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Can you please give away your PC copy of MVP Baseball 2005 to me?


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Attention everyone,

Could any of you please give away your PC copy of MVP Baseball 2005 to me? If you do so, please send it to my home and the address for my home is <Address Removed>.

Edited by Jim825
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Admin you seriously need to edit this child's address out of this post.


To the OP, son there are dangerous people on the internet, you don't need to post your address online. And noone gives away a game worth 100-500$. If you are lucky, someone might sell it to you, but for a price, which you can discuss in private messages.

Edited by Slydude3129
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On a related note.  I have the Park Place game piece for the McDonald's Monopoly game.  Can someone contact me if you have Boardwalk?  I'll split the $1M winnings with you down the middle.  No lie.

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On a related note.  I have the Park Place game piece for the McDonald's Monopoly game.  Can someone contact me if you have Boardwalk?  I'll split the $1M winnings with you down the middle.  No lie.

Oh shit!? I'm going to McDs right now.

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On a related note.  I have the Park Place game piece for the McDonald's Monopoly game.  Can someone contact me if you have Boardwalk?  I'll split the $1M winnings with you down the middle.  No lie.


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I looked up the address on Google maps that this Rhodes scholar provided and it appears to be some townhouses. Across the street at 1925 Wilmette is an American Legion hall. So, this is a legitimate address.

Attention everyone,

Could any of you please give away your PC copy of MVP Baseball 2005 to me? If you do so, please send it to my home and the address for my home is *redacted*.

I have been here for eleven years and I have to honestly tell you that this is the stupidest post I have ever seen. You first want someone to give away their copy of this game to you. You got a lot of nerve asking that. Then you provide your home address, which just shows how smart you really are.

Honestly the stupidest thing I have ever read in here. By the way welcome to Mvpmods.


This won the internet for the day award.. Hands down

You are not kidding.

Admin you seriously need to edit this child's address out of this post.


*&$^ him. It's not like anyone told him to. You can't cure stupid.

Edited by Kccitystar
admin ninja powers, removed address from post
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I looked up the address on Google maps that this Rhodes scholar provided and it appears to be some townhouses. Across the street at 1925 Wilmette is an American Legion hall. So, this is a legitimate address.

I have been here for eleven years and I have to honestly tell you that this is the stupidest post I have ever seen. You first want someone to give away their copy of this game to you. You got a lot of nerve asking that. Then you provide your home address, which just shows how smart you really are.

Honestly the stupidest thing I have ever read in here. By the way welcome to Mvpmods.


You are not kidding.

*&$^ him. It's not like anyone told him to. You can't cure stupid.


Perhaps, but hopefully if we can find a mod or admin we can limit the damage stupid can do. I ordinaraly would try not to use the word stupid, but a 17 year old dumb enough to post his address on the forums of a site he just joined, clearly makes wonderful use of the word.

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Perhaps, but hopefully if we can find a mod or admin we can limit the damage stupid can do. I ordinaraly would try not to use the word stupid, but a 17 year old dumb enough to post his address on the forums of a site he just joined, clearly makes wonderful use of the word.

I think at the age of 17 you would have a lot more common sense, especially kids now who have literally been brought up with the internet. They know what you should and should not do when you are online. I really think this guy is trying to pull something here. What that is, I don't know.

Maybe we all should get together and mail him our garbage? All around the world from Asia to Australia to Canada and Europe. All being sent to *redacted*

Disclaimer: I do not encourage or condone this idea. It was a post to get a laugh in here. I am not responsible for anyone taking this idea and running with it.

      -The law offices of Y4L, Branches in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Honolulu.

Edited by Kccitystar
admin ninja powers, removed address from post
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I think at the age of 17 you would have a lot more common sense, especially kids now who have literally been brought up with the internet. They know what you should and should not do when you are online. I really think this guy is trying to pull something here. What that is, I don't know.

Maybe we all should get together and mail him our garbage? All around the world from Asia to Australia to Canada and Europe. All being sent to 1926 Wilmette Ave Wilmette, IL 60091-3200.

Disclaimer: I do not encourage or condone this idea. It was a post to get a laugh in here. I am not responsible for anyone taking this idea and running with it.

      -The law offices of Y4L, Branches in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Honolulu.

