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Hi, I'm sure I'm not the only avid baseball fan that would LOVE to see MODS for updated shin guards and arm guards. For example, the shin guards presented in MLB 15 The Show for PS4. It fits tighter and has a strap around the face of the shin. Also the "neoprene" and other option given in the game look completely unrealistic. If this could be changed that would be great. All of the amazing Developers @MVPMODs can surely pull this off. If you agree please comment and add-on!!!!! #RealisticEquipment2016



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5 hours ago, DaSteelerz said:

Yeah, those are nice.

@Kccitystar? Any other global modders? Possibilities?

one more thing too.. The helmets. The air- flow helmet from 2k12 has been obsolete since after 2013. Updated helmets would be awesome too! 


12 hours ago, bomberlove463 said:

I refuse to let this thread just die off so just tag other modders until we find someone willing to do it!!!

That's cool, but you may want to contact some of the other global modders that have recently made updates through PM just to see what they say.

12 hours ago, bomberlove463 said:

I refuse to let this thread just die off so just tag other modders until we find someone willing to do it!!!

That's fine, as long as you aren't purposely bumping the thread so that it stays on the main page.  If you do that, it's a violation of site rule.

9 hours ago, Jim825 said:

That's fine, as long as you aren't purposely bumping the thread so that it stays on the main page.  If you do that, it's a violation of site rule.

I didn't know that.... So what do you guys recommend i do?


19 minutes ago, bomberlove463 said:

I didn't know that.... So what do you guys recommend i do?


Kccitystar is one of the biggest modders to grace this site since its creation. If he says he cant find whats necessary to make the mod appropriately then unfortunately the options are few.

50 minutes ago, bomberlove463 said:

I didn't know that.... So what do you guys recommend i do?


It was spelled out in the rules you agreed to when you joined the site.  You need to wait and try to be patient.  If people are willing to help, they will respond.  If not, then it wasn't meant to be.  Making the same request multiple times doesn't help anyone.

12 hours ago, bomberlove463 said:

I didn't know that.... So what do you guys recommend i do?


Unfortunately modders are scarce, and are likely active on other projects. Sounds like a good time for you to learn some modding! :) Use the site to figure some stuff out. Questions along the way are ok. Honestly, this is how I started modding. It just takes practice. Just because someone else can't do it doesn't mean you can't. You just have to get familiar with working with the game. It takes time, patience, and an open mind.

  • 2 weeks later...
19 hours ago, debsterfan said:

Well, I was able to complete it faster than I thouht.

Downside is that straps will always be black. I couldn't find a way to change the color.

Guys, please see the pictures and let me know what you think.


mlb2k12 2016-01-23 14-11-32-26.png

mlb2k12 2016-01-23 14-11-38-92.png

mlb2k12 2016-01-23 14-12-45-62.png

these are literally great!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!


Ok guys, I finally got it. Please see pictures of  the new Shin Guards. Now we can customize straps and Shin metal.

Now I need to find in the global de .dds files for elbow guards. And see what I can do.



mlb2k12 2016-01-24 21-36-34-02.png

mlb2k12 2016-01-24 21-37-10-37.png

mlb2k12 2016-01-24 21-37-42-24.png

10 hours ago, scottybilly said:

Now who is going to add all the appropriate cleats, and batting/fielding gear for each player for BSU-FAN's next roster file. lol :p

lol!!! yeah Ikr. Thats a hell of a job. I did that to the Blue Jays in my franchise and took me a couple hours, then I checked the 29 other teams to fix any weird color combination of the gear and it took me like 4 days to complete. I could only do it for 1-2 hrs a day after I got home from work.

Regarding the request from OP I found in the global the files for both helmets (Classic and Airflow) but unfortunately they are not easy to mod, I couldn't understand too much about the layout to figure out what changes to do and also can't see where to find good HD picture to even start. I couldn't find what files are used for the elbow guards (Santoprene or Plastic) so there is nothing much to do here. Also, I find it odd that you can't change the color of the elbow protection ingame so maybe 2K didn't want this to be modded, lol.

So, this is it. The shin guard is the only moddable part I could find. I will upload the global with the new shin guards. I did some update to the cleats, corrected a couple of details in the Reebok, Nike and Adidas.


New Global is UP!  http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/9221-mlb-2k12-cleatsbatting-gloves-update/

Edited by debsterfan
2 hours ago, debsterfan said:

I could only do it for 1-2 hrs a day after I got home from 

I wouldnt spend any time going through the whole roster until we have BSU-FANs roster to work with. Thats just to much work to allow to goto waste.  I also need to wait for when I have total uniforms 2K16 complete so that colorlists can be imported into his roster file.

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