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MLB 2K17 - Mod Preview


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31 minutes ago, Jed said:

I just do not know what his ID number is? Does anyone know?

Senzatela, according to the last roster has the number of portraits 0403, so by rule that should also be your id number of the face. 0403 just make sure there is no other cyberface in the game folder with that same number.

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I am well aware of how to do this. I seem to recall I stopped doing this because the alpha layer/channel would end up darkening the entire face, and not just the hair and beard, so I stopped doing it. The problem I described previously that happens in-game for me tends to mostly happen with players with darker skin.

7 minutes ago, scottybilly said:

Soy muy consciente de cómo hacer esto. Me parece recordar que dejé de hacer esto porque la capa alfa / canal terminaría oscureciendo toda la cara, y no sólo el pelo y la barba, por lo que dejé de hacerlo. El problema que he descrito anteriormente que sucede en el juego para mí tiende a suceder en su mayoría con jugadores con piel más oscura.

This way does not obscure the skin you just have to take your time to work.


Come to think of it. I don't think I have ever figured out how to get texture 0 to appear that way, meaning specific details are "cut out". I must have missed a step in the process and just gave up on working with the green and alpha layers altogether. Graphical limitations on my computer really alters the look of  cyberfaces and other mods.

Yea anybody waiting for this mod should just go download the Jose Bautista ed. that just came out. I think it brought my impatience level down for the moment lol. 2k17 conversion mod looks crazier by the day!! What an amazing job u guys are doing!. Ill just patiently keep waiting. BTW since im seeing a lot of awesome faces being uploaded, can yall show how Aaron judge looks? I was just playing Jose Bautista edition and Judge is random black dude lmfao! 

12 minutes ago, Yankee4Life said:

YES!!! There will be faces in this mod. And we were trying to surprise you with that too!

Are there any surprises left? ;)

3 minutes ago, oxidax said:

Yea anybody waiting for this mod should just go download the Jose Bautista ed. that just came out. I think it brought my impatience level down for the moment lol. 2k17 conversion mod looks crazier by the day!! What an amazing job u guys are doing!. Ill just patiently keep waiting. BTW since im seeing a lot of awesome faces being uploaded, can yall show how Aaron judge looks? I was just playing Jose Bautista edition and Judge is random black dude lmfao! 

There's a Judge face somewhere on here. Idk if it's final or not. 

i really wish these guys would stop. i come and read this thread every couple of days to see the amazing work. (nice trailer btw i love it!!) but i can definitely tell the negative comments are taking its toll. I personally do not know how to make mods, but i mod a decent bit of my games and this by far is the best mod i will get for a LOONG time. the most important for me as well, Because lets face it, Without you super heroes i would not be playing baseball at all, and without you guys/gals i def wouldnt be using updated rosters....and now this?? updated stadiums, faces for new players....like this is some next level stuff. IDK when pc will get another pc game from a developer but i never would have guessed that 2k12 can be what it is today and you modders are the reason for that. everyone of you are amazing to me and i am in awe of your great work! 

More than likely im going to muster up some money to donate because this work deserves it. absolutely amazing!!!

45 minutes ago, Pedr00 said:

Hey guys, I know this isn't a thread for that, but since all the great people of this site visit this thread almost daily I figure I might have a better shot of getting an answer here. So, here we go. I have downloaded a cyberface, put it in the main folder, checked the face ID, ect... it's working when I'm editing a player, but when playing the game the face simply isn't the same. Anyone how what I did wrong and how to fix it?

You're right. This isn't a thread for what you are talking about. This is a thread about an upcoming mod and it is not to be highjacked for technical support. There are many support topics here that can help you. If not, post your question in there stating your problem and what you have done to try to fix it. Good luck.

1 hour ago, Yankee4Life said:

You're right. This isn't a thread for what you are talking about. This is a thread about an upcoming mod and it is not to be highjacked for technical support. There are many support topics here that can help you. If not, post your question in there stating your problem and what you have done to try to fix it. Good luck.

No worries, I split the post into its own thread


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