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Hi, I have a little problem...

I'm updating the faces and I find two player have the same ID, for example:

- The player has the ID "player_head_9217.iff"
- When using the roster editor, he tells me that face ID is "9270"
- Renamed file "player_head_9270.iff

Then another player has the ID "player_head_8547.iff" and when I use the editor roster appears to me that the face ID is "9270"

How could solve?

Thanks for the help

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Which roster are you using and what roster editor? There are portrait ID's and Face Id's and I am not sure if you are confusing the two? Aslo if you use reditor there is a whole seperate path that cyberfaces take by looking at an appearance ID then the cyberface ID. That's why using ty's editor for some edits can cause issues or crashes. It decompresses and edits the roster info in a much different way then Reditor does.

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I am still not sure what issue you are having other than finding 2 players who share the same face ID? Those players are just sharing the same face ID which is ok... but if you want to reassign one to a new face ID, you can just change the number of whichever one you want changed. Or you can just repalce the player_head_9221.iff file and both of those players will have that face in game. 

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If friend, the idea is to change not share the same face.

But as change the ID face without overwriting other

​If it is changing the other when you change one it is probably because they are "linked" to the same apperance ID and you need to use Reditor with a guru licence to change or edit that. Which roster are you using?.

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Si se está cambiando la otra cuando cambia uno es probable que sea porque están "vinculados" a la misma ID apariencia y es necesario utilizar Reditor con una licencia gurú de cambiar o editar eso. Qué roster está utilizando ?.

​Friend the truth that no roster, I can assure you that is yours.
Truth is not friend

I found only the roster by facebook and upload it to the game I modified the original patch uniforms down, so based on that roster Straighten the uniform but I have problems with the faces of the players and I would like to fix that.

Edited by toretowr
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​Friend the truth that no roster, I can assure you that is yours.Truth is not friend

I found only the roster by facebook and upload it to the game I modified the original patch uniforms down, so based on that roster Straighten the uniform but I have problems with the faces of the players and I would like to fix that.

​I may be able to import the uniform tab from your roster using Reditor into my most recent one... and this would save you the time. You are also more than welcome to use my newest roster for your release and I can try and make it compatible with the uniform edits you have already made in that roster. The roster posted to that facebook page is just a modified version of one of my old rosters anyway.

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I can change them in Reditor fine but I am guessing the two are linked when using Ty's roster editor. What number are you wanting them to be? I can change them for you and message you over my roster. Also...I'm confused? Are you releasing just an edited .FXG file with your patch or a .ROS file...or both?

Edited by BSU-FAN
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