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Nightengale: Some complained about LaRoche's son


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"The officials spoke to USA TODAY Sports on condition of anonymity because the club has forbid officials from commenting. And it is tricky territory, certainly. Drake LaRoche, by all accounts, is a good and well-respected kid. White Sox manager Robin Ventura even joked Friday that “he’s probably more mature than most of the guys in there.’’Still, he’s a child. And simply not everyone felt comfortable with Drake’s constant presence, even called the White Sox’s 26th man.Apparently, no one ever told LaRoche. These players and staff members didn’t feel comfortable even sharing it with their own teammates, with several White Sox players saying they never heard a complaint. But they did express their views to management."

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Not gonna read the story, but let's face it, grown men at work don't want to spend their entire day with kids hanging around (and personally, this take your pet to work shit needs to stop).  These are adult men who, well, let's be blunt, are butt naked sometimes in the locker room and want to use certain language, tell jokes and say stories that maybe they feel uncomfortable saying around a kid. It's just common sense.  Having him there at times I think most could deal with....but every day..... constantly? Nuh uh.

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It's all a matter of balance. If he's there all the time, than it's obviously too much. What is too much? Well, that is a very good question, and if there are no guidelines in place, then the lines will get blurry.

A 14 year old might be a kid, but he isn't a child anymore. Think back to when you were 14. Still, some things might not be appropriate for a kid to hear and see.

Of course, if it was agreed with Laroche that his kid could be around, and then they change the rules on him, he's most definitely right to feel betrayed.

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i agree.  i think the story clearly distracts from the real issue at hand and it has nothing to do with the kid being there.  it has everything to do with the fact that they had an agreement with Laroche to allow him there, and the really poor way that they handled it. 

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What job in the world allows you to bring your kid to work with you every single day? And it's not like the White Sox said you can't bring your kid into the club house it's just don't bring him all the time.

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the job where you and your employer agree before you sign a contract that allows you to do so.  again trying to argue like his job is like any ordinary job is just another distraction from the issues on this team.

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There has to be more to this story which will probably be revealed out. The thing I don't get is even if they did have an agreement between the two of them just because the White Sox asked him if change the agreement he just got up and retired because of that?

Edited by KC8080
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I just wanna say the real matter is LaRoche's terrible performance during last year.

If he provides 35 homers,I believe no one would mind him bring another two sons around the court...

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3 hours ago, mapmods said:

I just wanna say the real matter is LaRoche's terrible performance during last year.

If he provides 35 homers,I believe no one would mind him bring another two sons around the court...

I got to agree with this here. Let's take a glance at what Laroche did last year during his first year in Chicago. He played in 127 games and had 12 home runs and drove in 44 runs. He struck out 133 times and had a .207 batting average. In other words the guy did nothing.

By him retiring -and I don't believe for a second that he will go through with it. Why? Do you think his wife will let him walk away from thirteen million dollars? There you go.- he will have done the White Sox a big favor. They can easily find someone much cheaper to replace him and chances are that person will be more productive.

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I think the GM/ownership going above Ventura's head about what goes on in the clubhouse is kinda messed up, that's the manager's job to handle that kind of stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if Ventura resigned

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now we're talking.  this is what I see too.  there's definitely more to the story, but it just seems that it was very poorly handled no matter what the reason was.

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