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Update season file from MVP 2008 or 2012 to 2015


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Is there any way to update an owner mode file that I started in either MVP 2008 or 2012 (I can't remember which-- I don't have my old computer, just the save file) to MVP 2015? I've tried installing MVP 2012, and I can play all the way through a game, but it crashes going back to the menu after the game. Same for MVP 2015, and that goes for both playing the game or simulating a game. Any help would be appreciated-- I don't really want to lose my progress. Thank you.

Update: It is towards the end of the first season in owner mode, and it is based on the 2005 schedule. 

Edited by acbeer
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You say it started either in 08 or 12,but it crashes in 12.  Then it seems like you started it in 08.  Probably what's happening is that there are cyberface assignments that aren't working and it would be a bit of finding a needle in a haystack.  Why not just play it in 08?  If it because you want newer stadiums or the like, then just install stadiums from the 12 or 13 mod.  Some stadiums in '15 may be causing crashes at this point.

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Thank you for the quick response. I was able to remember, after seeing the MVP 08 mod, that it was created in 2012. All I am trying to do is keep playing from where I left off-- I don't care about upgrading. I just moved to a new computer, that's all, and I don't want to start from scratch. To my knowledge, I installed everything that I installed last time, and it still crashes-- MVP 2005, patch 5, mvp 12, patch 1, patch 2, MegaPack, MVP 13 stadiums, and 2013 schedule. No dice. Any other ideas?

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Oh I see. No, you'll be fine.  The most logical thing I would think would be to re-install MVP12 (which was very stable), fire up the game once... play an inning of anything, then an MVP folder should be created in the "documents" sub-folder.  Exit. Place your SAV file in there and it should work upon re-starting.

Use the 4GB patch too.  Maybe the MVP 13 stadiums are causing a crash.  You have to do process of elimination.  Test after installing each new step/addition.

Edited by Gordo
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Ok, I tried that some, but still no success. As soon as I click on Quick Sim, or try to go back to the menu after a game, the game crashes. As for the process of elimination, SHOULD it work without the MVP 13 stadiums? Or is it all dependent on the exact configuration I had while originally playing? (I don't need those stadiums-- I'd be fine playing in the base game if that's what it took.) Also, where can I find the 4 GB patch? I apologize if this is obvious, but I haven't been able to track it down. Thanks for all of the help.

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Does MVP 12 work in exhibition mode?  If not, then with admin. rights / Windows XP compatibility checked?  Sometimes unfortunately you just have to start over.

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Ok, now I'm just trying to play. I just found the rosters / cyberfaces, and I've installed:

MVP 2005

Patch 5

MVP 2013

2014 v4 roster

2014 facepack

mvp 2013 stadium pack


The game crashes when trying to sim in owner mode. Any ideas? It also crashes coming back into the main game if I play the whole game. This is on a brand new file. Thanks.


Edited by acbeer
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