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Classic 2K Rosters


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This has always bugged (and confused) me. How come there have never been any Retro 2K rosters like there are for every other game? 2K Baseball just feels best to me, but I like using classic rosters. I cant find any for 2K do you think there will ever be any made for this game, or is there something preventing it? Thanks!

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I think there are a few small issues to address. As roster makers will be able to explain better than me, we have a few bugs. Mainly, it seems hard to make a roster file which doesn't crash (most of the times you will hear of people claiming that their franchises' crash after a certain date, but all of BSU's latest rosters don't have any issue like that) unless you edit your roster file entirely with REDitor. However, like I said, I'm pretty sure BSU has gotten over that. Second, we still aren't able to change the date inside the roster files, so you would still have to play with 2012 as the year. Third, small bugs like for some reason having to keep Michael Morse on the main roster when starting your franchise, otherwise your game will crash, and then you can send him to the minors.

Last but not least, we would have to find the people willing to work on it, making faces and everything to match the roster! ;)

Idk if I said anything wrong, but I'm sure the roster makers will chime in, if needed.

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On 2/5/2016 at 4:38 AM, aceshigh said:

I think there are a few small issues to address. As roster makers will be able to explain better than me, we have a few bugs. Mainly, it seems hard to make a roster file which doesn't crash (most of the times you will hear of people claiming that their franchises' crash after a certain date, but all of BSU's latest rosters don't have any issue like that) unless you edit your roster file entirely with REDitor. However, like I said, I'm pretty sure BSU has gotten over that. Second, we still aren't able to change the date inside the roster files, so you would still have to play with 2012 as the year. Third, small bugs like for some reason having to keep Michael Morse on the main roster when starting your franchise, otherwise your game will crash, and then you can send him to the minors.

Last but not least, we would have to find the people willing to work on it, making faces and everything to match the roster! ;)

Idk if I said anything wrong, but I'm sure the roster makers will chime in, if needed.

Thats interesting but definitely doesnt get i nthe way of making a retro roster i dont think! As long as there were retro Cyberfaces, logos, and lineups

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/7/2016 at 7:26 PM, bdolan33 said:

Thats interesting but definitely doesnt get i nthe way of making a retro roster i dont think! As long as there were retro Cyberfaces, logos, and lineups

its just easier to do for MVP because there has always been so many cyberfaces, player data extracted from roster files, stadiums, etc to do this with MVP Baseball.  Im assuming its just not done because no one has ever tried to tackle these things individual (classic stadiums, cybers) and compiled them in the past

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7 hours ago, BigRog said:

its just easier to do for MVP because there has always been so many cyberfaces, player data extracted from roster files, stadiums, etc to do this with MVP Baseball.  Im assuming its just not done because no one has ever tried to tackle these things individual (classic stadiums, cybers) and compiled them in the past

I have to agree with this. We've been lucky enough to get a few people together for a 2015 total conversion mod, but idk if we'd be just as lucky for a retro mod. I'm not saying it can't be done or that it won't be done at all, just that it would be really difficult. I'm not a roster maker, so I have no clue what it means to have a go at making one, but I can assume that finding all players' data could be quite a challenge, and a time consuming one, too! Still, we gotta be hopeful, right?

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For MVP classic modders, Lahman Database import function in MVPEdit makes creating historical rosters much easier.  For those who don't know, the Lahman Database contains rosters and stats for teams going back to the 1880's.  You select the team you want (e.g. 1977 Cubs), select the team in MVPEdit that you want to replace, press a button and you then have that particular team entered into MVPEdit.

One thing that Lahman does is that it includes everyone on the team's roster who played anytime during the season, even if it's as little as one at bat or one inning pitched.  That means that when you import a team, you may have 42 players on the roster and you then have to cut it down to 25 players, but that's minor considering that the fact that all the players you do want have been imported.  It doesn't take long to import all the teams you need for the year you are modding.

I don't know how the 2K roster makers create their rosters, but I'm sure that they don't have a function like this, which means that it would take a lot more just to create an initial historical roster.

