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Here's the latest beta of this datafile and associated files.

I will stress to keep the feedback in this thread only as this is the datafile that we are working on including for the second MVP Baseball 15 patch. I haven't uploaded this to the site yet because it's not a completed mod (Patch 2 isn't scheduled to be done until the end of July/Beginning of August).

There are a lot of changes since the initial release of MVP Baseball 15:

  • Difficulty Changes:
    • Rookie is now a hybrid of Pro and the original Rookie difficulty.
    • Pro is a variation of the All-Star difficulty
    • All-Star is the original MVP difficulty
    • MVP is a revamped difficulty (nicknamed "True MVP") which includes tighter speed differentials and timing windows to accommodate those speed differentials. An 85MPH changeup will feel like a damn bugs bunny pitch compared to a 95MPH fastball.
  • Default batter intro cameras have been restored.
  • All end-of-inning cameras that pan around the field have an FOV of 90 instead of varying FOV values. The result makes the field look bigger and much more natural. As the game was designed in 4:3 resolution, everything appears narrow. An FOV value of 90 widens the camera view to really give the game the fullness it needs.
  • Ball trajectory/physics were altered using RRodkey's original values. This will be modified.
  • Fielding Cameras have also been changed to utilize the new FOV values. Zoom is the final version of the camera tweak. Broadcast and Aerial are still works in progress, and it's likely I'll lower the FOV for those by release.
  • Animations/Fielder throw strength values have been modified using older datafile values for a much more natural feel.
  • Pitch Meter has been restored to original values to preserve the difficulty changes, however this will be modified.
  • Momentum/CPU logic has been altered but this will be modified.
  • Defensive alignments have been altered a bit using RRodkey and MaddieDaddy's values, however this will also be modified.

There's a LOT of work here and although the changes sound small, they do in fact make a huge difference. What I'm having isssues with so far is the trajectory/ball physics. Too many guys over the course of 25 full games that I've played are hitting bombs over 360 feet although they do not have the actual power to drive the balls that far. As I don't play with sliders (I'm a purist that plays as the game was designed, sorry), I'm thinking I may have to tweak the ball speed a little as it may seem that making solid contact = maximum MPH off the bat.


Drag all of these files from the .ZIP archive and place them in the main MVP Baseball 2005 directory where the datafile folder is located. Be sure to back up all of your files as this will ask you to overwrite the existing ones. When it asks to overwrite your files, click "Yes".

We're a month and a half away from Patch 2, and I'm excited to share the second patch with you all as this entire project (MVP Baseball 15) is intended to be a love letter to MVP Baseball 2005, the game that brought us all here in the first place.


EDIT: The datafile has been updated. Scroll below.

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I forgot to talk about the camera angles for the datafile!



Here is the Zoom view. As you can see, it widens the camera view so the field seems much bigger and should help with the ball physics/trajectory/fielder speeds. This is a triple that was hit by George Springer.



Here is the Broadcast view, which is a beautiful camera that gives you a broad view of the field from say....a pressbox seat. I should rename it Press Box in the LOC file. This is Chris Carter lining out to the right fielder.



Here is the view for the Aerial cam. Keep in mind that because of the FOV tweak, the camera will follow the hit vector (ball trail, even if it's disabled) which makes following the hits much easier in this view. This is going to be a double by George Springer.


I'll keep tinkering with these :)

Gonna have to give this a go for sure.  Aerial always seemed way too far away, but the broadcast modification looks like that might be preferable.  Regardless, I'd want to work back in the 1P view batting look.  Thanks very much.


P.S.  Ok..now I see it's not just a datafile.txt    So I'm a little confused.  Should we test this without our current datafile.txt in place or taken out?

Edited by Gordo

Here is the most recent beta which includes some changes to the way balls are hit around the field, not just physics between the bat/ball. More balls hit in the gap, fielders are a little slower in chasing these hits down the field, grounders roll a little longer and and fly balls stay in the air a little more.

Put this text file in your data folder and it will implement the changes.


  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing a lot and I really like it the pitching view, also cameras when fielding are from other world.


My suggestions:

1) think would be great to see the new overlay.  

2) If there is anyway to incorporate the age corrector would be fine, probably is the topic with more questions not solved for most of the users.


3) To add the option of choose a season with less games can be a plus.


KC thanks as always is great to have you again so much incorporated with MVP.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks KC,i just played a game with this datafile and in my half of the 11th inning i sent the runner from 2nd base and on the throw home the ball skipped off the mound and over the catcher's head,never seen that in MVP before,that is pretty cool. Which view do you recommend using for best effect,i used 6,4 view for this game and didn't get widescreen effect for batting?

