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Buenas a todos....

Hoy vengo a mostrarles un parche o mod que eh estado modificando, les comento que hice....

La base del parche es la versión coreana, de allí empece a modificarlo, en su versión  1.0, le cambie el marcador por el de fox, theme fox, se cambio la música y algunos logos fox agregados....

En esta versión 2.0, elimine los uniformes y restaure a los mas actualizados de esta pagina, se eliminaros los uniformes de "Batting practic" y se reemplazaron por uniformes clásicos, y se le añadio un uniforme de mas....

Se restauro algunas cosas que venían en coreano a su versión original.

Se elimino el efecto sudor a su versión original, ya que el del parche, el efecto en algunos jugadores se veía muy brillante.

Cambie los botones de mando a los de xbox modificando tambiel el "B5" y "B3".

Del parche original queda mas de 1800 caras de jugadores

Color de multitudes

Estadios actualizados

Entre otras cosas

Aquí les dejo un pequeño vídeo de lo que les estoy hablando.


Mientras ajusto los últimos detalles, necesito ayuda para ver como lo comparto con ustedes por aquí......

El parche pesa un poco mas de 4.5GB, la idea es crear un instalador para comprimirlo en 1.5GB....

Eso es todo......



traduccion por google traductor


Hi everyone ....

Today I come to show a patch or mod er been changing, I tell them that I did ....

The patch base is the Korean version, from there I started to edit, version 1.0, will change the score by the fox, fox theme, music and some fox logos aggregates change ....

In this version 2.0, delete uniforms and restore to the most current of this product, uniforms "Batting practic" will do away with and replaced by standard uniforms, and he added a more uniform ....

Some things coming in Korean to restore its original version.

Sweat your original effect was eliminated, as the patch, the effect on some players looked very bright.

Change the control buttons to Xbox tambiel modifying the "B5" and "B3".

The original patch is more than 1800 faces of players

Color crowds

Stadiums updated

Among other things

Here is a short video of what I'm talking about.


As I adjust the final details, I need help to see as I share with you here ......

The patch weighs a little more than 4.5GB, the idea is to create an installer to compress in 1.5GB ....

That is all ......

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So basically, on behalf of the Koreans,  you are offering the community here all the latest mods for MLB 2K15 that have been posted here already by myself and others, but all into one pretty little package with some minor graphical changes to menus/icons etc all into patch #2.

All I can say is  WTF??  :o:o:o  And a few other choice things that will get me banned if I say them.

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 Hey guys I wouldn't take it personally. I am fairly certain the language barrier here is the reason they are failing to mention credit for work they have used in this. I would suggest that if this mod is uploaded here, those of us that know others' work were used from here..we can reach out to admin to make sure that it is noted in the release. Just getting mad about it or banning them never stopped them from continuing to release it out on other sites. It only alienated us from benefiting from some of the mods that is original work in there. I know if I had my hands on this mod I could make my newest roster house those alternate uni's so we would have way more choices for uni's in game just like the video shows. 

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Clearly, if friends, uniforms were taken from here all the score and the music on the other hand .....

By posting the patch would place the names of the people who managed to make this possible, as scottybilly, raidersbball20, BSU-FAN on the roster .....

So if I upload I would like to tell me how to upload in few parts.

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Try posting some original work w/ permission from modders outside of mvpmods instead of reposting mods that are here already. Otherwise I do not see your point in condensing all the work into one "patch." Since I have all the mods that I like that were posted here already, I am not interested. And there already is an idea being floated about of doing a total conversion mod similar to mvp already.

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I will just update all on the total mod And my vision. The AL jerseys for 2015 are completed!  KC has graciously been helping me.  I have all logos updated for 2015. That means postseason, allstar, openening day etc.  I continue to work daily on putting everything together. Im just starting on the NL jerseys with KC then onto a total portraits mod.  Honestly I would like everthing put together my the end of summer. Then I would like all the modders works that are included help beta test before we release.

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Nunca entendí gente que roba a otros pueblos funcionan en absoluto

Nunca entendí por qué nos robamos a 2K todo el tiempo

I did not think to use the contributions here was stealing ....

I thought they were to share the community ....

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Look. I know there is a language barrier here, but what is the point of you trying to repost mods that are already available here? Whether you have permission or not is irrelevant.  Why do you call it a contribution? If you wish to contribute, then share some mods w/ permission that are not posted here at all.


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I did not think to use the contributions here was stealing ....

I thought they were to share the community ....

​I believe it states in da rules that you need to ask permission from the creator of a mod to use their original mod in your mod... be it as a base mod that you changed or and part of a mod package you are releasing.  its just a kind of understood good sportsmanship type thing i guess is the best way to describe  it. 

say i go and paint a hat on the mona lisa... i can turn around and show off my painting to people because its not mine.  all i did was paint a hat on an already established painting and it would be total copyright and stuff.  Here, if you use a modders work without asking them, they have the right to stop modding and leave and thats how we lose people who do really good work on this game.... resulting in the downfall of a loyal community

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I don't find the problem, to be honest with you. I say this because I have a global.iff file for MLB2K12 that is a compilation of everyone's texture work for the jerseys, pants, logos etc.

This mod is, in concept, the same thing but on a bigger scale. It's a best-of with everything that the MLB2K12 community has worked on. I'd love to have that than download everything little by little. I say If he wants to upload an MLB 2K15 compilation with whatever fits best with that mod then so be it, its' a packaged deal. I'm actually happy that nobody is buying it off of some online marketplace, that it's not in a torrent, and to be honest I don't think he's said anything remotely close to imply that all of the work was done himself or by anyone other than the Asian MLB2K community and ourselves at MVPMods/Caribe.

