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If that guy was thrown out for acting like an ***, fine.

If he was thrown out because he was being goaded by others, or simply because he was wearing a Lebron jersey, I hope he gets his ticket costs refunded.

I don't have an opinion on the whole Lebron thing anyway, but chucking him out of a game simply for wearing a jersey with a name on it that others don't like is ridiculous.

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I agree Mark. If he was doing nothing refund the ticket price. If he wasnt heckling then my only other guess would be with as worked up as the fans got they feared for his safety.

Edited by stamcoff1979
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I agree Mark. If he was doing nothing refund the ticket price. If he wasnt heckling then my only other guess would be with as worked up as the fans got they feared for his safety.

Chances are that this guy is not going to get a refund for his ticket. And I am all for it. And not because of his right to express himself or anything like that. He wore that jersey with one thing in mind -and that was to have people notice him wearing it and to provoke a reaction from them because he knows well enough that city is still smarting for the way Lebron James left town.

The Indians management escorted him out of the building for two very important reasons: first off because they wanted to prevent a riot starting in left field that could have easily branched out to other parts of the ballpark. The safety of the fans involved in this incident and the ones not involved in this were at stake as well as the ballplayers. And secondly, they got that guy out of the ballpark for his own good before someone got brave and was able to administer bodily harm on this person.

This guy got what he wanted and that was attention. I would have no doubt that somewhere on the Internet today is a blog update by that guy bragging about what he did.

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Not a new video but it is funny as hell. Triumph the Wonder Dog interviews Star Wars nerds

Part One


Part Two


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Saw a snippet of this on the 60 seconds news breaks here earlier. What a nut case. She's probably been coming down from a 12 hour meth binge and decided she wants Chicken McNuggets. Hell hath no fury like a meth-head scorned.

Damn...I could murder some Chicken McNuggets right now. :lol:

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Remember "men".... protect your women. Also, check yourself before you leave the house (hat = fail).


Sorry M, The Man has struck down your attempts at sharing this clip with us.

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by MLB Advanced Media."

However, fear not - I is here.


And, just in case The Man takes that one down too, you can download it from here.

There. Freedom for the masses!

Yeah, and hat = definite fail. There aren't many real men left these days, sadly. And the ones who don't qualify are still breeding. Like rats.

Finally, it wouldn't be a Left Field MarkB post without rampant women-in-kitchen related comments. The two highest rated comments for the above video link - "Oh no !!! The ball hit her sandwich making arm !!!!" and "What is she doing out of the kitchen?". Love it. I do tend to agree - if she was in the kitchen, she would have avoided being hit with the ball, and on these grounds, she has no basis to whine at her so-called boyfriend. Even without these grounds, she should not be whining at her so-called boyfriend. However, based on the evidence, so-called boyfriend appears to be more of a female that his (rather attractive) companion, and it was due to his neglect that she was out of the kitchen in the first place. So, with this evidence in mind, I hereby vote for revocation of his Man Pass.

All those in favour, say "Hell yeah!"

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Hell Yeah, and it appears she's on the market guys: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/12/earlyshow/main6766272.shtml?tag=cbsnewsTwoColUpperPromoArea

Oh yeah?? Why I ought to...wait I can't.

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Hell Yeah, and it appears she's on the market guys: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/12/earlyshow/main6766272.shtml?tag=cbsnewsTwoColUpperPromoArea

Yet, he still has that dumb-*** grin on his face. Good for her. I doubt it'll teach brick-for-brains a lesson, though; looks like nothing short of a bullet could penetrate that jar on the top of his neck.

Oh yeah?? Why I ought to...wait I can't.

Why not? :spiteful:


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Fix friend's PC.

Speak 2 days later. "All working fine?" "Yep, great, thanks".

Next day, phone call. "Yeah, I've got this XP Antivirus 2010 popping up saying I have a virus, how do I get rid of it?"


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Fix friend's PC.

Speak 2 days later. "All working fine?" "Yep, great, thanks".

Next day, phone call. "Yeah, I've got this XP Antivirus 2010 popping up saying I have a virus, how do I get rid of it?"


I ought to sue! That's me every time Jorge Posada comes up to bat.

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Never have I heard someone scream like this for such a stupid reason.


Couldn't help but watch this multiple times...and laughed my *** off each time. :lol:

Good old fashion ejection and a free gift in the ball park.

Pirates need to promote Gary Robinson to the Majors he showed more passion in this video than John Russel in his entire time as the Bucs manager.

This was mentioned during last night's game and led me to wonder how many spare bases each stadium has on hand. If both managers do that and there are no spare bases to be used...would be an interesting scenario. :lol:

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This is one hell of a driver.

I believe this is from the "Supercars era" in rally. 1000 HP or so. Those cars & guys were just insane... you gotta be insane to drive like this on the mountain roads. :shok:

Former Rally World Champion Ari Vatanen of Finland climbing the Castle Rock, Colorado.


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