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JoeRudi26 MLB '15 The Show Sliders


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After nearly a solid month of tweaking and adjusting (30-40 games played), here is the slider set I've come up with to get the game playing to my personal taste. I've included my game settings, which in my opinion, are somewhat relative to the sliders. For example, I turn off the strike zone to make hitting a little more difficult, which I believe can be used in conjunction with the Human Hitting Sliders. And so on. And along with applying simple logic, personal skill level, in this case obviously my own, has been taken into account as well. All this being said, we all play the game differently with different personal skill levels -- what works for me may not work for someone else.


Game Settings




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Yeah, I'm getting lots of diversity -- close games, blowouts, decent numbers in total. I'm loving the game too, the sliders are extremely tight this year. 1 click either way can make a solid difference, getting them all aligned was the hard part.

Let me know how it works, and what all you might adjust.

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Hey, Gary! Good to see you, young man. :)

Young man? We should put that on the main page. I feel good. :D

Just enjoy life man. That's all that matters. God bless.

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Good to be around again, Y4L. We'll all have to meet up in a chat room together at some point. What a year, lol. Anyway, for those interested in the sliders, I may lower the Pitch Speed Slider one notch, see if I can up the batting averages a bit. 

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I am still playing around a bit. I lowered the Pitch Speed Slider one notch -- was late on the fastball way too often -- it helped immensely, adding 2-4 hits per game. Was also noticing a drop off in the opponent's base hit totals, so I raised the CPU Hitting Contact slider one notch. So far so good. Base hits and run totals are up where they should be. I'll post line scores and box scores in the next few days.

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I believe I've finally got it. I've tweaked every slider available, with tons of frustration over the last month, but the last two adjustments seemed to have nailed it. The pitch counts are there (Hammel - 75 pitches through 4.2 IP), walks, and strikeouts. Base hit totals, extra base hits, and scoring seem to be all in place. 

Line Score



Box Score Reds


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  • 1 year later...
4 hours ago, dodgersfan19823 said:

Hi, where do you find the pitch speed slider?  is it titled pitch speed?  thanks for your help.  Yes I have Mlb15 the show.

You do realize you posted a question in a two year old thread?

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52 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:

You do realize you posted a question in a two year old thread?

Yes I realize that I wasn't sure where to post it.  This was the thread dealing with MLB15 the show.  Would you happen to have the game?  if so do you know where I could find the pitch speed information I am looking for?

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1 hour ago, dodgersfan19823 said:

Yes I realize that I wasn't sure where to post it.  This was the thread dealing with MLB15 the show.  Would you happen to have the game?  if so do you know where I could find the pitch speed information I am looking for?

No, I'm sorry. I do not own the game.

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10 hours ago, dodgersfan19823 said:

Thank you if anyone has this game and could tell me how to change this I would truly appreciate your help.

There are a lot of people that own this game that are still members of this website and come here on a regular basis. Try asking your question as a support question in this thread and maybe it will catch someone's eye. Good luck.

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