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MLB 2K17 - Mod Preview


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@DaSteelerz I forgot tags worked on this site. Thanks for reminding me bro :D

BTW if you guys have any request for music you'd like to hear during games (yes, the music played by the PA announcer during the game) please give me ideas, cause I have no clue what other songs could be added!

13 minutes ago, LouisvilleLipp said:

Got a question. What can be done about dark skinned players with white arms?  I've noticed that on a couple of hispanic and black players.  BTW this mod will be epic. Thx for all the time and hard work.

Go into the game and edit the players skin color through the GM roster.  If you darken the players color, then it will adjust when you play again.  That's what works for me.  Also sometimes went players are sent to the minors and are recalled their arms tend to lighten up.

55 minutes ago, MLB™ said:

Unas cuantas faces nueva y editada vienen por ahí . por lo menos 8 nuevas 

mlb2k12 3-3-2017 10-05-39 a.m.-676.png

mlb2k12 3-3-2017 10-11-23 a.m.-692.png

mlb2k12 3-3-2017 10-16-35 a.m.-158.png

MLBtm, those cyberface look great, congratulations friend
Especially Pedroia's beard is very good. I was thinking of doing it
But you did it very well, Greetings bro

MLBtm, esas cyberface se ven geniales, felicidades amigo
sobre todo la barba de Pedroia es muy buena. yo pensaba hacerla
pero tu la hiciste muy bien, saludos bro

Here are the cyberface of Andrew Benintendi
Already almost ready, only missing small details

I ask again the favor to PENA1, if you can tell me that number
Of portrait has Benintendi, in the file Roster that you are working.
to also assign the same number of face. Thanks in advance






28 minutes ago, Bostonnico said:

Aquí están los cyberface de Andrew Benintendi
Ya casi listo, solo faltan pequeños detalles

Me pregunto de nuevo el favor de PENA1, si usted me puede decir que el número
de retrato tiene Benintendi, en la Lista de archivos que se está trabajando.
asignar también el mismo número de la cara. Gracias por adelantado






Gracia manin taba quito de la pagina me tenían suspendido por una semana pero ya estamos de vuelta. y a lo que veo a mejorado pila tu calidad en las face duro.

Wow. Thanks for doing this, guys. So will all i need to play this when it is done be a fresh install of 2k12 for pc or will i have to have other mods before this one will work. Also i was wondering if this will all work on windows 10. Thanks again.

I am a 54 year old baseball gamer and I am eagerly awaiting this mod. Thank you to all who are contributing in producing this updated mod. It will be great to enter and play the franchise mode with my favorite team, the Tigers!


On 2/1/2017 at 3:42 AM, pena1 said:

----TOTAL MOD MLB 2k17 ----

We are in this process of working on a Total mod for 2k17!!
There is a lot of work to be done but we are hoping to release around Opening Day!! (around April 2nd)

2k17 MOD will include:
2017 complete roster (at the very least 40 man will be set and hopefully more!)
2017 MiLB Affiliates updated (team names, colors, uniforms)
ALL uniforms updated
2k17 Overlays
HD Stadiums
New Cyberfaces
Updated Accessories Pack

I could always use some help doing legwork for the roster, please msg me directly if you are able to gather information or test the roster. This well help speed up the process!

Play 2k with the COMPLETE 2017 schedule in franchise mode without crashes!  

mlb2k12 2017-02-01 00-24-40-36.jpg

2k17 Overlays are done! 
mlb2k12 2017-01-31 20-31-14-06.jpg

Corey seager should be on the splash screen imo but Odor is my placeholder for now:

mlb2k12 2017-01-31 20-19-38-05.jpg





Does the 2017 roster come with the 2017 schedule? So can I start a franchise beginning with the year 2017 or do I have to use the date swapper? 

19 minutes ago, Romanza313 said:

Does the 2017 roster come with the 2017 schedule? So can I start a franchise beginning with the year 2017 or do I have to use the date swapper? 

It will have the full 2017 schedule but the date thing, as far as I know, is still a work in progress. Pena is testing it to see if it will make the franchise crash or not.


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