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ISIS and what you think should be done about them.


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This topic lately has generated a lot of talk in the shoutbox recently so I thought maybe a thread could be made about it for anyone who wanted to come in and chime in on it with any opinion they care to share.

How would you stop them? What do you think should be done? Do you agree that allowing 10,000 Syrians in our country in 2016 is a good idea? Do you agree that over half the governors of the U.S. are not going to allow them in their state?

Personally I don't trust a single one of them and I would not want them to be allowed to enter New York State. Isn't there enough problems already in our country without wondering if someone we let in is a radical Muslim in disguise?

And if they have to come to the United States send them to Alaska. One winter there they'll be begging to go back home.


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Stopping Isis…  It has been my experience over the years that some of the most dangerous people are professing religious people. The reason? They either have an idea, standard or group of rules that binds them together. Boko Haram allied themselves with ISIS a few months ago, because they allegedly “caught the vision” of ISIS and their brand. Their brand is a type of Medieval Islam that was prominent during the Crusades. In order to defeat them, you must engage their brand and rip it away from them or at the very least, expose it as artificial, muted and meaningless. Then tap dance over it for good measure it showing it is no longer solvent.

It is not a good idea allowing that many people into the nation in 2016, not because they’re Syrians, but because of the present state of this nation which has dumped it’s immigration laws. Again, no standards, “do what you want”, and believe me they are.  We are witnessing what happens when the radical derivative of a religion comes in contact with a largely secular society. It will be interesting to see if appeasement will be used as a tool in hopes of disarming ISIS…you know, allowing them to practice Sharia law like their doing in parts of the UK where the Muslim men have entered into a life of polygamy and having 20 babies by each of their wives. As one of their clerics said, “Go out and marry them (the British women), and have children by them and then cast the infidels away.”  Stay tuned, this may be around for a generation or two.  My humble opinion. Thanks for the vine Y4L!

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I will say it and if you ban me so be it!!!  1st amendment still applies in America, unless we have become the Socialist States of America.  ISIS and radical islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Moslems do not come to western countries to assimilate.  The moslem countries need to step up and eradicate radical islam if they plan on co-habitating with us Infidels.  If they don't want to do that, then they are no better then ISIS.  The liberals/socialists have been in bed with the moslems for decades. The PC liberals in America can say and do anything they want.  However, a Christian, or conservative do the same are made to be villains currently under this administration and the Democratic party.  Political correctness is a tool to silence opposing opinions and ideas created by liberals.  The liberal/socialist agenda has been going on ever since the Vietnam war protests in our universities and colleges of higher brainwashing.  We have them in our media, and our schools with our teachers and school administrations.  They have finally dumbed down our children to the point that they feel entitled to everything and should not have to work for it.

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If by "dumbing down our children" you mean passing laws that have ruined education and saddled countless young adults with debt that they can never ever recover from, along with outsourcing and keeping the profits hard working people here in the US help companies make, offshore, then yes

I have no issues with the first amendment, but people tend to express opinions with the idea or expectation that there are, or should be no consequences for what is said.

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What I meant by dumbing down is, they have bought into all this liberal BS and common core.  These kids know nothing about history, about world geography and standards have been lowered to accommodate those not willing to learn or strive.   They can tell you all you want to know about the Kardashians.  That socialism is good and capitalism is evil.  If you have worked hard all your life and have made yourself and family wealthy, you are evil for not giving half of it to the lazy leeches.  The saddled educational debt for their education comes about by high salaries that these socialist professors and administrators receive, fleecing our children and parents while they laugh all the way to the bank.  Hypocrites, every last one of them.

