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So I absolutely hate most of the manager cyberfaces.  The only thing I haven't taken a shot at yet is cyberfaces so I thought what the hey.  Anyways I gave Paul Molitor a shot.  For my first attempt I'm happy.  Definitely lots of learning to be done yet.


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That's actually really good. I would try to avoid using reference pics that show the person with a big smile on their face, so you don't exaggerate the lines on their face when they have a relaxed facial expression. Also try to avoid using reference pics that have too much shadow or light on the face. Otherwise you have to use multiple reference pics in order to piece together every part of the face you create. Are you using Blender as you do this?

No I

That's actually really good. I would try to avoid using reference pics that show the person with a big smile on their face, so you don't exaggerate the lines on their face when they have a relaxed facial expression. Also try to avoid using reference pics that have too much shadow or light on the face. Otherwise you have to use multiple reference pics in order to piece together every part of the face you create. Are you using Blender as you do this?

No I didnt use blender scotty.

raidersb is good face, like you I am new to this but have created some face, and I make some tweaks in blender it or not complete management and I think maybe blender you can help more.

 always credits scottybilly to help us with your advice, because I served me well  :)

  • 1 month later...

hola amigo solo tenes que instalar el blender 2.49b, luego instalas el python 2.6.2, despues de eso solo tenes que copiar el plugin en la carpeta de instalacion del blender en esta direccion: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts, ahi pegas los el plugin que son dos archivos .py y listo ya podes jugar con los modelos 3d

hello friend you just have to install the blender 2.49b after you install the python 2.6.2, after that you only have to copy the plugin in the blender installation folder at: C: \ Users \ xxxxx \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blender \ .blender \ scripts, here paste the plugin which are two .py files, and ready
Already you can play with 3D models


thats actually spot on if you mess with the hair texture. The shape of the hair is perfect.

Honestly I'm not really sure how to correct it.  I put some high res curly hair on the texture with pretty much the same results.

They both look good. Are there glares and shadows in the reference photos that you are using to create these cyberfaces? I know, it is very hard to find decent sized reference photos that don't have light glare, shadows, or lense flare on the players' face. Whenever I run into that problem, while in Photoshop I just cut, and use one side of the face, and copy it, then rotate it to create the other side of the face.

They both look good. Are there glares and shadows in the reference photos that you are using to create these cyberfaces? I know, it is very hard to find decent sized reference photos that don't have light glare, shadows, or lense flare on the players' face. Whenever I run into that problem, while in Photoshop I just cut, and use one side of the face, and copy it, then rotate it to create the other side of the face.

Scotty the problem with Conforto is I can't really find a good "high res" photo where he doesn't look likes he is 16.  As for deGrom I used your texture and added some high res curly hair and blended it in but I still get the above results.  Unless you have any tricks up your sleeve to make it look like real hair?

Edited by raidersbball20

There is no true method to make long hair to look lifelike in this game. It will always look like a bunch of colors splashed together in a hair texture with no curls or waves And of course the hair stays static and never moves when you play this game. As for these posted works in progress, I asked this question because on deGrom, I see areas on his face that are super bright, (chin, ear, tip of nose) but everything else looks fine. For Conforto, One side of his face looks fine, but the other side shows exaggerated shadow,smudges. That's why I suggested using just one side of the face from the reference pic (cheek, jaw, eyebag, stubble, etc) , then copying it, and rotating it to create the opposite side of the face.

  • 5 months later...

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