    If Trues feels there is good reason to keep the rule in place then by all means lets keep it.  Otherwise, the only thing I see the rule doing is driving you nuts with hundreds of duplicate accounts made and having to lay down the ban hammer. 

Maybe I am not explaining it properly and if so I apologize. Duplicate accounts are a problem on this forum and always will be. It's just part of life. But all these phony accounts are not driving me nuts. Please understand that. 

I'm confused as to how this thread turned into the explanation of duplicate accounts. Let me use you as an example. You've been here quite a long time. Since 2008. You don't have a duplicate account. No one, not me or anyone has ever accused you of having one. You've been here all this time with just one. I don't see why everyone can't be like you.

All you guys here don't have to worry about this part of the website. It's just something to deal with. I don't like looking at it with that term "ban hammer." I think it gives the wrong impression and I'm not comfortable with that. The truth is it makes me happier approving new accounts 100% more than having to ban one. 


 Duplicate accounts are a problem on this forum and always will be.


​Y4L I appreciate the response and I appreciate what you do here.  However, here in lies the million dollar question. Based on what KC and I posted above why are duplicate accounts still viewed as a problem? 

​Y4L I appreciate the response and I appreciate what you do here.  However, here in lies the million dollar question. Based on what KC and I posted above why are duplicate accounts still viewed as a problem? 

Because it's the rules. I'll tell you what. Give me a good reason why we should look the other way when someone makes two or three accounts? I've been here since 2004. One account is all I ever needed. The way I see it the only guy who is justified in having more than one account here is Trues. And he does because he sometimes has to log in as a regular user to see how the changes on the website look. And that is it. No one else has any need or excuse for a second one.

Duplicate accounts cause problems in the forums. How do you know who has one and what it is? We've had people with two accounts act like two different people out there. One guy would be your buddy out there and the other account would give you a hard time. You want a guy out there raving about your mods and then the same guy with another account tearing them apart and looking for any flaw he could find to make you look bad? That's happened before. No one needs that.


Some of us need to remember it's the mods that bring people here and it's been that way for a while, MVP or MLB, High Heat, Hardball 6, whatever the hell, it doesn't even fscking matter.

Lets not pass over the fact that Hardball 6 was just mentioned in a conversation.


You know,



THE Hardball 6.


Edited by zzcoolj21

Because it's the rules. I'll tell you what. Give me a good reason why we should look the other way when someone makes two or three accounts? I've been here since 2004. One account is all I ever needed. The way I see it the only guy who is justified in having more than one account here is Trues. And he does because he sometimes has to log in as a regular user to see how the changes on the website look. And that is it. No one else has any need or excuse for a second one.

Duplicate accounts cause problems in the forums. How do you know who has one and what it is? We've had people with two accounts act like two different people out there. One guy would be your buddy out there and the other account would give you a hard time. You want a guy out there raving about your mods and then the same guy with another account tearing them apart and looking for any flaw he could find to make you look bad? That's happened before. No one needs that.



I agree with Y4L on this.. 1 account.. why does anyone need a second account? what can you possibly try to accomplish?  What is someone trying to do? who are they trying to impress?  Its just dumb to try and pretend to be two different people.


I agree with Y4L on this.. 1 account.. why does anyone need a second account? what can you possibly try to accomplish?  What is someone trying to do? who are they trying to impress?  Its just dumb to try and pretend to be two different people.

What about a scenario like this:

What if you knew you were a registered member of MVPMods from years back, but you forgot your username/login information? What if you no longer had access to the email you registered with for MVPMods? 

You can't get a password recovery email because you don't have access to that email address anymore. You probably don't even know the alias you made for the site, and even if you did, you still can't get a new password. Would you rather wait for the entire process of emailing a catch-all email that will probably be checked by a staff member once a day or something (not everyone is as vigilant to email than say...a text, facebook notification or a tweet) to get the issue resolved, or would you just re-register a new alias which will send out a validation email and you can join the community right away, hoping you'll just cross that bridge (about the duplicate account) when you come to it?

These things can happen, and it's happened to me on a different forum site many many years ago. To circumvent this we have two social media presences on both Twitter and Facebook to help people out if emailing takes too long and doesn't work.

There were always procedures in place to discourage duplicate accounts, but what works is the right procedure and how you implement it, because as I know for sure, there will never be a way to stop them from happening.

Edited by Kccitystar

What about a scenario like this:

What if you knew you were a registered member of MVPMods from years back, but you forgot your username/login information? What if you no longer had access to the email you registered with for MVPMods? 

You can't get a password recovery email because you don't have access to that email address anymore. You probably don't even know the alias you made for the site, and even if you did, you still can't get a new password. Would you rather wait for the entire process of emailing a catch-all email that will probably be checked by a staff member once a day or something

​I check my yankee4life@mvpmods.com plenty of times a day just in case something does come up like this.

 (not everyone is as vigilant to email than say...a text, facebook notification or a tweet) to get the issue resolved, or would you just re-register a new alias which will send out a validation email and you can join the community right away, hoping you'll just cross that bridge (about the duplicate account) when you come to it?

​Sure, something like a post on facebook will help. But another thing when new users sign up. It has to be understood by them that if they have an account here and they make another one they will be banned. They must agree to this. So again why make one when you can send an e-mail or now use Facebook? And there is no reason why you have to get in right that second. If you are looking for a mod it's going to be here waiting for you.


There were always procedures in place to discourage duplicate accounts, but what works is the right procedure and how you implement it, because as I know for sure, there will never be a way to stop them from happening.

​I agree with you 100%

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