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If anyone hasn't seen the ESPN 30 for 30 on Bo, definitely check it out. Highly recommended

I remember seeing Bo throw an absolute laser to 3B to pick off a guy advancing to third on a sacrifice fly at a Yankees game one time. I think the highlight is on YouTube somewhere

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Yes, the 30 for 30 episode about him encapsulates everything.  I believe it has that throw in their too.  Ironic that he was so strong his own body was too powerful for itself.  Such a strange injury to end it too soon.  Such a humble guy.

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Man look at that field, look at that broadcast, what is it about old baseball games that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside?

I miss players like Mr. Jackson, and others like him. While I understand we still have a few ball players who are like him, it seems like there are fewer and fewer every year. I've never personal met the man, but from all accounts that I have ever heard, he was a great person to be around. He kind of reminds me of Tony Gywnn who I was a big fan of back in his day. And now I've remembered that Mr. Gywnn is no longer with us. Hopefully he is playing up there in the best stadium with the other best ball players the world has ever known, where the lights never go out.

Baseball needs more players like these two gentlemen. But to be honest, even if every ball player were like them, we would still need more. You can never have enough people like these guys.

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Tony Gwynn is one of those players I used to idolize when I was a kid. I was a pudgy guy who was always a RFer if I wasn't playing 1B or pitching, and I was always known for having probably the best hitting eye on my team. By that, I mean I was always able to make contact, be it good or bad on pitches in and around the strike zone.

Slydude, as I know you in your posts, pine for the older days of baseball, why don't you check out the Total Classics mods. I'm sure that the 1994 mod amazed you, but if you dig a little deeper, you'll find some absolute gems made by the community.

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Oh yea I'm very, very tempted to get both the 94 and 77 era mods. I've been looking at the tutorials for getting multiple installs of MVP for multiple mods, the only thing holding me back is the fear that I might mess up my currently only working version of MVP15, and you know how much trouble I had getting that to work from my end, not that its your fault. I swear I had to drag my PC kicking and screaming to get it done. And now that I have it, I don't want to lose it and have to go through all that again.

But it is something I am heavily considering even if I do have to reinstall MVP 15. But then I'd have to play the game with big fat nostralgic man tears blinding me, and I'm bad enough at the game already.

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The MVP 94 mod is so freakin' well done. As a matter of fact I might start presenting my Mariners 94 Dynasty on here. I started it this summer, playing every game so far into late May. Griffey Jr., Edgar, Randy Johnson, and an 18 year old A-Rod progressing quickly through the minors...amazing B)

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The MVP 94 mod is so freakin' well done. As a matter of fact I might start presenting my Mariners 94 Dynasty on here. I started it this summer, playing every game so far into late May. Griffey Jr., Edgar, Randy Johnson, and an 18 year old A-Rod progressing quickly through the minors...amazing B)

Oh man KGJ. That dude was so cool. When he and his father hit those homeruns after each other, that was really cool. I miss Ken Griffey Jr.

I consider myself lucky that I saw baseball like that. 

I guess the closest I came to seeing it like that, was going to the Astro Dome in the late 80's and early 90's but I don't talk about those memories much because they hit me right in the childhood. It just had that old timey baseball feel. I've been on a huge kick with watching Classic World Series Games on youtube. Search MLB Classic Games, there is a play list wait, I can link it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uccsNcYt7Q&list=PL5MExjWBMiK_VYLVHf--DM9qaWECtM2_V that is easier. The last one I watched was the 96 World Series Game 6 ATL@NYY. If I inhale long and hard enough, sometimes I almost feel like I'm way back then sitting at the TV watching the game for real, even though most of the time, I already know who won. Makes it almost impossible to go sit in the living room and watch a live game on my larger TV, in crystal clear HD. Yes I'm one of those weird people that miss SD. I'm way to "young" to be the angry old man yelling at clouds.

I also miss the way the game was announced. I'm not a Joe Buck hater, but I'm not a Joe Buck fan either. That moment in game 6 of the 77 World Series with Tom Seaver co calling the game when Reggie Jackson hits his third homerun can bring tears to my eyes. That, "High,.." "Good Bye!", and the announcers overlapping each other with genuine excitement. Like he is saying, that ball is gone don't even try to leave any doubt its gone. I'm watching it and I don't believe it but its gone. I miss Mr. Cosell though I don't think I've ever heard him live. Nothing like listening to him, and those other gentlemen call the game.

Sometimes I fear baseball's best days are behind us, and I wasn't around to get to see it.

I miss John Madden in football as well, but that is another wax nostalgic for another post.

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Sometimes I fear baseball's best days are behind us, and I wasn't around to get to see it.

don't be one of those guys. nostalgia is deceiving.

we're in a golden age right now. The game is in good hands, and it will always be that way

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don't be one of those guys. nostalgia is deceiving.

we're in a golden age right now. The game is in good hands, and it will always be that way

Indeed nostalgia is a cruel mistress.

While I don't know if I can agree with the "golden age" I can agree that Baseball is going in a direction that will hopefully see it do nothing but continue to get better. I'd like to see some bad seeds thrown out, but there will always be bad seeds in anything we do. It will never be perfect, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for perfection.

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This is a golden age? How?

I'm thinking that he might be referring to how accessible Baseball is now. I imagine most, if not all teams have their own broadcasting station, growing Yankee fans in Texas, or Dodgers fans in Philly. It used to be Games of the Week, and occasional broadcast like that. Now with the exception of the blackout, which is another rant for another post, you can pretty much watch all 162 games of the year. I don't think we have ever had access to baseball quite like we do now.

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This is a golden age? How?

If I had time to explain myself I would, but since I don't I'll have to say that slydude just kind of hit on one of my main points in his post. Anyway I have to go so I can't elaborate on this but I will say that every era is great in its own way(s) and the one we're in now is very special

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If I had time to explain myself I would, but since I don't I'll have to say that slydude just kind of hit on one of my main points in his post. Anyway I have to go so I can't elaborate on this but I will say that every era is great in its own way(s) and the one we're in now is very special

Now that I can agree with.

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