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Question on Getting an MVP 05 Game


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I grew up playing MVP 05 on the ps2 with my brother, was hands down the best game with the Cooperstown players and fields. I loaned it to a friend on my team and never saw it again. Recently googled the game and saw the amazing mods yall make for it on PC and having watched the Ken Burns Baseball documentaries loved the old nostalgia baseball and how its changed throughout the years. I am aware I will be told if I think the game is amazing I should be willing to pay the 100 dollars, and I don't deny if I wasn't in college at A&M, yes the school who can't keep a quarterback, over 6 transfers now in 4 years, I would definitely be willing, but after buying gifts for family etc. cannot splurge that big. 

So if this is not the correct forum would appreciate being directed to the forum for "buy/sell" because if anyone has a copy they would be willing to sell I'd love to hear your offer, as well as is it one of those games that you can install on your computer and no longer need the disk? As to surprise my brother who was the person that got me into baseball would love to put it on his computer too. Hope yall had a good Christmas!


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it's not easy to come by.  every once in awhile someone will sell it here.  if there's one for sale, you would see it. only option is to buy it on places like ebay but as you can see, it's gonna cost you.  you have a slim chance of finding a random copy at a game store or garage sale.

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I appreciate the responses guys. If thats the case then I will just bookmark ebay, amazon, and this forums and wait it out checking to see if anyone sells reasonably. Again thanks for the replies as well as any contributions yall have done to the game, videos I have seen of it look amazing. Have a great new years!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

haha junky got the one I was following then. I been following ebay and amazon waiting for one to go unnoticed in hopes of snatching it cheap. Im waiting patiently, but admit willpower to hold out is getting worse so may just ignore my banking statement from Christmas and splurge soon! haha On another note, after reading this thread checked out the two top threads on MVP 05 with Windows 7 which is what I got. Id just like to reiterate if its okay after reading those threads, MVP 05 will work on my Windows 7 laptop? Its a laptop so don't feel its "super advanced" but is a good Lenovo that has worked well with games like Empire Total War and its American Civil War mod so figure it would work good with MVP. I don't want to bore or annoy anyone with specifics so if there is another page yall rather direct me too am okay with that, but appreciate yalls help! 

Hope all is well with yall!

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Homer is right. It is hard to come by but the best word of advice I can give you here is to avoid Amazon if you want this.

This is what I mean.


Granted not all of them are selling that high and some can be found for under $100 there but I don't trust Amazon sellers with this game. They've been jacking it up for years.

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On 1/13/2016 at 5:48 PM, Homer said:

i had that same problem.  bought an old machine with xp on it and it runs smooth.  

My Laptop runs it fine, but I don't use it much. Seems to be a bother to use it just to play the game. I would rather play it on my main machine, which runs TW PGA TOUR 2008 flawlessly.

On 1/23/2016 at 2:56 AM, lanedouglas00 said:

haha junky got the one I was following then. I been following ebay and amazon waiting for one to go unnoticed in hopes of snatching it cheap. Im waiting patiently, but admit willpower to hold out is getting worse so may just ignore my banking statement from Christmas and splurge soon! haha On another note, after reading this thread checked out the two top threads on MVP 05 with Windows 7 which is what I got. Id just like to reiterate if its okay after reading those threads, MVP 05 will work on my Windows 7 laptop? Its a laptop so don't feel its "super advanced" but is a good Lenovo that has worked well with games like Empire Total War and its American Civil War mod so figure it would work good with MVP. I don't want to bore or annoy anyone with specifics so if there is another page yall rather direct me too am okay with that, but appreciate yalls help! 

Hope all is well with yall!

LoL sorry dude! I figured since the auction was going to close on Christmas day I had hoped not many would be interested in it and I was right.  I got everything that was advertised and I'm really happy with it.

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haha no your good my friend! Im glad to hear you got a legit copy, I read that someone on ebay was selling cds of a pirate version called "hoodlum" or something not exactly too sure, didn't understand it, but despite my previous hesitation to buy a copy due to price, that got me even more hesitant. Is there a way for me to question listers to make sure its legit or do I simply just gotta take the risk?

Anyhow if Jim825 can run it on his HP Windows 7 from four years ago, then feel mine can probably run it just as good. I asked my computer geek friend about playing games and he says theres lots of various little "tricks" to play games on laptops when graphics card is soldered into laptop, such as going thru the bios changing memory to video ram etc. Again not sure what he was talking about, but with all that said and done feel confident in getting the game knowing it will work. Hopefully if some visitor sees these posts and has same questions he will have them answered and be confident enough to get the game as well....BUT not until I get it first :p haha

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14 hours ago, lanedouglas00 said:

haha no your good my friend! Im glad to hear you got a legit copy, I read that someone on ebay was selling cds of a pirate version called "hoodlum" or something not exactly too sure, didn't understand it, but despite my previous hesitation to buy a copy due to price, that got me even more hesitant. Is there a way for me to question listers to make sure its legit or do I simply just gotta take the risk?

Anyhow if Jim825 can run it on his HP Windows 7 from four years ago, then feel mine can probably run it just as good. I asked my computer geek friend about playing games and he says theres lots of various little "tricks" to play games on laptops when graphics card is soldered into laptop, such as going thru the bios changing memory to video ram etc. Again not sure what he was talking about, but with all that said and done feel confident in getting the game knowing it will work. Hopefully if some visitor sees these posts and has same questions he will have them answered and be confident enough to get the game as well....BUT not until I get it first :p haha

Yeah I did download a hoodlum copy to try it out. There is a problem with the NoCD crack because the game crashes when you overwrite an Ownder Mode save.

Anyway, now that I have a legit copy I can create a disc image with Slysoft GameJackel pro.

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37 minutes ago, junky said:

Yeah I did download a hoodlum copy to try it out. There is a problem with the NoCD crack because the game crashes when you overwrite an Ownder Mode save.


There are other problems with that hoodlum pirate copy too. Since Hoodlum released that damn thing eleven years ago people have been downloading it and they come in here and ask for support because they wonder why it doesn't work right. Now that you have a real copy of the game you are all set. Good for you!

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Just curious does anyone have any "theories", thoughts or knowledge on:

I found thru google that on EA Support, an official EA representative told a customer who had a question about MVP 05 that they no longer offer support for the game and redirected him to mvpmods, so EA, atleast the support team, has knowledge of mvpmods... so seeing the popularity of the game still ...

do you think EA will ever rerelease MVP 05? Since they no longer have the liscensing deals for MLB can they even legally rerelease it despite it owning the game?

of course Madden is such a big focus for EA's sports genre its unlikely they will shift any of their resources, but if consecutively Madden sales do not meet expectations perhaps they will try to buy a deal with MLB to make a new official MVP game? or would that take too much of a budget and not be worth the risk on their part?

Just random questions I had in mind and was curious if yall had opinions on it :)

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1 hour ago, lanedouglas00 said:

Just curious does anyone have any "theories", thoughts or knowledge on:


do you think EA will ever rerelease MVP 05? Since they no longer have the liscensing deals for MLB can they even legally rerelease it despite it owning the game?


This isn't a bad question and it is one that has been brought up every so often over the years here. No one knows what EA is thinking or if they will bother with this again. I would love to see them release it again because more people can get it and there could be a revival of this game. Secondly it would put a stop to the people who are trying to sell a copy of the game for a few hundred dollars.

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Sports games hardly ever get re-releases especially when the bread and butter of the game itself has been the licenses granted to feature all of the parks, logos, players, uniforms, etc. If it was a generic game like Super Mega Baseball then of course, re-release it

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