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The data/rosters would be time consuming, but easy enough. I mean MLB The Show for ps3/ps4 has many retro rosters with 40 man rosters, etc, and that doesnt even have the time saving function of an editor like MLB 2K has. It's really the lack of graphical stuff, the cyberfaces mainly, that makes it not possible. I play the NBA 2K on PC with modding from NLSC, where they have season by season rosters dating back to the 70's using Reditor, and it would be great if baseball had something even close like they have on there. Hell just one retro roster alone would be enough for me. If someone was able to do graphics work, I could do the roster work. But i really don't see any retro content, let alone rosters, in the download section. It just made me curious

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On 2/20/2016 at 7:04 AM, Jim825 said:

For MVP classic modders, Lahman Database import function in MVPEdit makes creating historical rosters much easier.  For those who don't know, the Lahman Database contains rosters and stats for teams going back to the 1880's.  You select the team you want (e.g. 1977 Cubs), select the team in MVPEdit that you want to replace, press a button and you then have that particular team entered into MVPEdit.

One thing that Lahman does is that it includes everyone on the team's roster who played anytime during the season, even if it's as little as one at bat or one inning pitched.  That means that when you import a team, you may have 42 players on the roster and you then have to cut it down to 25 players, but that's minor considering that the fact that all the players you do want have been imported.  It doesn't take long to import all the teams you need for the year you are modding.

I don't know how the 2K roster makers create their rosters, but I'm sure that they don't have a function like this, which means that it would take a lot more just to create an initial historical roster.

* Best answer lol

I know most use Ty's Editor? 

In short, MVP and MLB are just two different ballgames. :D

20 hours ago, bdolan33 said:

The data/rosters would be time consuming, but easy enough. I mean MLB The Show for ps3/ps4 has many retro rosters with 40 man rosters, etc, and that doesnt even have the time saving function of an editor like MLB 2K has. It's really the lack of graphical stuff, the cyberfaces mainly, that makes it not possible. I play the NBA 2K on PC with modding from NLSC, where they have season by season rosters dating back to the 70's using Reditor, and it would be great if baseball had something even close like they have on there. Hell just one retro roster alone would be enough for me. If someone was able to do graphics work, I could do the roster work. But i really don't see any retro content, let alone rosters, in the download section. It just made me curious

Well I like your attitude at least, these things are possible with extra hands and a will to work at it. 

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21 hours ago, bdolan33 said:

The data/rosters would be time consuming, but easy enough. I mean MLB The Show for ps3/ps4 has many retro rosters with 40 man rosters, etc, and that doesnt even have the time saving function of an editor like MLB 2K has. It's really the lack of graphical stuff, the cyberfaces mainly, that makes it not possible. I play the NBA 2K on PC with modding from NLSC, where they have season by season rosters dating back to the 70's using Reditor, and it would be great if baseball had something even close like they have on there. Hell just one retro roster alone would be enough for me. If someone was able to do graphics work, I could do the roster work. But i really don't see any retro content, let alone rosters, in the download section. It just made me curious

i was never saying it wasnt doable, just that you need people for these things and that there are tricks and old files already in place for this stuff on mvp 05

maybe you should look into modding and jump start some interest in doing this.  the only thing tech holding this project back is drumming up the interest and getting modders on board to help you

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  • 1 month later...

Bdolan33, I was going to request the same exact thing. i would kill to have classic baseball teams, the way NBA 2K series offers. 86' Mets, 27'-61'-98' Yankees, 76' Reds, 04' Red Sox, '01 Dbacks, 70' Orioles, '95 Braves ect. I'm blown away by the level of depth modders put into current rosters, down to minor league & foreign teams. Hopefully some kind soul out there with skills i do not possess is interested in working on this. I would love to help anyway I can.

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I just started working with excel to create formulas to generate ratings.

I attached 4 files. These are very early pre-alpha type versions.

The stats are from Baseball Reference.com

I don't have much time to work on this a lot so if someone wants to pitch in great.

Take a look and email me if you want to take the files, have any ideas, and help fine tune this. My email is jack@805td.com

The goal is to make roster creation as automated and as easy as possible.

I am also creating a roster "blank" template file. I hope it can be used as a template for making rosters. I think we need that so making rosters won't be difficult.

I can post that later.

Team work might make this happen.


MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

MLB2K12 Staff Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

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i've added some newer versions here so you can see my progess.

I'm using FanGraphs for all of the stats. I might still use Baseball Reference for some but would like to keep the stat source to one website.

Anyway, the basic layout of the excel files is taking shape and the formulas still need tweaking.


MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

MLB2K12 Staff Ratings Calculator v3.xlsx

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  • 2 weeks later...

SUB: Excel files to Auto-Generate Ratings

Here's some newer excel files with the basic layout in place. It's getting closer to being "usable".

They are not finished but this gives you an idea of what I'm doing and to see if anyone has any comments or suggestions, or has any interest in these excel files.

A few notes:

1) You will need REDitorII to use these excel files to put the ratings into the game (copy and paste method).

2) You will have to do some other "copying and pasting"; the stats are in a format generated from FanGraphs. If you want other stats than the ones in the files you will need to generate csv files from FanGraphs and copy and paste them into the excel files. The excel files aren't "marked" clearly as far as where to put them but I will do that with more instructions later.

3) 95% of the ratings are auto-generated as of now.

4) The formulas are close but not done; eg there are some errors in them still, but I will fix those.

5) You can browse through them all you want and change them if you like, suggest anything etc.


Hope this can help generate some rosters, etc.

MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

MLB2K12 Staff Ratings Calculator v4.xlsx

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Yes. Thanks.

Here's another round of versions. The formulas are updated and getting more in line where they need to be.

MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v41.xlsx

MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v41.xlsx

MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v41.xlsx

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) The formulas are updated and are at least playable in game with some copy and paste into reditor.

2) Cleaned up some garbage in the files.

3) Importing of raw stats into the files needs more work as some more formula tweaking.

4) Might pursue using database,etc to import stats.


MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

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1) The formulas are updated and are at least playable in game with some copy and paste into reditor.

2) Cleaned up some garbage in the files.

3) Importing of raw stats into the files needs more work as some more formula tweaking.

4) Might pursue using database,etc to import stats.


MLB2K12 Fielder Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

MLB2K12 Pitcher Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

MLB2K12 Batter Ratings Calculator v43.xlsx

Good work, jack... keep pluggin away

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Latest update:

I've redesigned the method for importing stats into the excel file. I will clean up the "process" as time goes on.

1) I created a modified version of the lahman database to use for importing stats into the excel file, which in turn will create a file to import into REDitorII and a game file.

2) That will make importing stats for any year and converting to a MLB2k12 ratings scale, a fairly quick process. To do this you will need Access (at least Access 2007 I think), Excel (at least Office 2007 i think), and REDitorII.

3) I'm not ready yet to create a "test" file  for the game but I am getting closer. Need to clean up the database , the excel file and the "template" roster file.

5) Attached is the file in its present state. Ongoing rating tweaks included. I did not attach the database file as it is 1.2 GB currently.

6) Thinking of a method for adding new stats into the database. This would be for adding new players, teams, leagues, etc.

Any comments welcome.

MLB2K12 Ratings Calculator v12.xlsx

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Latest update:

I've redesigned the method for importing stats into the excel file. I will clean up the "process" as time goes on.

1) I created a modified version of the lahman database to use for importing stats into the excel file, which in turn will create a file to import into REDitorII and a game file.

2) That will make importing stats for any year and converting to a MLB2k12 ratings scale, a fairly quick process. To do this you will need Access (at least Access 2007 I think), Excel (at least Office 2007 i think), and REDitorII.

3) I'm not ready yet to create a "test" file  for the game but I am getting closer. Need to clean up the database , the excel file and the "template" roster file.

5) Attached is the file in its present state. Ongoing rating tweaks included. I did not attach the database file as it is 1.2 GB currently.

6) Thinking of a method for adding new stats into the database. This would be for adding new players, teams, leagues, etc.

Any comments welcome.

MLB2K12 Ratings Calculator v12.xlsx

Man, this could really be helpful. With accurate ratings imported, it could seriously open the door for everyone to create classic teams based on a neutral playing field. Many of the throwback uniforms have already been created. Would mostly just require cyberfaces. Keep up the good work Jack

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest update:

1) Latest file with some notes. Will update them as I go on.

2) This file contains 2015 stats from my modified Lahman access file. Importing from the Lahman file to this excel file has basically been accomplished but will require more refinement.

3) Getting ready to generate a test file for the game. Not sure how soon but ASAP.

4) Will have to figure out how to post the the modified Lahman access file as that will be needed. Might create a web page later for general access to it.


MLB2K12 Ratings Calculator v20.xlsx

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