Thanks KC,i just played a game with this datafile and in my half of the 11th inning i sent the runner from 2nd base and on the throw home the ball skipped off the mound and over the catcher's head,never seen that in MVP before,that is pretty cool. Which view do you recommend using for best effect,i used 6,4 view for this game and didn't get widescreen effect for batting?

I couldn't pull it off for batting, so I only changed the field of view for the fielding cameras. I'd rather not do it at all if I can't achieve the exact look/feel I want.


2) If there is anyway to incorporate the age corrector would be fine, probably is the topic with more questions not solved for most of the users.


3) To add the option of choose a season with less games can be a plus.

I think the schedule updater already addresses #2.  There are a couple of schedules out there that have 29 and 50 game schedules for #3.

  • 4 weeks later...

Any word as to when to expect this update? I'm holding off a serious play through until the rosters are accurate. The Texas Rangers are missing people, like Josh Hamilton.

Edited by Slydude3129

There's been roster updates happening throughout the Summer..... look around the DL section.

Yea hey Gordo, I didn't realize you were apart of the MVP 15 team. Its not that I thought non members would be malicious or something like that, I just didn't think they would have the same ideas of balance the MVP 15 team would have. But you are a member of the MVP 15 team, so clearly you do.

I'll look into getting this patch in a bit, and getting other roster updates as well. I have seen them posted but again, I wasn't sure if they would work well with MVP 15. Now that I know they will, I will give them a go.


EDIT: Speaking of the data file. I am assuming it is the one linked in the 6th post in this thread? Bit I'm just seeing a txt file in the zip and no other files.

Edited by Slydude3129

Yea hey Gordo, I didn't realize you were apart of the MVP 15 team. Its not that I thought non members would be malicious or something like that, I just didn't think they would have the same ideas of balance the MVP 15 team would have. But you are a member of the MVP 15 team, so clearly you do.

I'll look into getting this patch in a bit, and getting other roster updates as well. I have seen them posted but again, I wasn't sure if they would work well with MVP 15. Now that I know they will, I will give them a go.


EDIT: Speaking of the data file. I am assuming it is the one linked in the 6th post in this thread? Bit I'm just seeing a txt file in the zip and no other files.

The txt file belongs in datafile.big which you can import through a utility like BigGui (I'm not sure if it could be found here). 

If you can find the BigGui utility, be sure to rebuild the datafile.big file (by clicking the (R) icon) after importing.

"Its not that I thought non members would be malicious or something like that, I just didn't think they would have the same ideas of balance the MVP 15 team would have."


I don't know what that means.  What would being malicious have to do with this?

"Its not that I thought non members would be malicious or something like that, I just didn't think they would have the same ideas of balance the MVP 15 team would have."


I don't know what that means.  What would being malicious have to do with this?

Well other online communities are not nearly as friendly. Mods compete with each other so in some rare cases they will releases something to break another mod. But this hasn't happened in maybe 10 years.

On the second part, I didn't know you were part of the MVP 15 team, I thought you were "the guy" who did roster updates. And not knowing if you were in the 15 team, I didn't know if you would have the same thoughts on attributes and all the stats that make a difference in the game, in the same vein of the 15 team would.

In other words I thought you were like a Lone Gunman updating the rosters, rather than being involved with the 15 team and release. In as much as you would have your own ideas on balance and player attributes ect. And since 15 changes the ball physics, I figured that would lead to weird results.

I certainly didn't mean any disrespect or anything of the sort. I've been here going on 3-4 days now, and I just do not know the forums "politics" for lack of a better word. It seems this community is all one big group rather than separated out through arbitrary lines drawn whether by mods, or by roster, or by whatever else could divide up a community. That is not a common occurrence, most communities are divided up somehow, so I wasn't expecting a huge unified front. Its a refreshing change of pace to see.

Edited by Slydude3129

"Its not that I thought non members would be malicious or something like that, I just didn't think they would have the same ideas of balance the MVP 15 team would have."


I don't know what that means.  What would being malicious have to do with this?

Good question.

Good question.

Sweet I've been here 3 days now, and I already have a forum stalker, just because I don't like the Yankees. Grow the hell up old man.

The txt file belongs in datafile.big which you can import through a utility like BigGui (I'm not sure if it could be found here). 

If you can find the BigGui utility, be sure to rebuild the datafile.big file (by clicking the (R) icon) after importing.

I'm guessing this is the tool? http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/1100-biggui/ I'll give it a shot, sounds pretty simple to do. I will need to make a backup of my original datafile.big I assume.

That seemed very simple, open the data file, then import the txt file. Tool says imported successfully.

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