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I havs windows  10 and I can't seem to start a dynasty game no matter what I do. I don't have the greatest of laptops but I've played in before. Whenever  I load a dynasty game the game loads and it crashes and it says there was a problem with mvp.exe and it crashes. I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I tried running it without any mods and it still crashes and I can't playba fame in dynasty mode. Should I downgraded back to windows 7?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys!

I have a question for you!
Has anyone made MVP Baseball 2005 work on Windows 10?
without a game crash?

If so, how did you do that?

I ask because I do not want to upgrade my Windows and maybe i will get

the Origanl MVP Baseball 2005 Game!


CU The MVP Fan 2018

Edited by MarlinFan2018
3 hours ago, MVBFan2018 said:

Hi Guys!

I have a question for you!
Has anyone made MVP Baseball 2005 work on Windows 10?
without a game crash?

If so, how did you do that?

I ask because I do not want to upgrade my Windows and maybe i will get

the Origanl MVP Baseball 2005 Game!


CU The MVP Fan 2018


If you read through this entire thread, you would see that no one has a general solution to get MVP2005 to run under Windows 10.


When you say, "maybe I will get the Original MVP Baseball 2005 Game", are you implying that you are using a downloaded version of the game?  If so, please do not ask for any more help until you get a legal copy of the game.  The rules of this website clearly state that we do not approve of or provide support for illegally downloaded versions of the game.

4 hours ago, MVBFan2018 said:



Can someone tell me what I have to download everything to run the MVP 2015 Mod?


First you have to install the game from the discs and then you install the MVP 2015 mod on top of it. 

43 minutes ago, MVBFan2018 said:

Ah ok! thanks.

Can i also use the Roster Updates with the Mod?



Yes, but the cyberfaces in the 2015 mod would not be complete, so you would want whatever cyberfaces you would like to install additionally since that mod came out.

1 hour ago, MVBFan2018 said:

Ah Ok!


Ok so then i use only the Mod. :D


If you have any further questions can you create a thread and post them in there? This is the Windows 10 support thread for Mvp '05.

Yes i know. That this is Windows 10 Support Thread.


I have Windows 10!


20 hours ago, Gordo said:

It's up to you; some people had trouble with the MVP 15 mod.  In that case, you may need to install an earlier version, like MVP12 or 13 and then update what you want from there.

@Gordo Do you mean!

A.) i should install first MVP 12 or 13 and then updated the Roster to 2018 or

B.) install first MVP 12 or 13 -> Update with MVP 2015 Mod and the Update the Roster with 2018?

Edited by MarlinFan2018
1 hour ago, Gordo said:

Choice (A).    But with either choice, you may still need to get additional cyberfaces, minimally.  Of course, there are additional mods that were released since 2012 and 2013.


And then i can install the MVP 2015 nod over!

Edited by MarlinFan2018
  • 1 month later...



Wanted to give an update on what I have done and if someone out there hasn`t tried maybe it will work for them as well..To make a long story short after trying a lot of ways to make MVP15 work in Windows 10..One thing i did was I turned off my anti virus and tried to run the game again..It started playing no problem and I am using Windows 10 pro 64 bit...So I turned my viper anti virus on and put it in learning mode..Which means that every time a program shows up it asks me if I want to block or allow it...So once MVP2005.exe showed up..I allowed it and the game played...So if you haven`t tried this yet..One possibility is allow the game through your anti virus firewall and Windows 10 firewall and restart and then start game again and see if that works..Or if you anti virus has the option turn it into learning mode and allow the game and try it that way..


Maybe it will work for you.

So far it seems to be playing well have played one game since it worked and Haven`t had any issues with stuttering or being choppy...The only thing that is something I have to get used to is I got a 34 inch curved monitor so the players look like there stretched...Not a big deal as my focus was to get the game working...



I'm not really sure what a "Windows 10 firewall" is in this case.  Do you mean to make an exception for the built in Windows AV, "Defender"?


As far as the game aspect ratio, you can try to use the ResChanger mod if your monitor is capable of a 4:3 type resolution to get the proper aspect.

Sorry meant to say Windows Defender Firewall...I will check out the the Res changer...Wanted to add to my original email....To give you a better idea of what i did..Once i figured it out that it was my anti virus cause the issue...I uninstall it and then did a fresh install of MVP2005 with all the mods I wanted..MVP2015, new faces, rosters etc...When I was done I tested the game and once I saw it was working properly, I reinstalled my antivirus and set it to learning mode cause mine has the option and now I have no issues in running the game..


So my suggestion if added it to your anti virus does not work..Is to uninstall your anti virus temporary  and then reinstall it once you know that the game is working properly and run your game..The anti virus should allow the game to run properly...



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