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27 minutes ago, tomk30816 said:

I will say it and if you ban me so be it!!!  1st amendment still applies in America, unless we have become the Socialist States of America.  ISIS and radical islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Moslems do not come to western countries to assimilate.  The moslem countries need to step up and eradicate radical islam if they plan on co-habitating with us Infidels.  If they don't want to do that, then they are no better then ISIS.  The liberals/socialists have been in bed with the moslems for decades. The PC liberals in America can say and do anything they want.  However, a Christian, or conservative do the same are made to be villains currently under this administration and the Democratic party.  Political correctness is a tool to silence opposing opinions and ideas created by liberals.  The liberal/socialist agenda has been going on ever since the Vietnam war protests in our universities and colleges of higher brainwashing.  We have them in our media, and our schools with our teachers and school administrations.  They have finally dumbed down our children to the point that they feel entitled to everything and should not have to work for it.

Last place I wanted to see this ignorance is MVPMODS.com, but I suppose that's too much to ask. And what you're spouting is plain ignorant bigotry.

The divisive language you use to separate your own neighbors into left and right, liberal and conservative is old and fading, but you seem to be stuck in the 60's with your rhetoric. You do realize that our own government sold arms to groups that ended up in ISIS's hands, not to mention the power vacuum that occurred that led to the creation of ISIS thanks to our Bush-led war on terror and our quest to "free the Iraqis" of a person that the CIA put in charge in the first place.

Ignorance breeds ignorance, war breeds war and hate breeds hate. I don't believe dropping bombs on Doctors without Borders, killing civilians, or occupying foreign territories and arming "moderate" groups has helped us at all, it only serves to rehash the cycle of destruction we find ourselves currently in. Being buddy-buddy with the Saudis, largely thanks to our capitalist oil magnates (Bush and co.) is a direct reason these things are happening, especially as the Saudis are directly funding Wahhabism.



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If you're citing the Huffington Post, then I already see where your head is at.

As far as the original thread question, the answer is simple, since these radicals seem to like to play with explosives:



I'm exactly in your school of thought, tomk. 

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Well, we would like them....if they would just stop blowing themselves up around innocent civilians all over the world, and beheading children, and beheading Christians, and committing mass killings., etc., etc.

Of course, I don't seriously think we should blanket bomb the country, but what Russ-ance is doing is the right move and bomb all possible strategic sites.  Cripple them until they can't crawl.  Or do you suggest we do what State Dept. spokeswoman Marie Harf said back in February and just provide ISIS member jobs.  Yes.... that'll do it.  Let's get 'em over here working at fast food restaurants for $7.75/hr.  This takes care of 2 problems in one.  They'll make more than the federal min. wage and will replace current FF workers who think they should get what some college grads get just out of school.

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57 minutes ago, PunchBro said:

Last place I wanted to see this ignorance is MVPMODS.com, but I suppose that's too much to ask. And what you're spouting is plain ignorant bigotry.

The divisive language you use to separate your own neighbors into left and right, liberal and conservative is old and fading, but you seem to be stuck in the 60's with your rhetoric. You do realize that our own government sold arms to groups that ended up in ISIS's hands, not to mention the power vacuum that occurred that led to the creation of ISIS thanks to our Bush-led war on terror and our quest to "free the Iraqis" of a person that the CIA put in charge in the first place.

Ignorance breeds ignorance, war breeds war and hate breeds hate. I don't believe dropping bombs on Doctors without Borders, killing civilians, or occupying foreign territories and arming "moderate" groups has helped us at all, it only serves to rehash the cycle of destruction we find ourselves currently in. Being buddy-buddy with the Saudis, largely thanks to our capitalist oil magnates (Bush and co.) is a direct reason these things are happening, especially as the Saudis are directly funding Wahhabism.



Typical liberal response.  The facts are that the void in Iraq was created when Obama removed American troops despite objections from the military.  The gun running of this administration through Libya led to the arming of ISIS.    You continue to bury your head in the sand, hoping that Islamic terrorism will go away.  Let me know how that works out for you when the terrorists hit America.  There is no co-existence with radical islam.  If you think calling me a bigot will silence me, you underestimate me.  This is another ploy used by libtards to silence opposing views.   I suppose you agree with your messiah, Obama, that climate change is a bigger threat then ISIS.