I'll also say that the modders in SK are probably just as talented as we are at modding MLB2K12. Real talk, I had to fully decompile, translate, and recompile a utility to manipulate .IFF files that originated in Asia because while we do have a LOT of talented designers, we don't have talented programmers (which reminds me, anyone who knows C#, send me a PM).

Let's not act like we're the only MLB2K12 community on the internet.


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I totally agree with you 100 and 10 percent.  I just think we need to get that ask first mentality like the old days... a common courtesy thing like hey your mods awesome i want to do this compilation do you mind heads up kind of thing... ya know 

I totally am not trying to have that mine mine mentality and i agree in the sharing aspect.  Just the ask first thing needs to come back, ya know

crap though, take my opinion with a grain of salt.. all ive modded before are cts screens and portraits and some uni's for mvp and i think those uni's were based off your template anyways

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The reason there has always been a big "FROWNED UPON" feeling with the mods hosted here is because of several repeat incidents in the past where a lot of modders from the asian community for MVP Baseball/MLB2K12 have taken our work and claimed it to be their own and never gave us any credit for anything that we did at no point in any of the documentation for MLB2K12 or in the credits in MVP Baseball. Some never acknowledged that we existed in any way, but like a lot of things on the internet, if you seek it out, you're likely to find what you're looking for. We always know.

I will say that it's hard to take a solid stance against it, but we try to discourage it by addressing it as up front as possible before the user decides to do anything.

In this case, I'm currently ensuring that there are submission guidelines for people to follow when they wish to submit content, which is, hands down, what stirs the drink here at MVPMods.

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I have no problem with him or anybody sharing their work from elsewhere, combined with ours as long as everybody gets proper credit. The Asian modding community does stellar work I must admit, but they choose not to share it with anybody unless you somehow sign up to their website and contribute in their mod community. All we get are previews and then they tell us to go to said website if we want to download it. The only original work I see in their previews/teasers is the work they do with the global.iff file. Although it is stellar work, not all of it enhances the game to my enjoyment. I really would like to be able to see in-depth what the Asian modding community does and have them preview here what they do and offer us a chance to download it here without any hassles. I have no doubt there are excellent cyberface, uniform, and stadium makers in other modding communities.

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I have no problem with him or anybody sharing their work from elsewhere, combined with ours as long as everybody gets proper credit. The Asian modding community does stellar work I must admit, but they choose not to share it with anybody unless you somehow sign up to their website and contribute in their mod community. All we get are previews and then they tell us to go to said website if we want to download it. The only original work I see in their previews/teasers is the work they do with the global.iff file. Although it is stellar work, not all of it enhances the game to my enjoyment. I really would like to be able to see in-depth what the Asian modding community does and have them preview here what they do and offer us a chance to download it here without any hassles. I have no doubt there are excellent cyberface, uniform, and stadium makers in other modding communities.

​i actually kind of agree with that total viewpoint.  if your gonna use our stuff share it with us as well instead of taking our ball and bringing it to your home

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I have no problem with him or anybody sharing their work from elsewhere, combined with ours as long as everybody gets proper credit. The Asian modding community does stellar work I must admit, but they choose not to share it with anybody unless you somehow sign up to their website and contribute in their mod community. All we get are previews and then they tell us to go to said website if we want to download it. The only original work I see in their previews/teasers is the work they do with the global.iff file. Although it is stellar work, not all of it enhances the game to my enjoyment. I really would like to be able to see in-depth what the Asian modding community does and have them preview here what they do and offer us a chance to download it here without any hassles. I have no doubt there are excellent cyberface, uniform, and stadium makers in other modding communities.

​There's paywalls/membership things across a lot of asian sites because their internet laws are a lot different than other places in the world, for example in SK you have to actually identify yourself by your real name when you register for an account. How am I, an American, supposed to do that? I don't have a Korean ID.

If there wasn't such a stringent policy, I'd join their community with no problem, but that's as far as I understand the situation with the Asian MLB/MVP community.

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​There's paywalls/membership things across a lot of asian sites because their internet laws are a lot different than other places in the world, for example in SK you have to actually identify yourself by your real name when you register for an account. How am I, an American, supposed to do that? I don't have a Korean ID.

If there wasn't such a stringent policy, I'd join their community with no problem, but that's as far as I understand the situation with the Asian MLB/MVP community.

​thats even all the more reason for them to share and contribute it here... its no like we have a pay thing set up and they can "ace" freely contribute here for all to enjoy 

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Look. I know there is a language barrier here, but what is the point of you trying to repost mods that are already available here? Whether you have permission or not is irrelevant.  Why do you call it a contribution? If you wish to contribute, then share some mods w/ permission that are not posted here at all.


​This isn't the first time these guys have pulled something like this either.

I will say that it's hard to take a solid stance against it, but we try to discourage it by addressing it as up front as possible before the user decides to do anything.

​No it's not hard. When they try to pull something like this you don't approve the mod and you tell them why you are not approving the mod right away. Don't hold their God damned hand and hope they don't get mad. They've done this stuff before in the past when they stole stuff from Mvp modders and the 2k modders.

Is there a bit of language barrier? Sure there is, just like with the Caribe guys. And let's not forget that the Caribe guys took a lot of the stuff the modders made here and claimed it as their own. But nothing as blatant as what this Korean group does. And there is no way you can tell me that there isn't one of them that can't understand English and that means they know exactly what they are doing.

I don't see a problem (other than giving credit). It's a basically a total conversion mod.

​I'm sorry, but you are 100% wrong.

I never understood why we steal from 2K all the time

​You know how to twist it around, don't you?


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