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i need a little foavor


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if gave someone my color set i want use for the marlins, and using ty editor could someone put them a roster that listed here.

i get everyone else in, but cant get it to take the marilns. i thought was using the last one he created, but not working for me and damges the file.

marlins color.txt

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sure. i think i give y everything you need. im in no rush. let me me know when possible if you get worked our or what y belive is the issue.


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friend, colored this file does not correspond to the roster, numbering no difference uniform and when I install fails, tell me if you want an updated roster I can provide you with uniforms and ready brother.

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not matching up in what way. can takle the vules i want use nad match to roster and mim uniform proper in a text or to the roster i said i wanted to use. if not going to work then the next closest dated roster would work ok. i just stay as close as can to opening day.

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colors in the file, is governed by socalos number, if there is a number that does not match the text number fails, view pictures

400 corresponds to the network socket uniform_mim_alt_a.iff. colors file. but on the roster it corresponds to uniform_mim_cob.iff. therefore fails linia have to create or equal Socalo uniform_mim_alt_a.iff so there is no error.




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i see what you saying i think. if remeber right all you have to change the name and should work. at the top. the problem i was getting wasnt even that one. hadnt gotten back t that one, it was still in normal slots for the others. the one was aslt working is the away uniform. trying manully to get it in.


if make it work somehow even if another slot go ahead. if that wher you think the issue. but if you can only the others to work that ok to.

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i think you can change the iff name maully at the top of the edito to match the file name.  mim_cob.iff i think you manully change that to mim_alt_a.iff or what ever it needs to be. alt if you cant that one to work, y can find another slot to put in. if that doesn't  working, then go ahead and try get the others ones working and for the one that to go in the cob if you need the uniforms for test  there on the site.

there one al and nl.  forgot put that the resources i listed before.


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try and nothing keeps giving me brother mistake, that roster gives me error when I try to accommodate the colors of miami, and believes nothing new and there is something that fails.


lo intente y nada me sigue dando error hermano, ese roster me da error cuando intento acomodar los colores de miami, y lo cree nuevo y nada hay algo que da error.

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have tried to the colors in another roster, to sure its not the editor. that part what thinking is going on.. im not sure which version ihave. one works the other doesnt now im thinking about this.

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got it figured out. there two version of that program and some reason i mislabled the editor on computer was i was using the one that uses flordia marlins. the newer one and the one that 2k12 uses has them as they are mimai marlins.

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