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Si me ha pasado. Me paso con el de los Marlins que no me dejaba cambiar los colores del equipo y como con ese roster cree una franquicia . la carrera también me dio ese error. Aparentemente el roster con el que creaste esa carrera tiene un error en los colores del equipo de boston.

Hice una prueba con los archivos de mi roster, mi franquicia y MyPlayer y pude cambiar el color de los zapatos de Boston sin problemas. El roster que uso está bien atrasado. Es de principio de temporada.

Tienes razón...gracias por tu tiempo entonces....me sirvió de mucha ayuda porque al menos aprendí a trabajar con el editor ese....

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I love those New Balance cleats and I see them a lot. I know there were some other shoe files in the global that were in the old Korean mod that I simply cant find a way to get. It would be great if someone could upload that global or even just the shoe .dds files for the cleats if uploading the whole global would be an infringement on our Korean friends. I'm not looking to release mods with it or anything, but I would love to customize my own global as part of my annual OCD trip through MLB2K12. Otherwise, simply a collection of cleat dds from past or present globals would be great as a resource for people who engage in personal customization or modding. Deb's previewed a cool NB cleat a year or two ago, but didn't include it in his global release. Files like that, for example, would be very fun to play around with...

Thanks in advance and, as always, thanks to the old vets that keep this community great every year!

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