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3 hours ago, Popebru said:

Maybe usa should stop bombing them and creating wars.We raise a flag in frances name why not syria there getting murdered bye the thousands.

So all this is America's fault? Go home troll.

3 hours ago, Williamsburg said:

It is not a good idea allowing that many people into the nation in 2016, not because they’re Syrians, but because of the present state of this nation which has dumped it’s immigration laws. Again, no standards, “do what you want”, and believe me they are.  We are witnessing what happens when the radical derivative of a religion comes in contact with a largely secular society. It will be interesting to see if appeasement will be used as a tool in hopes of disarming ISIS…you know, allowing them to practice Sharia law like their doing in parts of the UK where the Muslim men have entered into a life of polygamy and having 20 babies by each of their wives. As one of their clerics said, “Go out and marry them (the British women), and have children by them and then cast the infidels away.”  Stay tuned, this may be around for a generation or two.  My humble opinion. Thanks for the vine Y4L!


I had no idea this was going on over in England.

1 hour ago, tomk30816 said:

I will say it and if you ban me so be it!!!  1st amendment still applies in America, unless we have become the Socialist States of America.  ISIS and radical islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Moslems do not come to western countries to assimilate.  The moslem countries need to step up and eradicate radical islam if they plan on co-habitating with us Infidels.  If they don't want to do that, then they are no better then ISIS.  The liberals/socialists have been in bed with the moslems for decades. The PC liberals in America can say and do anything they want.  However, a Christian, or conservative do the same are made to be villains currently under this administration and the Democratic party.  Political correctness is a tool to silence opposing opinions and ideas created by liberals.  The liberal/socialist agenda has been going on ever since the Vietnam war protests in our universities and colleges of higher brainwashing.  We have them in our media, and our schools with our teachers and school administrations.  They have finally dumbed down our children to the point that they feel entitled to everything and should not have to work for it.

You're right, radical Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth because there is no negotiating with them or reasoning with them. The only thing they know is guns and firepower and air strikes.

I will say this one more time. You can not reason with them. What is going on is crazy and all of this is supposed to be in the name of their religion. These people are the ones who are beheading people. These people are the ones setting people on fire. These people shot down a Russian plane full of innocent people and bragged about. These people attacked Paris a few days ago and all they did next was make a video telling the French it was their fault and at the same time threatened Washington.

What amazed me...AMAZED me...was reading about some people complaining about France's air strikes on Syria. What the hell? What I would love to see is the U.S., England, France and Russia do a combined air strike on these bastards and wipe them all out.

If you notice each new ISIS attack is worse than the previous one. Enough is enough boys.

1 hour ago, PunchBro said:

Last place I wanted to see this ignorance is MVPMODS.com, but I suppose that's too much to ask. And what you're spouting is plain ignorant bigotry.

The divisive language you use to separate your own neighbors into left and right, liberal and conservative is old and fading, but you seem to be stuck in the 60's with your rhetoric. You do realize that our own government sold arms to groups that ended up in ISIS's hands, not to mention the power vacuum that occurred that led to the creation of ISIS thanks to our Bush-led war on terror and our quest to "free the Iraqis" of a person that the CIA put in charge in the first place.

Ignorance breeds ignorance, war breeds war and hate breeds hate. I don't believe dropping bombs on Doctors without Borders, killing civilians, or occupying foreign territories and arming "moderate" groups has helped us at all, it only serves to rehash the cycle of destruction we find ourselves currently in. Being buddy-buddy with the Saudis, largely thanks to our capitalist oil magnates (Bush and co.) is a direct reason these things are happening, especially as the Saudis are directly funding Wahhabism.

What I think Tom is "sprouting" is his increased frustration with these people and I don't blame him. I feel the same way.

