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MVP 12- Can't play the game

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Hi guys, been following MVP mods for quite some time . . . LOVE the work you guys do.

I love the MVP 12 mod . . . I go back to it all the time. Unfortunately, it won't run anymore. :( A clean install of MVP 05 (legit copy, I promise you) will run just fine, but the MVP mod will no longer work. Here's what happens:

ANY game I attempt to play will crash before the loading screen reaches 100%. I have menus, I can run sims, but I can't actually PLAY any game.

If nobody has time or knowledge to help me out, I totally understand that I'm just asking for a free favor.

At the same time, if someone could help me figure this out, I would be very grateful.

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Were there any changes you made to your PC over time?  I'm assuming you've had this installed all along and now you've found that you're unable to play it.  Therefore, we can assume that it is a PC change itself.  A new video card? A graphics driver maybe? 

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Yes and yes: from GTX 460 to GTX 760, with drivers up to date.

Just to be thorough, though, could a video card change really be the cause when the stock game (MVP 05) still works fine with the new hardware?

Thanks for your time and attention Gordo.

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Yep, it works now!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to consider this problem, even if you didn't contribute to the discussion itself.

And thanks again Dennis . . . I credited you and posted your link within the MVP 12 file comments to anyone else that encounters this problem. I would have done the same within the support thread as well, but it seems that forum is locked.

Again, thanks guys!

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