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I'm a terrible owner. HELP!


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I have started multiple owner mods all with my rangers. The first thing I did was Trade Chan Ho Park then bought additional seating. I 'm losing money every day. I havn't gained a cent. :( I even tried it with out buying upgrades.

Owner Mode is really pissing me off, I can't upgrade my stadium, get free agents, or anything.


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Just forget owner mode. It is crappy and has not lived up to anyones expectations. Better off going with Dynasty Mode.

Good Advice.

EA broke Owner Mode the minute they decided to force us to build a new stadium and force us into debt...

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I haven't had any problems yet, but I have only played 17 games. It's projected that I will make 35 mil by the end of the season. I think the key is buying a couple of stores, food stands and attractions.

I have a question though, what is your average attendance and ticket prices? Maybe something is off there.

I was averaging 13,500 fans a game and the ticket prices were $50 and $25.

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When you start winning or the opponenet is considered a 9 or 10 as far as fan interest is concerned... you can fill the 20,000 seats consistently at the prices you mentioned.

Only when I started winning and got into 1st place did I start filling the seats. I am still losing alot of money but I think if I continue winning I should do okay. Also it's the road games that kill ya, so until you play most games at home you can't really tell how it's going to go.

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I've got two owner modes right now - the Yankees and the Mets. With the Yankees I have a great record, but I'm losing money because the huge payroll is killing me. With the Mets I traded all of my high-priced players away for solid young players with small contracts. My record isn't as good, but I'm actually making money because the payroll isn't killing me. For a series against the Braves, I nearly sold out every game. I also made ticket prices lower for the Mets, so that seems to draw more people to the park, and I also added several promotional days, so that seems to help too.

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Don't forget that getting rid of high price talent may reduce your teams star power and therefore your media and sponsorship revenue will decrease as well.

I think you just need to be patient with the finances. Playing a lot of away games to start the season hurts, but over the course of the season things will even out. Just put in concession stands and stores - forget extra seating until you fill all 20,000 seats. You need to prove to the fans first that the team is worth seeing and you might as well take some more of their money while they are at the park.

One trick I found is that giving away tickets on a promo day will increase attendance (for free) and you can therefore make more money at your concessions and stores. This works well if you are playing losing team or a team that isn't your rival.

I really like the owner mode - it adds a whole other dimension to the game.

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One thing about promotional days - add them before the season starts. Because once you get into debt, you have insufficient funds to add any.

There's no way to choose what kind of TV contract you have, is there? For example, it would be cool to choose local cable, pay-per-view, or blackout options.

What are the best prices to make the concessions? Keep them at the default, or make them a little bit lower at first? I lowered the prices and I'm still only selling about 33% of my quantity.

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I am selling pizza slices for $4, and ice cream for $3.50.

I sell jackets for $100, retro caps for $30, sweatshirts for $35 and t-shirts for $15.

So far it's working well. I am not making a killing, but I am making some money.

One thing about promotional days - add them before the season starts. Because once you get into debt, you have insufficient funds to add any.

That's the good thing about free tickets - they cost nothing!

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Thanks for the advice fellas, I'm off to continue my owners mode and continue building Devil Ray Field....I just hope that the stadium doesn't look identical to the video at the end cuz then it will look just ridiculous with everybody's stadium lookin the same.

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You gotta add a soda stand - fans get thirsty you know! The hot dog place costs $2 million though, and that's probably the most popular ballpark food there is.

I didn't think about the free tickets - that's a good strategy. No one gets tired of those, and more people in the ballpark means more $$ made at the concessions and stores.

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i went with extra seats and advertising, it weemed to have worked pretty good when i practiced simmed a season. if your team is winning toward the end of the season the revenue jumps big time. as soon as i hit the point in the season where i was making monwy then i started buying consession stands and other things to increase my revenue toward the last few months. i would just suggest trying different things and simming the season out to see how they work.

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