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Editing pitch meter size


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Hi guys,

I've played with KSM datafile and personnalized sliders for a long time, and I take a great pleasure with these settings.

I have only one problem I would like to solve, my pitchers don't throw any BB. Even with the "pitch meter difficulty" set to -50 in the slider, I would like to make it more difficult.

I've decompressed the datafile.txt, and I would like to find a "pitch meter size" parameter into this file, I don't find it...

Did somebody have a "tutorial" for a "datafile.txt" file, or somebody can give me the parameter I have to change to make pitching more difficult (decrease the pitch meter size) ?


Thanks !


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Check out my Combo data file. It includes SerialMike's smaller (less green area) pitch meter. I may have included which lines were modified in the datafile. 

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oh great, I downloaded it a couple years ago and use it during 3 or 4 seasons ! but I never read the "readme" file ! :-)

Thanks from France ;-)

How do you find the meaning of each parameter ? Do you have a tutorial ?

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Here's another file.  Extract the Excel file from the Zip archive and open it up.  If you look at the batterpitcher tab, you will see a small picture of the pitch meter with explanations of which setting changes which area (accuracy, etc.).


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If you wanna make it more difficult, don't use the meter at all.   The classic pitching mod was first established by Kado around here.  I incorporated it into a simulation play pack here:



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