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Will MVP 2005 work on Windows 8?

Owen Greaves

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Did he (Krawhitham) just lose interest or did real life just get in the way?

People leave here for various reasons. Some just decide not to ever come back and we never know why. Krawhitham owned a website similar to this one called Mlbmods but that has been shut down for some time now because he decided he did not want to continue it. Whatever his reason is for not being here regularly is his business. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about this website. It's just that he doesn't come here anymore.

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People leave here for various reasons. Some just decide not to ever come back and we never know why. Krawhitham owned a website similar to this one called Mlbmods but that has been shut down for some time now because he decided he did not want to continue it. Whatever his reason is for not being here regularly is his business. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about this website. It's just that he doesn't come here anymore.

Ya, I was a member of his site too...I guess he's moved on to other things, too bad, I liked his work too.

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I'm not finding anything that I would call an advantage, they have made it harder to configure, or at least harder to find where to configure the system. It is really looking like it is being designed for Cloud use ONLY....I'm thinking that's where M$ is headed. I can see Tablet all over this OS, but I don't actually own one : )

Win 7 is the last of the look and feel we are used to.

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Ya, I was a member of his site too...I guess he's moved on to other things, too bad, I liked his work too.

real life got in the way. he did everything he could for years for that site. but he checks in periodically. don't be surprised to not see him around much during the offseason. a lot of members are like that. but yeah, windows 8 is geared towards tablet users. it's nothing to complain about, you just have to know what the software is intended for. give it time and kinks will be worked out. if they don't, well go back to 7. works fine for me. remember when vista came out. i resisted so long from switching from XP that by the time I was ready, windows 7 was already out and was way better.

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Hey Homer, Your eamods.com link in your graphic obviously doesn't work : )

I'm a BaseBall hound, I actually love the off-season for player moves and the like, I would love for a BaseBall Game to have the off-season be more like real life. I like being able to buy players for cash, claim players off waivers, and have more control over budgets and payroll....that would be so much fun : )

I like MVP better than 2k, but it has it's good points too.

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  • 1 month later...

I told my wife if Windows 8 ever appeared on the desktop I run MVP on, I'd beat it with my bat and fix it for good. Gotta love M$'s continuing motto of "If it ain't broke, break it."

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You keep saying that things work for you but without saying how.

Wait a second...you want answers too?? :D

Ok, let me help you out here. Before he got TiT to work in Windows 8 he installed some thing-a-ma-jig and then turned off a whatta-ya-call it and then it worked! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently bought a new laptop with Windows 8 recently installed on it. Great laptop, but I'm not a big fan of Windows 8. I have gotten pretty much everything to work by doing what philthepat did except for MVPEdit. Something to do with comdlg32.ocx not being registered.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So while the game runs for me on Windows 8, I have one significant issue. The game runs in hyper-fast motion, hence it's unplayable

Go to your Catalyst Control and max out all settings.

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First off, I have an nvidia card, not AMD.

Second, how will that fix my problem? Max out all settings? What difference could that possibly make?

I maxed out all 3d settings with AMD and set preference to quality. In NVIDIA you have the same thing.

This fixed the super fast frame rate

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have windows 8 on my system and I haven't had hardly any problems, the only thing I cant figure out is I cant get it to fit my full screen now any ideas?

Was there any ideas on this problem? The game for me was fine with the first version of Windows 8, but an upgrade to 8.1 put the game at much less that full screen. It essentially cut off the sides of the screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I heard from a friend that Win 8 is a good OS performance wise but our mvp2005 have a difficulty with it.:<

That's what it looks like. I just figured some of these guys around here would know about some magic buttons to press. I know I'm not the only one who's getting this problem, although it is a minor one.

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  • 3 months later...

First off, I have an nvidia card, not AMD.

Second, how will that fix my problem? Max out all settings? What difference could that possibly make?

Running into this same issue on 8.1 with an NVIDIA card.. did you ever find a workaround?

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