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Hello all,

I've been using MVP Edit to adjust player's birthdays so that their age is accurate in dynasty mode. (The schedule updater is not working for me.) However, it is extremely tedious as I think I have to edit each individual player's birthday manually. Is anyone able to figure out how to do a sort of mass edit?

Thanks in advance!

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Under Global Edit.... in the "modify" field, select "birthday" and "static"....then put the value that you want.  I would assume +10.


Remember, if you use a roster where the All-Star teams are tied to the players on actual team, then doing anything globally will probably double the effect to All-Star players.  For example, if you're adding 5 speed to everyone, then you'll see an increase of 10 to guys like Altuve, etc.

Edited by Gordo
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You'd add 2190 (the number of days in six years.)


Unfortunately, this would not account for leap years, but there's no way (that I know of) to filter for birthdays that are before March 1st.

actually i was doing this for myself daflyboys, so i could have correct ages for a dynasty. and dylan i tried that with just the number and adding a "+" in there and it made the players younger by 6 years.


EDIT: i put a "-" in there and it makes them older.

​Global Edit - 3652 (# of days in ten years plus for leap year in 08 & 12)

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  • 3 weeks later...

With MVP EDIT I add a pitch to a certain pitcher with attributes filled in, type, movement, speed, control, etc. but in the game it looks like an ephus pitch always at 58 mph. Suggestions?

i would make a new thread versus hijacking this one.  you will get an answer quicker then people not seeing this because the thread title is about something else, i promise

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Personally, I don't care if you make a new thread or not.  One can always say that there's too many threads then about the same subject, blah, blah, blah.

More details needed.  What kind of a pitch was it and what details did you give it?  Maybe you picked a pitch that doesn't allow for a certain velocity?

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Thanks Gordo, it said Help with MVP Edit so I posted. It doesn't matter type of pitch or other attributes. I've tried different settings. Example

add 2seam, 92 speed, 65 control, slight right motion, you get results I posted before, add change, 55 control, down motion, 84 speed, same results.

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I see where you left the traj. value at 0 and on one of them you accidentally left the movement at "36" which is the default number MVPedit assigns when you create a new pitch (for every value, not just movement).  36 might give you the ephus pitches.

I put in some arbitrary numbers for movement on the supposed pitches in question and found no problems. One other thing that comes to mind is what your slider for pitch speed is at. I use +50.  I attached the roster (dat files) for you to experiment.

Also, your pickoff values are exceedingly high in comparison to the rest of the teams   I purposely limited pickoff to 3 max as there was just way too many happening.  Even with this you can still pick off guys vs. the PC, but it's not gonna happen every game, just like in the real MLB.



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I´m going to take advantage of this topic to ask if the MVPedit can corrupted in some how a .mbe file, I ask this because when I import my 2015 roster now the game crashed before the loading bar, is just after I select the stadium, this never happens to me before, I said is corrupted because I import the 2014 rosters with mvpedit and the game works perfect.

Is there a way to recover my 2015 .mbe file and don´t lose all my transactions?

thanks in advance

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You did the transaction in MVPedit I take it.  Go through the roster within the roster management area and scroll through the teams.  See if it says (NULL) either in a pitcher's spot or somewhere on the bench.  Check MLB through A.  Yes, it's a pain in the ass.

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Crashed for me too.  The only thing I could see is that maybe your FA pool is too full.  I would find a current FA list online and then keep only the players on that list.  Dump everyone else.

Do a save as before you do that.


Addendum:  here's your roster to which I overwrote the FA pool. It's under 40 players.  I was able to get on the field in an exhibition game.  Load these (FA pool won't be accurate), reboot your computer and then try it.



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