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MLB 2K17 - Mod Preview


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1 hour ago, scottybilly said:

That cyberface looks terrific. The saturation in those preview pics almost gave me a seizure though. LOL j/k :D

I like colors, what can I say? Lol Do you have a copy of your ENB for download anywhere to try out? It looks nice!

On 6/15/2017 at 5:31 PM, scottybilly said:

The enb I have is one that BSU-FAN posted 2 or 3 years ago. Its the only one that my simple computer can handle graphically, and without taking a performance hit.

Is this ENB you speak of, available for d/ld on this site?

On 6/15/2017 at 5:31 PM, scottybilly said:

The enb I have is one that BSU-FAN posted 2 or 3 years ago. Its the only one that my simple computer can handle graphically, and without taking a performance hit.ip

Can I ask what enb do u use being im looking for one that my laptop cam handle so where ciuld I download that from

Perhaps the authors of this total mod are tired of everybody asking when this will be released, and complaining that it hasn't been released yet, or making a comment that the thread has been quiet all week. For every positive remark and compliment made, there are 2 or 3 times as many complaints, gripes, negative observations and assumptions. Hence they are only communicating amongst themselves mostly.

Somehow any time someone makes a comment, even tho it may just be asking why it's been so quiet, it never fails that you leave some smart a$$ reply.  It couldn't be that some ppl are extremely excited for this mod, that the modders have spent countless hours on.  And it couldn't be that we are very grateful for the work being put in on this mod.  And it couldn't be that we just wanna make sure everything is still going smoothly.  No no, it must be that we are trolls and are griping and complaining that the mod isn't out yet.  So let me clear the air here.  I am grateful to all the hard work being put on this mod and I can't wait to see the end result.  I know it's not easy work and it's time consuming.  So I appreciate everyone who has helped in any way.  I was only asking why it's been so quiet because this topic has stayed very active up until this week.  So thanks scottybilly for taking my comment completely wrong, and you can ignore my comments from now on since you have nothing substantive to add. 

Just a thought, but perhaps if a roster was released that can be played in franchise mode, a lot of the positive and negative comments would decrease.  I think that is the main reason many here are in such high anticipation.  Just a thought.  Forgive me for any sin that I may have committed.

10 minutes ago, tomk30816 said:

Just a thought, but perhaps if a roster was released that can be played in franchise mode, a lot of the positive and negative comments would decrease.  I think that is the main reason many here are in such high anticipation.  Just a thought.  Forgive me for any sin that I may have committed.

You didn't commit any sin but why should they? If this mod was all about a roster and nothing more it would have been released a long time ago.



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