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"Not correct password"


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I have been dling the mods each year with no problems. Just dl'ed 2015--no problem. Prob came when I tried to reinstall (after deleting)

MVP Baseball 2005. I typed in the authentication code, as usual and got a message  that it was the improper code.

Yes, tried several times, made sure the letters were in caps, etc.  Does anyone know, is there a limit on how many times one can re-install?

Now, I can't play any mvp at all!!! Any suggestions appreciated.

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it automatically adjusts all lettering in the code to caps as it side scrolls to the next box.  sadly we don't have authentication codes to give out.

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So you have no 2005 version installed?  What's your operating system?

Are you talking about the 20 digit security code that you need to put in on a fresh install?  That would be between you and your computer and your original CDs.  As others have said here before, try installing it away from the program files (x86) folder (e.g., install it to your main C: drive -- or whatever the directory letter is for your main drive).

Once you do get it going, I would suggest that you patch it with official patch #2 or 3 and keep a copy of that entire folder around from which you can make another copy and modify how you want.  This way you never have to do an install again.

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there is no way around it if your code doesn't work.  there isn't a limit that i'm aware of since it's never been mentioned in ten years.  there is only one thing you can do.  if you have a backup of the original install anywhere, that's the only way it will work.

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Thread reopened and merged with the other one. Cheers.

Hopefully we can find some resolution to this problem here.

The game doesn't have install limits or anything like that, so what we're going to do is go into the registry and look for a specific area, and I want you to find it because this is where your key is held:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA Sports\MVP Baseball 2005\ergc

Your key should be listed here. Keep this in a safe place.

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I was going to suggest that, KC, but if the game would be totally uninstalled, wouldn't the registry key also be uninstalled? Or does Windows tend to keep that fragment behind?

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I was going to suggest that, KC, but if the game would be totally uninstalled, wouldn't the registry key also be uninstalled? Or does Windows tend to keep that fragment behind?

​This is Windows we're talking about here.

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well it's going to be a matter of whether or not he ever installed it on his current OS.  if not there really isn't any other option.  you might want to point him to how to get to that registry.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have played mvp 2005 since it came out. With mods, I have re-installed each year, dl'd the new season mod and played happily.

This year, I dl'ed, as usual. Then deleted my mpv 2005, as usual and went to install. When I typed in the ID code from inside the

mvp case, I got a message, "This code is not correct." So, I can't play!

Anyone else have this problem? You can imagine my frustration.

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I have played mvp 2005 since it came out. With mods, I have re-installed each year, dl'd the new season mod and played happily.

This year, I dl'ed, as usual. Then deleted my mpv 2005, as usual and went to install. When I typed in the ID code from inside the

mvp case, I got a message, "This code is not correct." So, I can't play!

Anyone else have this problem? You can imagine my frustration.

​I've merged this topic with a thread you made earlier last month.

When you say you deleted MVP 2005, did you uninstall the game through the Control Panel, or did you just delete the folder itself? If you deleted the folder itself, that isn't the proper way to uninstall MVP Baseball 2005 and it will cause installation problems. Please follow the guide in our Tutorials section.

And since you mentioned you like to reinstall the game every year, follow Yankee4Life's tutorial on how to install multiple mods.

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