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So, I was sitting here watching a typical Wednesday night Ranger game, and I got to think, what if you replaced the announcers with outside files?

Is this possible to do? I know that half of today's players arent pronounced by John Kruk and others, so I think it would be super cool to take sound-clips of actual announcers and replace them in game, is this even possible to do?

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Possible, but not now. The sound files of the announcers and even the Justin Verlander at start-up aren't decoded/hacked yet. With the evolution of NBA2K, the game files of nba 2k are no longer similar to MLB2k, even the texture editor and the sound editor in the download section is borrowed from NBA2k, it is sad to say that the game is getting close to dead if we exclude roster/portrait/texture updates.

But instead of waiting someone to save us, we may just have to learn how to do those or buy a PS4 for the show

Buy the show to get different announcers?  The guys who have already bought it on this website have given the announcing horrible reviews.  But yea he is right we can't mod the announcer audio files.  We can only mod in game music, PA audio, team logos, team/stadium names, stadium textures, rosters, the schedule, in game menus/icons, cyberfaces, team portraits, all uniforms  and the frontend artwork. 

Is it possible? Yes. But whoever does it is going to have a lot of work to do. A lot.

This was done in Mvp 2005 because the announcing of Kuiper and Krukow were awful and one guy spent 3 1/2 years making the Legends of the Booth mod which replaces Kuiper and Krukow's words with Vin Scully, Ernie Harwell and Mel Allen. It's a joy to listen to those guys instead of the other two. Can it be done for 2k12? Beats me. But it will take a lot of work.

The commentary in 2K is very deep, I hope you have some time. There is a commentary reaction for many players in the game, as well as situational commentary. It would take hours of audio and would need a professional environment with a team of people most likely. Audio mods have been done on games like Skyrim - in which the audio team consisted of probably 15 people, some voice actors. There has been progress with some "small" audio files within the game by aceshigh, but as he said there are thousands of files to sift through. 

Any progress is good if you feel like sifting through some of the audio files, I suppose. You could always have The Show commentary. ;)

It is possible but not with the tools we have now. The audio editor won't even let us listen to the announcers' audio files, not even the umpires' voices or the PA announcer for the upcoming players going to bat (or the infamous Justin Verlander line): the player included with the tool can't read them. It's a neverending work, just imagine if you had to do it without being able to listen to the audio files you are about to replace! Even replacing the audios for the sound mods I created was a long, tedious job, which was pretty much a try and error process, and those files were small compared to the announcers' files. I am talking about a few thousands audio files that you have to go through lol i don't even wanna know how many audio files are in the announcers bin files! Not saying it isn't possible, someone who is willing enough might still be able to mod the Audio Editor and see if we can make it work with those kind of files :)

14 minutes ago, DaSteelerz said:

There has been progress with some "small" audio files within the game by aceshigh, but as he said there are thousands of files to sift through. 

Any progress is good if you feel like sifting through some of the audio files, I suppose. You could always have The Show commentary. ;)

That is correct my friend. We have modded what we could mod so far (audio wise!).

Anything is better than the Show's commentary. 2K has actually got an amazing commentary, better than Fifa I would say.

33 minutes ago, aceshigh said:

It is possible but not with the tools we have now. The audio editor won't even let us listen to the announcers' audio files, not even the umpires' voices or the PA announcer for the upcoming players going to bat (or the infamous Justin Verlander line): the player included with the tool can't read them. It's a neverending work, just imagine if you had to do it without being able to listen to the audio files you are about to replace! Even replacing the audios for the sound mods I created was a long, tedious job, which was pretty much a try and error process, and those files were small compared to the announcers' files. I am talking about a few thousands audio files that you have to go through lol i don't even wanna know how many audio files are in the announcers bin files! Not saying it isn't possible, someone who is willing enough might still be able to mod the Audio Editor and see if we can make it work with those kind of files :)

That is correct my friend. We have modded what we could mod so far (audio wise!).

Anything is better than the Show's commentary. 2K has actually got an amazing commentary, better than Fifa I would say.

What you've done so far has been amazing. Any plans for some more audio mods in the future?

I totally agree, the commentary is incredible and I love John Kruk. But after playing 2k12 for 4 years now, it is all recycled and old.

Regardless, lets say I didnt want to 'replace' the audio file persay, just add new ones. So for example, Rougie Odor goes up to bat, right now it just says "number 12", in theorey, couldn't I inject a new audio file that says "Odor" instead of it saying 12? 

Replacing the whole audio system would be way to tedious for me to handle, I would just like to expand it.

Edited by Imperious
1 hour ago, Imperious said:

I totally agree, the commentary is incredible and I love John Kruk. But after playing 2k12 for 4 years now, it is all recycled in old.

Regardless, lets say I didnt want to 'replace' the audio file persay, just add new ones. So for example, Rougie Odor goes up to bat, right now it just says "number 12", in theorey, couldn't I inject a new audio file that says "Odor" instead of it saying 12? 

Replacing the whole audio system would be way to tedious for me to handle, I would just like to expand it.

you can't cuz unfortunately we are unable to access those files

22 hours ago, DaSteelerz said:

What you've done so far has been amazing. Any plans for some more audio mods in the future?

Really glad you like my work bro. Lately I am struggling to find more usable TV broadcasts themes to work with, so I can't create new versions of the mod for other broadcasts right now, but I am sure I could release a 2K16 version of the soundmods by replacing some tracks with more modern songs.

13 hours ago, Imperious said:

Man that's unfortunate, but I am not surprised. Thanks!

The user DYosua, who modded the Audio Editor to work with MLB 2K audio files, in one of his last posts said he was gonna keep modding the editor so that we could also access the commentator files, therefore giving us a key to access all the audios of the game. I haven't heard from him since, though. I'm sure something could be done by modding the editor, but unfortunately I have zero skills in that. Maybe someone reading this will help at some point :)

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