I think you have entirely to much faith in 17 year olds. After all, they kill people everyday trying to text and drive, or selfie and drive or whatever the hell else than can think of, other than driving. Today's youth unfortunately are more sheltered than ever, they are certainly not you or I when we were 17.

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I think you have entirely to much faith in 17 year olds. After all, they kill people everyday trying to text and drive, or selfie and drive or whatever the hell else than can think of, other than driving. Today's youth unfortunately are more sheltered than ever, they are certainly not you or I when we were 17.

Oh no, not at all. I didn't want to come across like that. I have no faith in the average 17 year old or anyone near that age group, younger or older. I figure they should be more internet savvy because that is all they have known their entire life. I am very grateful that I am not in school these days because of what goes on there. Selfies and instagram and Facebook is all they know or care about. And I should say to be clear that not every kid is like that. It just seems that way because there are so many that are.

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Oh no, not at all. I didn't want to come across like that. I have no faith in the average 17 year old or anyone near that age group, younger or older. I figure they should be more internet savvy because that is all they have known their entire life. I am very grateful that I am not in school these days because of what goes on there. Selfies and instagram and Facebook is all they know or care about. And I should say to be clear that not every kid is like that. It just seems that way because there are so many that are.

That is a good point to make. If and when I have children, they will never be allowed on whatever social media exist at that point. I've covered this before but I think its just an easy way to moniter us. Again all the information pertenant to building a profile of someone, is what you willingly post on them. I mean, they call it a profile that you create. It is just far, far to suspect to me. Especially when employeers want your Facebook/Twitter info ect. I had an interview the other day and I was asked about my Facebook and Twiiter. The looks on their faces when I told them I don't do that, was like the Alien from When the World Stood Still, got out of the space ship.

Edited by Slydude3129
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If I understand this thread right we are asking for things.


So anyone got a ps4 and mlb the show they can send me my address is (I'm not dumb enough to give my address on the interwebs)


That and 17 year olds suck LOL i have a 17 year old brother he's my youngest brother i am well older then him and I see him do stuff that I just hope i never did LOL

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If I understand this thread right we are asking for things.


So anyone got a ps4 and mlb the show they can send me my address is (I'm not dumb enough to give my address on the interwebs)


Damn, you're right.

Ok, this is what I want.

A brand new 3D television.

A new Keurig coffee machine.

And why not, a new PS4 and MLB the Show. I'll try it out.

Let's get cracking! :D

Well since we are asking for thing I'll join in too. Does anyone have a Phase 2 turbo charged DeLorean they wish to get rid of? Preferably one equipped with a flux capacitor.

You're in luck, I got one in my garage that I am not using anymore.

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I was just told by the wife I should send them my copy :lol:

What??? You got to have a talk with her. And if she still insists tell her to drive it there herself. (I can say this because I am far away from you and she can't hit me.)

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What??? You got to have a talk with her. And if she still insists tell her to drive it there herself. (I can say this because I am far away from you and she can't hit me.)

She thinks i have "to many sports games and stuff"


But hey at least if the game goes missing I will no where to look

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She thinks i have "to many sports games and stuff"


But hey at least if the game goes missing I will no where to look

I would put that thing under lock and key and remind your wife, that you will be able to sell said game to put your kids through college if you wait a few years and put it on EBAY. Or expensive jewelry if that is her thing.

She might sing a different tune then.

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I was going to say, is this a real thread??  Nobody in their right mind is going to "give" their game away.  This game doesnt exist and is not for sale anymore.. the only way you can get it is if you are lucky and "see" one one Ebay..  Ive seen these go for a couple hundy, and thats no joke..  I for one am keeping mine, because its still a great baseball game, and can be modded forever.  it isnt next gen, but it still plays great..


and NEVER post your personal info online in a forum.. Thats just mental, no disrespect.. but you have to use your head better than this.

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........................................................... but you have to use your head better than this.

He's 17, I promise you he is only thinking, with one head. And it isn't the one above his shoulders.

Attention everyone,

Could any of you please give away your PC copy of MVP Baseball 2005 to me? If you do so, please send it to my home and the address for my home is *redacted*

I've sent you a copy of my copy of the game. I hope you know how to use a 3.5 in floppy. Because you are about to get 1,456 of them.

Edited by Kccitystar
admin ninja powers, removed address from post
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