And I don't want these Syrians here at all. Not one of them. And don't tell me that if we let ten thousand of them in only a couple of them could have ties to ISIS. To me that is one too many. Like I said before if they got to come here send them to Alaska so they can freeze. I've had it with these people and the things they do. They just finished killing 129 people in France. Christmas is next month. There's going to be a lot of families celebrating it with heavy hearts because of these people.



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It is so good to know that I can go to a website that is for baseball gaming/modding and speak or read about the state of the world via political views, religious beliefs, etc. Seriously, ISIS planned the latest terrorist attack via communicating on the PS4? A bunch of terrorists were online playing Halo or Call Of Duty together and planned it all out? Shame on you for this Sony, and shame on you for selling thousands of Playstation 2s to Saddam Hussein and his regime so they could build homemade missiles and bombs. :angry:

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26 minutes ago, zzcoolj21 said:

Yes, lets level Iraq and Syria. Killing many innocent civilians and showing other nations you can just blow up anyone you don't like.

Yeah that does sound terrible but you know what? If ISIS had the capability to do this to France or us or anyone else they don't like don't you think they would do it?

I'm sorry but I am past the point about caring about those people.

1 minute ago, scottybilly said:

It is so good to know that I can go to a website that is for baseball gaming/modding and speak or read about the state of the world via political views, religious beliefs, etc. Seriously, ISIS planned the latest terrorist attack via communicating on the PS4? A bunch of terrorists were online playing Halo or Call Of Duty together and planned it all out? Shame on you for this Sony, and shame on you for selling thousands of Playstation 2s to Saddam Hussein and his regime so they could build homemade missiles and bombs. :angry:

Wait a second. You're not kidding here are you? They planned this out playing games?

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4 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:

Yeah that does sound terrible but you know what? If ISIS had the capability to do this to France or us or anyone else they don't like don't you think they would do it?

I'm sorry but I am past the point about caring about those people.

Wait a second. You're not kidding here are you? They planned this out playing games?

No. This was proven to be wrong and flat out shitty journalism.

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Some "sources" were claiming that to avoid government detection, the terrorists plotted, are plotting attacks  via PS4s. And no I didn't find it credible whatsoever. But the whole Saddam Hussein and PS2 connection, I heard about for years, but don't know if its true or not.

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arguing about politics on the internet is about as pointless as the next pointless thing.  discussion is one thing, but debate about it gets nowhere.  i'm more interested in the stories of those people that were lost, those who helped, and those left behind.  the other thing that was interesting to me was Anonymous declaring war on isis.

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11 minutes ago, Homer said:

arguing about politics on the internet is about as pointless as the next pointless thing.  discussion is one thing, but debate about it gets nowhere.  i'm more interested in the stories of those people that were lost, those who helped, and those left behind.  the other thing that was interesting to me was Anonymous declaring war on isis.

I see what you mean. There's a lot of stories that will be and should be coming out of France in the next few months. People band together well during these times. The problem is this happens too often.

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2 hours ago, tomk30816 said:

Typical liberal response.  The facts are that the void in Iraq was created when Obama removed American troops despite objections from the military.  The gun running of this administration through Libya led to the arming of ISIS.    You continue to bury your head in the sand, hoping that Islamic terrorism will go away.  Let me know how that works out for you when the terrorists hit America.  There is no co-existence with radical islam.  If you think calling me a bigot will silence me, you underestimate me.  This is another ploy used by libtards to silence opposing views.   I suppose you agree with your messiah, Obama, that climate change is a bigger threat then ISIS.

Yeah, I'm sticking to baseball modding on this site. If I want to argue with idiots anymore I'll go on reddit.

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2 hours ago, Yankee4Life said:

I see what you mean. There's a lot of stories that will be and should be coming out of France in the next few months. People band together well during these times. The problem is this happens too often.

yeah there's a few of them already, and they're tear jerkers.  those stories are more meaningful to me.  just too many people jumping on these topics putting their own political views first.  

i read that Anonymous already got hundreds of their twitter accounts closed.  i guess i'm curious to see what those guys are going to do.

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